165TH Commencement
Tufts University
Sunday, May 23, 2021
School of Arts and Sciences
School of Engineering
School of Medicine and
Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
School of Dental Medicine
The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy
Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine
The Gerald J. and Dorothy R. Friedman
School of Nutrition Science and Policy
Jonathan M. Tisch College of Civic Life
University College
Produced by Tufts Communications and Marketing
Printed on recycled paper
Table of Contents
Welcome from the President 5
University Commencement 7
Dear Alma Mater 10
Tuftonia’s Day
Academic Mace
Academic Regalia
Recipients of Honorary Degrees 11
School of Arts and Sciences 15
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
School of Engineering
School of Medicine 43
Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences 48
Public Health and Professional Degree Programs 52
School of Dental Medicine 59
The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy 67
Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine 73
The Gerald J. and Dorothy R. Friedman 79
School of Nutrition Science and Policy
Jonathan M. Tisch College of Civic Life 83
Welcome from the President
Commencement is the high point of the academic year and has always been a special day at Tus.
While this year’s virtual celebration makes us less anxious about the weather forecast, this moment is no less
extraordinary and no less distinguished.
Aer a period of rigorous study, intellectual pursuit, and personal growth, our students stand ready to graduate
from their respective academic programs and this great university. Today, we celebrate their achievements and
recognize all those who have helped make this day possible.
I do not need to remind you of the challenges this past year has brought for our graduates. They have navigated
changing guidelines and varied forms of instruction. They have practiced personal discipline amidst restrictive
recommendations. And they have overcome bouts of emotional and mental fatigue and loneliness. All of
our graduates have also experienced some form of loss. However, through it all, they have shown grace and
resilience that have led to the triumph of this day.
As we confer their degrees today, it is important to recognize the role of all those who have supported these
students to reach this moment of success during this particularly trying year. The family members, friends,
faculty, and sta who have all worked together to ensure that these graduates were well-equipped to address
the myriad challenges in their path, not only this past year but during their entire time at Tus, deserve our
thanks and appreciation.
Today’s graduates arrived at Tus with diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences. As they pursued
rigorous courses of study, they also acted as agents of social change who have le their mark on this university
and will undoubtedly leave their mark on our society soon aer they have departed our campuses.
Finally, I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge the high standards today’s graduates have set during
their time at Tus. Their resourcefulness in navigating unforeseen circumstances, caring for and liing each
other up, and ghting for the rights of all those who are marginalized in our society have set the bar high for
future generations of students. We are proud of you and how you have lived your lives as members of the
Tus community.
Congratulations to our graduates. I wish all of you the very best and look forward to welcoming you back on
campus as alumni.
Anthony P. Monaco
Class Year Abbreviations
A College of Liberal Arts
D School of Dental Medicine
DG Dental Certificate Master’s Degree
E School of Engineering
F Fletcher School
G Graduate Degree
H Honorary Degree
J Jackson College
M School of Medicine
GBS Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
SMFA School of the Museum of Fine Arts
N Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy
P Parent of Student
V Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine
University Commencement
University Commencement
Order of Events
Welcome Florina S. Tseng, Associate Dean for Diversity, Inclusion, Equity, and Climate at
Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine and Commencement Presenter
National Anthem Asha Iyer A21
Invocation The Reverend Elyse Nelson Winger, University Chaplain
Opening Remarks Anthony P. Monaco, President of the University
Conferring of Honorary Degrees Anthony P. Monaco, President of the University
Recipients of Honorary Degrees Maria B. Barrett, Doctor of Public Service
William Bazeyo, Doctor of Science
Stacey B. Gabriel, Doctor of Science
Bryan Stevenson, Doctor of Law
Hamdi Ulukaya, Doctor of Humane Letters
Ofelia Zepeda, Doctor of Letters
The Commencement Address Bryan Stevenson
Recipients of Dean Emeritus Certificates Jeswald Salacuse, The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy
Huw Thomas, School of Dental Medicine
Recipients of Emeritus/a Certificates Michael Jacob Barza, School of Medicine
Cristelle Baskins, School of Arts and Sciences
Jay Cantor, School of Arts and Sciences
Richard A. Chechile, School of Arts and Sciences
In Sup Choi, School of Medicine
Mark S. Drapkin, School of Medicine
David Henry Feldman, School of Arts and Sciences
Juliet A. Fuhrman, School of Arts and Sciences
Roger B. Galburt, School of Dental Medicine
Kanchan M. Ganda, School of Dental Medicine
Eva Hoffman, School of Arts and Sciences
Alan S. Kopin, School of Medicine
David Locke, School of Arts and Sciences
Steven Luz-Alterman, School of Arts and Sciences
Noshir Mehta, School of Dental Medicine
Lee S. Perrin, School of Medicine
Robert Pfaltzgraff, The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy
Charles H. Rankin III, School of Dental Medicine
Ann Barclay Rappaport, School of Arts and Sciences
Marta Rosso-O’Laughlin, School of Arts and Sciences
John Michael Schulz, School of Arts and Sciences
Sandra Stark, School of Arts and Sciences
Robert Stolow, School of Arts and Sciences
Jonathan M. Wilson, School of Arts and Sciences
University Commencement
Order of Events
Recognition of Honos Civicus Inductees Nadine Aubry, Provost and Senior Vice President
Conferring of Degrees in Course Nadine Aubry, Provost and Senior Vice President
Peter R. Dolan, Chairman, Board of Trustees
Remarks Peter R. Dolan, Chairman, Board of Trustees
Closing Anthony P. Monaco, President of the University
Benediction Imam Abdul-Malik Merchant, Muslim Chaplain
University Commencement
Dear Alma Mater
Leo R. Lewis A1887
We con beside thy knee,
Dear Alma Mater,
Earth’s book of mystery,
Dear Alma Mater,
We track the storied past,
Dear Alma Mater,
Over plains of learning vast,
Dear Alma Mater,
Speed on thy sunlit way,
Dear Alma Mater,
We vow new faith today,
Dear Alma Mater!
