Department of Health Care Finance
Uninsured DC Residents Can Apply for Free Health Insurance
District Offers Free Coverage through Medicaid, DC Healthcare Alliance, or Immigrant Children’s
Program Help for Residents Affected by COVID-19
District Offers 3 Public Health Coverage Programs
The District offers three public health coverage programs:
DC Healthcare Alliance (Alliance); and
Immigrant Children’s Program (ICP)
Medicaid is available to low-income District residents that are U.S. citizens or
qualified immigrants and meet all non-financial and financial eligibility
requirements. The Alliance and ICP programs are available to low-income District
residents who are ineligible for Medicaid, regardless of citizenship status. District
residents who experience a loss of income as a result of the COVID-19 public health
emergency should consider applying for these programs for assistance during and
beyond the emergency period.
Non-Financial and Financial Criteria for Health Care Coverage
For most District residents applying for health coverage, eligibility depends on
whether they meet non-financial and income standards. The income limit depends
on a household’s size and qualifying condition and increases based on the size of
the household. Examples of households are provided in the chart below which
indicates figures for calendar year 2021. For more information or income limits for
other household sizes, links for: Medicaid, Alliance, and ICP.
Income Limit
Childless Adults
215% federal poverty level (FPL) up to
$2,307.67/month (individual) or $3,121.08
Alliance (21 and
200% FPL up to $2,146.67/month (individual)
or $2,903.33 (couple)
Aged, Blind, or
Disabled (ABD)
100% FPL up to $1,073 (individual) or $1,452
(couple); Asset Limit of $4,000 (individual) or
$6,000 (couple)
Long Term Care
300% SSI up to $2,382 (individual) or $3,573
(couple); Asset Limit of $4,000 (individual) or
$6,000 (couple)
Children (0-18)
and Pregnant
324% FPL up to $5,929.20/month (household
of 3)
Alliance (21 and
200% FPL up to $3,660/month (household of
3); Asset limit of $4,000 (individual) or $6,000
ICP (0-20)
200% FPL up to $3,660/month (household of
221% FPL- up to $4,044.30/month (household
of 3)
Signing up for Coverage:
Online: Visit or
download the “District First” app in the
Apple or Google Play stores
By Phone: Call the DC Health Link
Customer Service at 1-855-532-5465.
By Mail or Fax: Submit a completed
application from
by fax to 202-671-4400 or by mail to:
Department of Human Services
Economic Security Administration
Case Record Management Unit
P.O. Box 91560
Washington, DC 20090
In-Person: Visit a service center with all
documentation. Service centers are open
7:30-4:45 Monday-Friday. Currently, the
Anacostia, Congress Heights, and H
Street locations are open. For more
information, visit
What Benefits Are Available?
The District’s public health insurance
programs include, at a minimum:
Doctor Visits
Medically necessary transportation
Durable medical equipment
Emergency ambulance services
Hospice services
Laboratory services
Medical supplies
Physician services
Nurse Practitioner services
Alliance (21 and
200% FPL up to $3,660/month (household of
3); Asset limit of $4,000 (individual) or $6,000
For those who have lost work, some income from unemployment insurance is
counted as income for the purposes of Medicaid. However, the Economic Impact
Payment (also known as a stimulus check), enhanced Child Tax Credit, District
enhanced unemployment benefits, and Federal Pandemic Unemployment
Compensation ($600 special unemployment insurance payment) will not count as
income for determining eligibility for most adults.
Long-Term Care, Medicare, and Medical Expenses: You may qualify for Medicaid if
you need long term care services and supports or have high medical bills or expenses.
Medicaid may also be able to assist Medicare beneficiaries in the District with their
premiums for Parts A and B.
Medical Conditions: You may qualify for Medicaid if you have certain medical
conditions and have income under a certain level. These conditions could include
having breast or cervical cancer, children with complex medical conditions, and more.
You May Qualify Based on Categorical Eligibility
Individuals may be qualified for DC Medicaid based on being categorically eligible and
do not need to apply. Individuals receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
payment are automatically eligible for Medicaid, along with individuals under an
Adoption Assistance Agreement, in District foster care under the care and custody of
Child and Family Services Agency (CFSA), and former foster care youth are also
considered categorically eligible.
Medicaid Extension for Those Already Enrolled
If you were enrolled in Medicaid on March 1, 2020 or have enrolled in Medicaid since
March 1, 2020, then your eligibility has been automatically extended during the federal Public Health Emergency (PHE). For
those enrolled in Alliance or ICP, the District’s PHE ended on July 25, 2021. Therefore, if your Alliance or ICP renewal was
due and you have been contacted to submit renewal forms, please complete and return your renewal. If you have
questions regarding your renewal due date, please contact the DHS Call Center.
Call the DHS Call Center Main Line: 202-727-5355
Web Portal:
District Direct app: