Tuition Waiver Program
Dependent Certification Form
Student Information
This form is used only for eligible dependents. Dependent children refers to unmarried sons, daughters,
stepchildren and legally adopted children of the employee or domestic partner claimed as dependents on
the most recent federal tax return. (A Domestic Partner Certification Form must be on file with Human
Resources). Dependent children must remain as dependents during their entire course of study. This form
should be submitted each time a Tuition Waiver Form is submitted.
In accordance with the Northeastern University Tuition Waiver Program Guidelines, I hereby certify that the
student named below is:
My unmarried son, daughter, stepchild, or legally adopted child and this student was claimed as a
dependent on my most recent federal tax return.
The unmarried son, daughter, stepchild, or legally adopted child of my domestic partner and this student
was claimed as a dependent on the most recent federal tax return of my domestic partner. A
Domestic Partner Certification Form must be on file with Human Resources
My unmarried son, daughter, stepchild, or legally adopted child who otherwise meets the definition of
dependent, but who is not listed as a dependent on my most recent federal tax return due to a domestic
relations order.
Dependent children must remain as dependents during their entire course of study. Once a dependent
reaches age 24, you will be required to submit a copy of your most recent federal tax return verifying
the dependent status of this student each time a Tuition Waiver Form is submitted.
Upon request, I agree to provide a copy of the most federal tax return verifying the dependent status of
this student to HR (Benefits), or, if applicable, a copy of the domestic relations order verifying the
dependent status of the student. I also certify that I have read the Tuition Waiver Program Guidelines.
______________________________________________ _______________________
Employee’s Signature Date
Academic term: _________________________________ Academic Year: ______________
(Fall, Winter, Spring, or Summer)
Student’s Name: ________________________________ Student’s NUID: ______________
Student’s Date of Birth: ___________________________
Employee’s Name: _______________________________ Employee’s NUID: _________________
Department: _________________________ Phone Number: ___________________
Forms will be reviewed for completeness and eligibility. You will be notified if any additional information is
needed. Mail completed Dependent Certification Form and Tuition Waiver Form to Human Resources
250 Columbus Place or fax to 617-373-7610. All waivers must be received by HR within 30
days of the course start date.