May glory light thy name,
Dear Alma Mater,
All thy children sing thy fame,
Dear Alma Mater, for aye!
Tuftonia’s Day
Elliot Wright Hayes A1916
Steady and true, rush along, Brown and Blue.
Raise a mighty score today.
Fearless tear down the field and never yield!
Brown and Blue, Brown and Blue for aye!
Hammer them hard, boys, and break through their guard.
That is old Tuftonia’s way.
And our glorious banner once again will wave oer
Tuftonia’s Day.
T-u-f-t-s, T-u-f-t-s, Hurrah! Hurrah! for dear old Brown
and Blue!
Up on the Hill tonight all will be gay.
Victorious in the fight, we’ll raise the standard of dear old
Tufts to glory!
Pile up a mighty score.
It’s bound to soar.
Now one goal more!
Nothing can stop us; it’s Tuftonias Day.
Academic Mace
Ceremonial maces were originally carried as a symbol of royal
authority, dating back to the Middle Ages. The academic mace
is a symbol of the authority invested in the president by the
university’s governing body. Tufts’ mace is adorned with a
medallion engraved with the official seal of the university and
is carried before the president in academic processions in
formal ceremonies such as commencement and inaugurations.
The mahogany stand displaying the mace was designed and
built by students from Medford Vocational Technical High
School and was presented to President Monaco in April 2015.
Academic Regalia
Traditional academic regalia has been worn by the Tufts faculty
since the Commencement of 1906. The gown for the bachelor’s
degree has pointed sleeves and is designed to be worn closed.
The master’s gown has elbow-length, pointed sleeves; the
doctor’s gown has bell-shaped sleeves; both may be worn open
or closed. The doctor’s gown is faced, and the sleeves are
trimmed with velvet. By its color and arrangement, the hood
worn with the gown indicates the wearer’s highest advanced
degree, the field in which it was awarded, and the school from
which it came. The lining of the hood carries the school’s colors,
brown and blue in the case of Tufts. The velvet edging on the
hood, wider for the doctor’s degree than for the master’s degree,
signifies by its color the field in which the degree was designated.
Master of science and doctor of science hoods are trimmed
in yellow; Engineering in orange; Medicine in green; Dental
Medicine in lilac; Doctor of Philosophy in blue; and Veterinary
Medicine in gray. The mortarboard or Oxford-type cap is the
one usually worn, but of late, the soft cap, which resembles
an oversized beret, has come into favor because of its comfort.
Tassels, other than the universally accepted black, may indicate
by the various colors the field of learning in which the degree
is earned, while the gold tassel generally signifies a doctoral
degree. Many foreign universities show great diversity, following
traditions that extend back for centuries.
Recipients of Honorary Degrees
With a distinguished career in service to country that
began during her years as an undergraduate student on
the Hill, Major General MARIA B. BARRETT, J88, is
today the commanding general of the U.S. Army Network
Enterprise Technology Command (NETCOM) at Fort
Huachuca, Arizona, where her organization secures,
operates, and defends the U.S. Armys global enterprise
networks. Her keen understanding of military tactics and
her expertise in communications ensure information
superiority and freedom of access to the network in all
phases of military operations.
Barrett began her military career as a second lieutenant
in Tufts Universitys Army ROTC program. She served
in the Gulf War as a first lieutenant and platoon leader.
She also served in both Kuwait, as a colonel in support
of Operation Iraqi Resolve, as well as in the war in
Afghanistan.Promoted in 2015 to brigadier general,
she joined the Army Cyber Command, where she was
responsible for Department of Defense information
networks, militarycyberspace operations, and U.S.
freedom of action in cyberspace.
A recipient of the Bronze Star Medal, the Defense
Superior Service Medal, and the Legion of Merit, Barrett
has earned numerous decorations and awards. In addition
to her bachelor of arts degree in international relations
from Tufts, she also holds a master of science degree in
national resource strategy from Industrial College of the
Armed Forces (now the Dwight D. Eisenhower School for
National Security and Resource Strategy), and a master
of arts degree in telecommunications management from
Webster University.
In a milestone for the U.S. Army, Barrett and her sister,
Brigadier General Paula Lodi, have been recognized by the
Army as the first pair of sisters in the history of the service
to become generals.
Barrett will receive an honorary Doctor of Public
Service degree.
Physician, medical researcher, and academician
WILLIAM BAZEYO is a tireless advocate for
interdisciplinary One Health education in Africa. As
professor of occupational medicine at Uganda’s Makerere
University, he has served the university in a variety of
roles over the years, including as deputy vice chancellor
and dean of the school of public health.
Bazeyo brings expertise to bear on tackling the most
daunting challenges in his nation and region. He has
contributed his innovative leadership to One Health
initiatives across central and eastern Africa and to the
support of government efforts to control tobacco use.
Beneficiaries of his efforts include ResilientAfrica Network,
which leverages science and technology to strengthen the
resilience of African communities against natural and
manmade stresses, and the Monitoring and Evaluation
Technical Support Program, which employs an evidence-
based approach as part of Uganda’s response to HIV.
Bazeyo’s work has been funded by USAID, the Centers
for Disease Control, and the Bill and Melinda Gates
Foundation, among others.
Bazeyo is also active globally, including playing a
critical role in Strategies to Prevent Spillover, a five-year
program led by Tufts to strengthen institutions in countries
across Africa and Asia as they curb the risk and spread of
zoonotic spillover. Most recently, Bazeyo was a member of
the team of Ugandan scientists who invented a homemade
COVID-19 rapid-testing kit, now being used in schools and
hard-to-reach parts of the country.
He also chairs several professional boards and
committees both in Uganda and regionally, including
Uganda’s National Research and Innovation Fund under
the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation.
He is a recipient of Uganda’s highest civilian honor, the
Gold Medal.
Bazeyo holds a bachelor of medicine and bachelor
of surgery degree from Makerere University, a master of
medicine degree with a specialty in occupational health
from the National University of Singapore, and a Ph.D.
from Atlantic International University.
