Health Care For Wisconsin Immigrants
You or your family may be able to get health care coverage
even if you are not a U.S. citizen or legal resident. You do
not need a sponsor. If you meet all program rules, you may
be able to get health care:
For your children who were born in the U.S.,
If you are a pregnant woman, or
If you have a medical emergency.
Health care for your children who were born in the U.S.
If you have a child(ren) who was born in the U.S. s/he may
be able to get health care, even if you cannot.
Your family will need to apply and meet all the program
rules. Only the child(ren) you are applying for need(s) or
will need to give a Social Security Number.
Emergency Services Plan
The Emergency Services Plan is short term medical coverage
for people who have a medical emergency and cannot get
Badgercare Plus or Medicaid because of immigration or
citizenship status.
A medical emergency is a medical problem which could put
your health at serious risk or harm if you do not get medical
Emergency Services will only pay for emergency services
including labor and delivery costs for pregnant women.
If you are not a U.S. citizen, you and your family may still be able to get help with health care.
Wisconsin Department of Health Services P-10164 (04/10)
BadgerCare Plus Prenatal Plan for pregnant women.
The BadgerCare Plus Prenatal Plan provides health care for
pregnant women who have been denied BadgerCare Plus
because of their immigration or citizenship status.
This program will pay for prenatal care and labor and
delivery. You should apply as soon as your pregnancy has
been verified by your doctor. Your BadgerCare Plus coverage
will end when your pregnancy ends.
If you apply
If you apply for Emergency Services or the BadgerCare Plus
Prenatal Plan you do not have to give a Social Security
If you apply for these plans, no information you give will
be shared with immigration services or law enforcement
How to apply
Apply with your local county or tribal agency by mail, over
the phone or in person.
You can get the address and phone number for your local
agency at
or by calling
Member Services at 1-800-362-3002. They can also send
you an application and answer any questions you may have
about the application or these programs.