Scholarship Award Guidelines & Conditions
You received this award in recognition of your outstanding academic achievement and it reflects our
expectation of your continued academic success at Northeastern. Below are the guidelines governing your
scholarship. Other guidelines from your college, department, or program of acceptance may also apply.
Your scholarship provides funds that will cover the specified amount of your tuition reflected on your
official scholarship offer letter, applicable only while you are attending classes as a Northeastern
University student and while you meet the enrollment requirements of your program of acceptance.
The award will be applied to your student bill, not to exceed the minimum required credit hours to
graduate in your program of study. This funding will be applied only to tuition expenses and does not
cover fees, NUSHP, or other.
To continue your scholarship after the first year, you will need to remain in good academic status and
maintain the minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) as outlined by your college. You will also
need to remain continually enrolled each term during the tenure of this scholarship (with no more than
one noncredit term). Your GPA will be reviewed at the end of each semester. The scholarship will be
canceled if you fail to attain the minimum required GPA.
You will need to enroll in the academic term to which you were admitted. An enrollment deferral may
result in a canceled scholarship, although you may be reconsidered for a scholarship later.
If you require a leave of absence, and your leave exceeds one year, you will forfeit your scholarship.
Other types of withdrawal from the university, whether by your choice or through university action, will
result in the forfeiture of the scholarship for all future semesters.
If you receive the full tuition benefit of the Northeastern Faculty/Staff Tuition Waiver, or any other full
tuition benefit from outside the university, you are not eligible for an additional scholarship or grant
funds from the university, including this scholarship. If you receive a part-time benefit, you are eligible
for university funds up to the total cost of tuition, including the Tuition Waiver.
If you receive additional scholarship assistance from outside or within the university, you are required to
report it to your financial aid counselor. You are entitled to receive these funds to cover the difference
between the estimated cost of attendance, less your scholarship amount, and any other financial aid.
Additional scholarship funds over this amount may reduce this award.
Appeal process: If you lose the scholarship for academic or other reasons, an appeal can be submitted,
in writing, explaining the special circumstances to be considered. Appeals will be reviewed on a case-by-
case basis by the Scholarship Appeals Committee. All decisions are final.
If you receive an additional scholarship or grant assistance from university funds, your scholarship will
be reduced by the amount of the grant(s) or scholarship(s). You can find important information about
the financial aid process on the Northeastern University Student Financial Aid website. If you qualify for
need-based financial aid in addition to the merit scholarship you have been offered, the University’s
Student Financial Services office will notify you by mail with a revised award letter.
Northeastern University administration reserves the right to make changes to these guidelines without