Bazeyo will receive an honorary Doctor of Science degree.
STACEY B. GABRIEL is pushing the boundaries of
the genomic frontier as senior director of the Genomics
Platform at Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard. Under her
far-sighted guidance, the Genomics Platform is one of the
largest gene-sequencing centers in the world as it explores
and defines the future of genomics technology. Her early
work provided foundational research for the International
HapMap Project, which created a map of the human
genome by haplotype (that is, by groups of genes inherited
together from a single parent).
A major focus of her research is using genomic techniques
to understand the genetic basis of common diseases. She
has served on the steering committee for the 1000 Genomes
Project, the worlds largest public catalog of human variation
Recipients of Honorary Degrees
and genotype data; the landmark Cancer Genome Atlas;
and the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute’s TOPMed
program, which targets disease treatments tailored to an
individual’s unique genes and environment.
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Gabriel
developed and executed the viral diagnostic effort of the
Broad Institute. Under her leadership, the lab rapidly
became the largest testing lab in New England, and one
that also contributes substantially to testing numbers for
the entire nation. Tufts is one of the many communities
that has benefited from the lab’s robust testing output,
allowing for enhanced infection-rate monitoring and
keeping transmission numbers low. For having helped to
set a new standard for COVID-19 testing, she was named
by The Boston Globe in 2020 as a “Bostonian of the Year.
Gabriel has been recognized by Clarivate Analytics
six years in a row as one of the world's most highly cited
scientists in molecular biology and genetics. She received
a bachelor of science in molecular biology from Carnegie
Mellon University and a Ph.D. in human genetics from Case
Western Reserve University.
Gabriel will receive an honorary Doctor of Science degree.
A widely acclaimed public interest lawyer, BRYAN
STEVENSON has dedicated his career to helping
the poor, the incarcerated, and the condemned. He
is the founder and executive director of the Equal
Justice Initiative (EJI), a human rights organization in
Montgomery, Alabama. Under his leadership, EJI has won
major legal challenges eliminating excessive and unfair
sentencing, exonerating innocent death row prisoners,
confronting abuse of the incarcerated and the mentally ill,
and aiding children prosecuted as adults.
Stevenson found his calling while a student at Harvard
Law School when he worked for Stephen Bright’s Southern
Center for Human Rights, which provides representation
for death row inmates throughout the American south.
He joined the Atlanta-based center full-time upon his
Harvard graduation in 1985. In 1989, he moved to Alabama
to run a branch of the center in Montgomery, which would
become EJI.
At the time of EJI’s founding, Alabama was the only
state that did not provide legal assistance to people on death
row, and still has no statewide public defender program.
The cause of people sentenced to the death penalty became
more dire in 1995 after Congress eliminated funding for
death-penalty defense for lower-income people. Through
EJI, Stevenson guaranteed a defense to anyone in Alabama
sentenced to the death penalty.
Stevenson has argued and won multiple cases at the
United States Supreme Court, including a 2019 ruling
protecting condemned prisoners who suffer from dementia
and a landmark 2012 ruling that banned mandatory life-
imprisonment-without-parole sentences for all children 17
or younger. He and his staff have won reversals, relief, or
release from prison for more than 135 wrongly condemned
prisoners on death row and won relief for hundreds of
others wrongly convicted or unfairly sentenced.
Dedicated to anti-poverty and anti-discrimination
efforts, Stevenson led the creation of two highly acclaimed
cultural sites that opened in 2018 in Montgomery: the
Legacy Museum and the National Memorial for Peace
and Justice. These new national landmark institutions
chronicle the legacy of slavery, lynching, and racial
segregation, and the connection to mass incarceration and
contemporary issues of racial bias.
A MacArthur Foundation “Genius” Prize recipient,
Stevenson has received numerous awards and medals for his
work in civil rights and international human rights. He was
inducted into the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in
2014 and won the Lannan Cultural Freedom Prize, which is
awarded for a lifetime of remarkable achievement.
He is the author of the critically acclaimed New York
Times bestseller,Just Mercy, which was recently adapted as
a major motion picture. A graduate of Harvard Law School
and the Harvard Kennedy School, Stevenson is also a
professor of law at the New York University School of Law.
Stevenson will receive an honorary Doctor of Laws degree.
Raised in a dairy-farming family in a small village in
eastern Turkey, HAMDI ULUKAYA is the founder and
CEO of Chobani. In fewer than five years of its founding,
Chobani became the top-selling Greek yogurt brand in the
United States—and an organization that has been lauded as
a “Change the World” company by Forbes. Other honors for
the company include a Salute to Greatness Award by The
Martin Luther King Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change
and its having been named one of the Best Places to Work
for LGBTQ Equality by the Human Rights Campaign.
Ulukaya has a vision for industry leadership imbued
with compassion and humanitarianism. From the
beginning, Chobani has donated a portion of its profits to
charitable causes, many of them in Idaho and New York,
where its products are made. A champion of reducing
Recipients of Honorary Degrees
income and wealth inequality nationwide, Ulukaya raised
the starting hourly wage to at least $15 an hour—more
than double the federal minimum wage. He also took the
rare step in manufacturing of instituting a six-week, fully
paid parental leave program for all mothers and fathers
employed by the company.
In 2016, Ulukaya launched the Chobani Food
Incubator to mentor and support socially responsible
food entrepreneurs and further the companys commitment
to food accessibility. Ulukaya also founded the Tent
Partnership for Refugees to mobilize the private sector
to improve the lives and livelihoods of the more than
25 million refugees around the globe. He also signed the
Giving Pledge and committed the majority of his personal
wealth to the cause. For these efforts, he was named an
Eminent Advocate by the United Nations Refugee Agency
and received the United Nations Foundation Global
Leadership Award, among other honors.
Ulukaya sits on the board of Catalyst, a nonprofit
dedicated to building inclusive workplaces for women
and is a member of B Team, a collective of global leaders
working to inspire dialogue and business action for
a fairer, greener, and more human economy. An avid
fan of independent films and the Turkish soccer team
Fenerbahce, Ulukaya lives in New Berlin, New York.
Ulukaya will receive an honorary Doctor of Humane
Letters degree.
A member of the Tohono O’odham Nation, educator and
activist OFELIA ZEPEDA has dedicated her career to
the preservation of O’odham (the language spoken by
the Tohono O’odham, Akimel O’odham, and Hia C-ed
O’odham) and its culture. She co-founded and directs the
American Indian Language Development Institute at the
University of Arizona, where she is a Regents’ Professor
of Linguistics. Through the institute, Zepeda has worked
with more than 2,000 students—Native American language
educators, researchers, advocates, and activists, most of
whom return to their tribal communities.
A powerful voice for the reclamation and preservation of
Indigenous tongues and for ensuring the rights of Indigenous
peoples to speak their languages, Zepeda was nominated
to serve on the international taskforce for the UNESCO
International Decade of Indigenous Languages (20222032),
as the group’s sole representative for the Indigenous people
of the United States. Her advocacy is credited as helping
drive forward the Native American Languages Act of 1990,
a law that has inspired others to revitalize and support
Indigenous languages around the world.
For a lifetime of work devoted to education about,
maintenance of, and recovery of languages belonging
to Indigenous people, she has been awarded a
MacArthur Fellowship.
Zepeda is the author of three books of poetry: Ocean
Power: Poems from the Desert, Jewed I-Hoi/Earth Movements,
and Where Clouds Are Formed. She also wrote Tohono
O’odham Grammar and co-edited Home Places, a celebration
of 20 years of publication of the Sun Tracks series, a book
series publishing Native American authors. Her poems
and essays have appeared in numerous anthologies and
journals, and her work was recently published in When the
Light of the World Was Subdued, Our Songs Came Through,
edited by U.S. Poet Laureate Joy Harjo.
Zepeda will receive an honorary Doctor of Letters degree.
School of Arts and Sciences
School of Engineering
School of Arts and Sciences
Order of Events
Opening Remarks Samuel W. Thomas, Dean of Academic Affairs for Arts and Sciences and Professor
of Chemistry
Recognition of Graduates James M. Glaser, Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences and Professor of
Political Science
Nancy Bauer, Dean of the School of the Museum of Fine Arts at Tufts, Dean of
Academic Affairs for Arts and Sciences, and Professor of Philosophy
Robert Cook, Dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Dean of Research
for Arts and Sciences, Dean of Academic Affairs for Arts and Sciences, and
Professor of Psychology
Closing Remarks rbara Brizuela, Dean of Academic Affairs for Arts and Sciences and Professor
of Education
Department and program ceremonies and presentation of degrees will follow.
School of Engineering Undergraduate Programs
Order of Events
Master of Ceremonies Chris Swan, Dean of Undergraduate Education and Associate Professor of
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Greetings Jianmin Qu, Dean and Karol Family Professor
Remarks Jeannie Diefenderfer, E84, University Trustee and Member of the Engineering
Board of Advisors, Founder & CEO, courageNpurpose, LLC
Closing Remarks Jianmin Qu, Dean and Karol Family Professor
Conclusion Chris Swan, Dean of Undergraduate Education and Associate Professor of
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Department ceremonies and presentation of undergraduate degrees will follow.
School of Engineering Graduate Programs
Order of Events
Mistress of Ceremonies/Opening Remarks Karen Panetta, Dean of Graduate Education and Professor of Electrical and
Computer Engineering
Greetings Jianmin Qu, Dean and Karol Family Professor
Remarks David Rosowsky, E85, EG87, Member of the Engineering Board of Advisors,
Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Former Provost and
Senior Vice President, University of Vermont
Closing Remarks Karen Panetta, Dean of Graduate Education and Professor of Electrical and
Computer Engineering
Department ceremonies and presentation of graduate degrees will follow.
School of Arts and Sciences and School of Engineering
Undergraduate Awards and Department Prizes
Competitive Prizes
The Phyllis Karno Dean’s
Award for Leadership and
Academic Excellence
Sophia Beatriz Salomao
Costa A23
Layla F. Sastry A23
Deepti Srinivasan E23
The Martin Guterman
Kevin D. Tang A24
The Theresa McDermott
Carzo Award
Norma Mateo A21
The Resumed Education
for Adult Learners
Prize Scholarship
Rachel E. Callahan A21
The Gregory H. Arabian,
A54 Air Force Prize Fund
Julia M. Graham A22
The Army ROTC
Prize Award
Andrew DelBrocco A22
Isabella R. McKinney A22
The Navy V-12/NROTC
Memorial Prize
Colin J. Seeley E21
The Anne E. Borghesani
Memorial Prize
Jessica C. Ding A22
Adam C. Foster A22
Amith T. Galivanche A22
Yumei A. Lin A22
The Marshall Hochhauser
Memorial Prize
Christopher T. Panella A21
Saherish S. Surani A21
The Wendell Phillips
Memorial Award
Atrey Bhargava A21
The Nadia Medina Prize
Devina A. Bhalla A22
Cameron J. Cummings A21
The Elizabeth Verveer
Tishler Prize in Music
Eric Zaks E23
General Prizes
and Scholarships
The Alpha Omicron Pi
Prize Scholarship
Jesse L. Ryan A21
The Alpha Xi Delta Prize
Shannon R. Cloherty A22
The Association of Tus
Alumnae Seventy-Fih
Anniversary Award
Vivian E. Kim A21
The Bennett Memorial
Zackary B. Dresens E22
The Benjamin G. Brown
Victor I. Arsenescu A22
Alyssa M. Blaise A21
Anirban Chakraborty A21
Jenna C. Fromer E21
Yiwen Jiang E21
Erin L. Soule-Albridge E21
The Gemma Cifarelli
Memorial Scholarship
Kamar D. Godoy E22
Claudia J. Guetta A22
Linnea M. Otto A22
The Prize Scholarship of
the Class of 1882
Ayden J. Crosby A21
Iverson J. Eliopoulos A21
Abigail E. Wilson E21
The Class of 1898 Prizes
Jason E. Getzler A21
Sithya Lach A21
Adam R. Lipson E21
Anderson Zuo A21
The Class of 1911
Prize Scholarships
Rachel M. Breslau A21
Sadhya Garg A21
Sonia C. Groeneveld A21
Ethan A. Isenman A21
Philip R. Miljanic E21
Grace C. van Deelen A21
The Class of 1942
Prize Scholarship
Mikayla K. Barreiro A21
Jenna E. Clark A21
Allison E. Culbert A21
Daniel G. Pascal E21
Jonathan Rodriguez A21
Kai Y. Smith A21
The Community
Service Award
Ana Brasil A21
The Donald A. Cowdery
Memorial Scholarship
Joshua E. Clarkson A21
Sharif Hamidi A21
Sophie A. Lloyd E21
Christian M. Senecal A22
Sarah R. Wiener A21
Michael T. Wilkinson A21
The De Florez Prize in
Human Engineering
Aiden Lewis E21
Krista E. Taylor A21
Muhammad Umair E21
The Diversity, Equity,
Inclusion, and Justice
Service Award
Kareal K. Amenumey A21
The Alex Elias Memorial
Prize Scholarship
Julian J. Batt E21
Scarlet R. Bliss A21
Eoghan B. Downey A22
Hannah M. Isenhart A21
John Steven LaLime Jr. A21
Rosanna M. Vitiello A21
The Frederick M. and
Dorie Ellis Prize
Xinjie Chen E22
Harris H. Hardiman-Mostow E21
Colette B. Smith A22
Boris Sorkin A21
Catherine E. Urquhart A22
The Ivan Galantic
Special Achievement in
Humanities Prize
Bizaye T. Banjaw A24
Ruby Belle Booth A21
Aidan J. Demsky A21
The Audrey Butvay Gruss
Science Award
Anju Ishizaki A22
Samantha M. Livermore A21
Meghan L. Mulvey A21
Meredith G. Sherman A21
Olivia M. Steiner A21
The Audrey Hale Prize
Maya Velasquez A21
The Ethel M. Hayes
Michael L. Booth A22
Patrick Song E21
The Lewis F. Manly
Memorial Prize
Vincent J. Avallone A21
The Lt. Commander
Robert James Manning
Memorial Prize
James A. Cameron E21
Emma C. Downey E22
Matthew Stout E21
The Ellen C. Myers
Memorial Prize
Mark Beckwith A22
Vy B. Ngetich A21
The Class of 1947 Victor
Prather Prize
Jordan R. Bricknell A21
Jacob P. Sunnerberg A21
Katya P. Thorup E21
Gian Marco Visani A21
The Pride on the Hill Award
Hasan M. Khan A22
Jo Michael Rezes G3
School of Arts and Sciences and School of Engineering
Undergraduate Awards and Department Prizes
The Charles F. Seymour Jr.
Taite R. Pierson A21
Mary L. Reynolds A21
The Philip E. A. Sheridan,
M.D., Prize
Maxwell H. Kaye A21
The Tus University
Alumni Association Award
Nikki I. Ziebelman A21
School of Arts
and Sciences
The Department of
Anthropology Prize
Isabel W. Rosenbaum A21
The Marianne J. H.
Witherby Prize in
Amelia B. Parrish A21
The Department of Art
and Architecture
The Architectural
Studies Prize
Ayden J. Crosby A21
The Art & Art History Prize
Sung-Min Kim A21
The Thomas Harrison
Carmichael and Emily
Leonard Carmichael Prize
Nina C. Benites A21
Emily S. Taketa A21
Hannah Yin A21
The Anna Quincy Churchill
Prize in General Biology
Samuel E. Maddams A24
Carolina Ana Teixeira Salgado
Pinto Lopes A23
The Lily Glidden Award
Juliette E. Nye VG
Mary B. Turnage VG
The Paula Frazier
Poskitt Scholarship
Hannah J. Kerber A22
The R. M. Karapeto Cobb
Chemistry Fund
Carina M. Carlos A22
Juliana G. Kressler A22
Tara N. Lowensohn A22
The Durkee Scholarships
Jordan R. Bricknell A21
Cassandra N. Cancemi A21
Cameron J. Cummings A21
Olivia A. Hofheinz A21
Meghan L. Mulvey A21
The Margaret Durkee
Angell and Henrietta
Brown Durkee
Scholarship Fund
Carolyn J. Hitelman A21
Olivia M. Steiner A21
The Max Tishler
Prize Scholarship
Andrea X. Foo A22
Tara N. Lowensohn A22
Kevin J. Schult A22
Child Development
The Eliot-Pearson
Department of Child
Development Prize
Julian H. Balkcom A21
Elon F. Perry-Stiner A21
The William Frank
Wyatt Prize
Katrina N. Hotaling A23
The John & Katherine
Zarker Excellence in
Classical Prize
Grace W. Duisberg A21
Community Health
The Endowed Janice
Spencer Calkin Community
Health Award
Iman Ali A22
Florence C. Almeda A22
Natalie C. Eckert A22
Computer Science
The James Schmolze Prize
for Excellence in Computer
Keisha M. Mukasa A21
Earth & Ocean Sciences
The James Hume Field
Geology Prize
Eliot Stein A21
Emma P. Tombaugh A21
The Robert L. Nichols
Scholarship Prize
Hanh-Tu E. Do A22
Rose M. Malanga A22
The Charles E. Stearns
Lara K. Williams A22
The Charles G. Bluhdorn
Prize in Economics
Eleanor L. Jenke A21
The Marion Ricker Houston
Prize Scholarship
Yiyun Ma A21
Elias N. Sekkal A21
The Daniel Ounjian Prize
in Economics
Junxing Gu A22
Russell Enshen Yip A22
The Mary Grant Charles
Anne M. Savage A22
The Morton N. Cohen
Creative Writing Award
Kayleigh N. Ford A21
Claire E. Fraise A21
The Department Of
English Prize
Stephanie S. Hoechst A21
Brittany E. Regas A21
Environmental Studies
The Nancy W. Anderson
Award for Environmental
Christine E. Lee A21
Daughters of the Revolution
Prize Scholarship
Phoebe A. Sargeant A21
The Albert H. Imlah
European History Prize
Mikayla Katarina Barreiro A21
John Steven LaLime Jr. A21
The Albert H. Imlah
Excellence in History Prize
Deena Bhanarai A21
Theodosia Catsiapis A21
The Russell E. Miller
History Prize
Ruby Belle Booth A21
Amy Tong A21
International Literary
and Cultural Studies
The Arabic Language,
Culture and Literature Prize
Meher M. Khatwani A22
Emily M. Mitrione A21
Isabel W. Rosenbaum A21
The Robert Asch Award
Temple S. Miller-Hodgkin A22
The Chinese Program
Alumni Prize
Brendan F. Brennan A21
Mitch Choi A21
Jeremy D. Silverman A21
The Chinese Language
and Literature Prize
Tiffany Wu A21
The Susan Feigenbaum
Memorial Prize in Judaic
Eva Bibas M22
The International Literary
and Visual Studies Prize
Eilha C. Silveira-
Charbonnier A21
Rosa Stern Pait A21
The Pauline and Peter
Kozachok Prize Fund
Paige P. Morss A21
Nadiezhda Slater A21
School of Arts and Sciences and School of Engineering
Undergraduate Awards and Department Prizes
The William Howell Reed
Prize in German
Lauren Labell A21
Emily Nicole Lazorchak A21
The Russian Prize
Mykhaylo Chumak A21
Shershah A. Khan A21
The Joseph & Sara Stone
Dana L. Baxter A21
Joshua D. Shaked A21
The Ralph S. Kaye
Memorial Prize
Harris H. Hardiman-
Mostow E21
The Mabel Daniels Prize
in Music and Literature
Mary L. Reynolds A21
The Outstanding
Achievement Award in the
Department of Music
Iverson J. Eliopoulos A21
Amelia H. Hern A21
The Etta and Harry Winokur
Award for Outstanding
Achievement in Artistic or
Scholarly Work
Daniel H. Berkowitz A21
Nicholas J. Glenister A21
Samuel Graber-Hahn A21
The Etta and Harry
Winokur Award for
Outstanding Contribution
to Performance
Julia A. Moss A21
Evan B. Zigmond A21
The Helen Morris
Cartwright Memorial Prize
Feng Cheng A21
Fady A. Gemayel A21
The Amos Emerson Dolbear
Bayley E. Cornish A21
The N. Hobbs Knight Prize
Scholarship in Physics
Theodore O. Pena A21
Reed D. Spitzer A22
The Howard Sample Prize
Fund in Physics
Khaled Ajaj E23
Seixas O. Aldrich E23
Brigid M. Barrick E23
Miles E. Izydorczak A22
Sofia A. Levy E22
Hannah W. Magoon E23
Zachary R. Osman E23
Sholke Sahay E23
Kevin J. Schult A22
Mary-Joy I. Sidhom A23
Patrick Song E21
Deepti Srinivasan E23
Brandon C. Sun E23
Finn I. Tekverk E23
Matthew Vivian A23
John K. Youssef A23
Nicolo B. Zucchi E23
Political Science
The James Vance Elliott
Political Science Prize
Tys M. Sweeney A21
The Class of 1921 Leonard
Carmichael Prize
Scholarship Fund
Thomas J. Felt E22
Elizabeth C. Kenneally A22
Noah Stancroff A22
Mona J. Tavangar A22
Pearl E. Young A22
The Thomas Harrison
Carmichael and Emily
Leonard Carmichael
Prize Scholarship
Kathleen A. Hazzard A21
Santiago Noriega A21
Emily A. Payne A22
Samar I. Shaqour A21
The Priscilla N. Dunne
Amy F. Berger A21
Eli D. Halbreich A21
Aryan Pandey A22
The Sal Soraci Prize
Iman K. McPherson A22
The Joanne Mary Sullivan
Feng Cheng A21
Sara Z. Siqueira A22
The Department of
Religion Prize
Alice C. Dempsey A21
Romance Studies
The Constantine Ghikas
Prize in Romance
Lillie M. Ahearn A21
Abraham Alvarado A21
Sophia Lily Boxerman A21
Ana Brasil A21
Emilia R. Charno A21
Elettra I. Conoly A21
Jason E. Getzler A21
Vivian E. Kim A21
Emily Nicole Lazorchak A21
Alexander C. Martin A21
James R. Parker A21
The Laminan Prize in
Romance Languages
Olivia A. Hofheinz A21
The Frederic J. Shepler
Memorial Prize in French
Kristen M. Anderson A21
Sahil N. Deo A21
Grant Gebetsberger A21
Lucy E. Kain A21
Emma S. Seymour A21
Patrycja M. Sztachelski A21
Matthew J. Townsend E21
SMFA at Tufts
The Melissa Beth Meyers
Zahirah Truth M21
The Sociology Prize
Laura E. Manwaring A21
Olivia M. Roskill A21
Rachael P. Totz A21
Theatre, Dance and
Performance Studies
The Moses True Brown
Cole B. Friedman A21
The Goddard Rhetorical
Taite R. Pierson A21
Paige I. Walker A21
The Greenwood
Prize Scholarship
Colette Boockvar Yeager A21
The Jane Anne Herman
Newton Award
Cole B. Friedman A21
Kathryn A. Rooney A21
The Stephen Sapuppo Prize
Emma Downs A22
The Alice E. Trexler Dance
Studies Award
Catherine M. Ahola A21
School of Engineering
Chemical and Biological
The Department of
Chemical and Biological
Engineering Prize
Jenna C. Fromer E21
Electrical and Computer
The Harry Poole Burden
Prize in Electrical or
Computer Engineering
Sophie A. Bredenkamp E21
Huyen K. Pham E22
Hannah R. Shafferman E21
Katya Thorup E21
The Amos Emerson Dolbear
Yiwen Jiang E21
Adam R. Lipson E21
Melissa C. Rowland E21
School of Arts and Sciences and School of Engineering
Undergraduate Awards and Department Prizes
The Morris and Sid Heyman
Prize Scholarships
Anoushka P. Alavilli E22
Melinda R. Burns E22
Daniel J. Ernst E22
Max J. Ramer E22
Corlene A. Rhoades E22
Mechanical Engineering
The George H. and
Marion E. Gowdy Prize
Olivia R. Tomassetti E22
The Human Factors
Engineering Prize
Pauline M. Harrington A21
The Vincent Manno
Leadership Award
Xuanjiang Liu E21
The Mechanical
Engineering Prize
Olivia G. Martin E21
The James P. O’Leary
Design Award
Olaoluwa Faleye E21
Ryan Maiman E21
Olivia B. Schwern E21
Evan H. Slack E21
Dylan Wagman E21
The Samuels Prize in
Mechanical Engineering
Olif S. Hordofa E22
The Mead Jonathan Taylor
Ronan O. Gissler E22
Jillian E. Stern E22
The Lloyd MacGregor
Trefethen Research Award
Olivier Kigotho E21
The Lloyd MacGregor
Trefethen Fellowship
Owen S. Gervais E21
Edward S. Schmid E21
School of Arts and Sciences
National Honor Societies
Phi Beta Kappa
Lillie Mae Ahearn
Catherine Minh Ahola
Benjamin S. Auerbach
John R. Bales
Rebecca H. Baron
Mikayla K. Barreiro
Melanie G. Becker
Nina C. Benites
Amy F. Berger
Deena Bhanarai
Kel Clark Boland
Ruby Belle Booth
Sophia Lily Boxerman
Fanny Y. Cai
Lily A. Campbell
William Shelton Capriola
Feng Cheng
Casey R. Chiang
Mitch Choi
Ji-Yoon Chon
Jenna Clark
Joshua Evan Clarkson
Elizabeth A. Corn
Ayden James Crosby
Cameron J. Cummings
Julia Grace Debertin
Alice Christina Dempsey
Caitlin Isabell Deschner
Grace Wheeler Duisberg
Anita Yanxia Fang
Grant Minh Gebetsberger
Fady Antonio Gemayel
Jason E. Getzler
Kayla A. Gorelick
Isabel D. Grossman-Sartain
Maya F. Hamberg
Kenar Haratunian
Pauline Harrington
Eugene Joseph Henninger-Voss
Carolyn J. Hitelman
Annmarie Elizabeth Hoch
Alexander William Honigford
Janny Huang
Jillian B. Impastato
Subin Jeong
Hee Yong S. Kim
Sung-Min Kim
Vivian E. Kim
Aditi Kocherlakota
Lauren Labell
Julian H. Lang
Benjamin B. Larsen
Anne Cheng Gin Lau
Maya L. Lazarus
Emily Nicole Lazorchak
Alexander James Lein
Samantha Manon Livermore
Victoria Elisabeth Lonardo
Jiayi Ma
Jushin Teg Mann
Rachel C. Marston
Devon Tamarelli McKeon
Julia A. Moss
Amelia B. Parrish
Daniel G. Pascal
Taite R. Pierson
Austin Patrick Pruitt
Delilah M. Roberts
Evan W. Robison
Jonathan Rodriguez Figueroa
Timothy M. Sanford
Phoebe A. Sargeant
Alexandra M. Scott
Samar Shaqour
Taoli Shen
Brendan D. Smith
Kai Y. Smith
Yujia Song
Boris Sorkin
Olivia M. Steiner
Patrycja M. Sztachelski
Josefine Tijssen
Amy Yan Tong
Rachael P. Totz
Rosanna Maria Vitiello
Xinyue Wang
Sarah R. Wiener
Abigail Earin Wilson
Jiahe Xie
Hannah Yin
William Robert Youman
Zihan Yu
Shicheng Anderson H. Zuo
Tau Beta Pi
Benjamin LaLonde Bodine
Daniel Konrad Braunegg
Elana Maria Gha-Wai Chan
Kelsey Bradley Detels
Annie Du
Naomi L. Durand
Sophie Lara Fox
Jenna Claire Fromer
Harris Howard Hardiman-
Lauren E. Hassi
Timothy L. Holt III
Yiwen Jiang
Richard P. Kaufman
Nicole Li Kennedy
Jacob G. Kroner
Adam Robert Lipson
Olivia Grace Martin
Sean S. Moushegian
Daniel G. Pascal
Raúl de Jesus Pech Figueroa
Angela J. Peck
Melissa Christine Rowland
Isadora Shamah
Isabella Annecy Silveira
Ava Soltani
Patrick Song
Emma Elizabeth Stevens
Matthew Stout
Cole M. Taylor
Trung T. Truong
Zachary Robert Visaggi
Andrew Xinyu Wang
Yan Fen Zhou Chen
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and School of Engineering
Graduate Student Awards and Prizes
Department Awards
Child Study and Human
Development Eliot-Pearson
Award for Research
Practice Integration
Elizabeth Hunt, 2021
Patrece Joseph, 2021
Grace Murphy, 2021
Classical Studies—Sarah
Plummer Memorial Prize
Zachary Fletcher, 2021
History of Art and
Architecture—Rhonda Saad
Graduate Prize
Natalie Gearin, 2021
Occupational Therapy—
Bekenstein Family
Zahera Ali, 2020
Caitlin Blaine, 2020
Louisa Bradberry, 2020
Teaghan Fallon, 2020
Kathryn Grove, 2020
Taylor Harris, 2020
Sara Heath, 2020
Amanda Huang, 2020
Evan Hunter, 2020
Jasmine Jean, 2020
Kristen Kurihara, 2020
Meghan Maloney, 2020
Erin McConnell, 2020
Kara McSheehy, 2020
Patricia Mygas, 2020
Meaghan O’Connell, 2020
Augusta Polhemus, 2018, 2019
Lia Stratton, 2020
Ruth Yeh, 2020
Miranda Zenni, 2020
Occupational Therapy—
Marjorie B. Greene Award
Augusta Polhemus, 2021
Occupational Therapy—Joy
Ann Greisen Scholarship
Louisa Bradberry, 2020
Teaghan Fallon, 2020
Sara Heath, 2020
Psychology —Innovations
in Psychological Science
Aeroelay Chyei Vinluan, 2021
Theatre, Dance, and
Performance Studies—
Professor Kalman A.
Burnim Prize for
Scholarly Excellence
Tara Brooke Watkins, 2021
Graduate Student
Council Awards
Daria Clark, 2021,
Outstanding Graduate
Student Contribution to
Undergraduate Education
Outstanding Academic
Julia Beebe, 2021
Andrew Clark, 2021
Amin Dehkharghani, 2020
Tyler Farmer, 2021
Mudit Jain, 2020
Tyler Morris, 2021
Kathleen Sicinski, 2021
Matthew Watson, 2020
Contributions to
Chelsea Crittle, 2019
Renée DeCaro, 2020
Patrece Joseph, 2021
Robert P. Guertin
Graduate Student
Leadership Award
Breanna Duffy, 2021
Rob Hollister Graduate
Community Service and
Citizenship Award
Cecilia Hinojosa, 2021
Graduate Student
Research Competition
Chelsea Crittle, F’2016, F’2017
Renée DeCaro, S’2016, S’2018
Melissa Gordon, F’2020
Terrence Hanscom, F’2017
Hyejin Im, F’2020
Patrece Joseph, S’2016
Amy Meyer, F’2015
Vasanth Sarathy, F’2016
Aeroelay Chyei Vinluan, F’2018
Haitao Wang, F’2020
Tara Brooke Watkins, S’2016,
S’2017, S’2018
F=Fall S=Spring
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Candidates for Graduate Degrees
Doctor of Philosophy
Tedros Addisalem Balema
Anna R. Christine*
Andrew G. Clark
Chaveso Luis Cook
Child Study and Human
Chelsea S. Crittle*
Renee E. DeCaro*
Shannon Burnett Derby
Christopher L Dudas-
Psychology: Cognitive Science
Andrew Gerritt Farina
Child Study and Human
Nathan Edward Fisher
Megan E. Gately*
Dong Han
Terrence T. Hanscom
Caitlin Hill
Cecilia Angelica Hinojosa
Jennifer Ann Horwitz
Yifei Huang
Naaila Hudani
Child Study and Human
Mudit Jain*
Patrece Louisa Joseph
Child Study and Human
Elizabeth A. Landis
Joseph M. McEwen
Amy E. Meyer**
Theatre and Performance
Karen Miel
Kaley M. Mientkiewicz
Nariel R. Monteiro
Joshua Morimoto
Dipna A. Patel**
James A. Rizzi
Alexander F. Ruggeri
Alex C. Schilling**
Kathleen M. Sicinski
Taylor A. Stewart**
Aeroelay Chyei Vinluan
Derek M. Walkama
Tara Brooke Watkins
Theatre and Performance
Zhaoyu Xie**
Doctor of Occupational
Miranda Cullen
Manike M. de Wet**
Brigitte R. Greenstein
Augusta Hixon Polhemus**
MacKenzie Lynn Rickert**
Educational Specialist
Jessica Arena
Meghan Butler
Tessa M. Dean
Samantha R. DeArmas
Hannah E. Long
Claire M. McCann*
Melanie L. Meisner
Megan L. Miranda
Amy Schlegel
Shannon Sherwood
Katherine G. Swierk
Rahiel Teklay Tazele
Camilla S. Walker
Seteria Chrishelle Williams
Amanda S. Zimmerman
Master of Arts
Joseph Laurence Abrantes
Diversity and Inclusion
Raseel A. Alahmed**
Cyatharine M. Alias*
Urban and Environmental
Policy and Planning
Ann M. Atwood*
Museum Education
Shelby Austin-Manning**
School Psychology
Grace Williams Babineau
Child Study and Human
Jessica E. Bartlett*
Urban and Environmental
Policy and Planning
Emily Meredith Beaulieu
Art History
Kimani J. Bishop
Andrew D. Blacquier
Child Study and Human
Margot R. Bordne
Diversity and Inclusion
Rachel Bowers
Urban and Environmental
Policy and Planning
Nathaniel Cook Braddock*
Kristina Erica Bradley**
School Psychology
Whitney Brady-Guzman
Theatre and Performance
Graeme L. Calloway
Eric Alexander Carstens
Museum Education
Li Yin Cheok
Child Study and Human
Rachel M. Christ
History and Museum Studies
Mikaila M. Christopher**
School Psychology
Moira T. Collins**
School Psychology
Makayla L. Comas
Urban and Environmental
Policy and Planning
Jadi Christine Conkling
Diversity and Inclusion
Katherine Connell**
School Psychology
Brittany Cathlene Cook
Museum Education
*August 2020 **February 2021
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Candidates for Graduate Degrees
Julie Cotillo**
School Psychology
Ana Delgadillo**
School Psychology
Danielle M. DeMaio
Child Study and Human
Amy Deniger
Sara Luisa Dionisio
Child Study and Human
Garrett Dome
Meghan Donnellan
Alexandra G. Duprey
Urban and Environmental
Policy and Planning
Kamari Durley*
Urban and Environmental
Policy and Planning
Elias D. Eells**
Digital Tools for Premodern
Rebecca Eidelman
Urban and Environmental
Policy and Planning
Hunter Elson
Abigail Epplett
Museum Education
Christine Marie Evers
Art History
Xianzheng Fang*
Urban and Environmental
Policy and Planning
Tyler Devaroe Farmer
Zachary Fletcher
Nina T. Francisco
Mitsuki Fukamachi**
School Psychology
Matthew N. Futterman**
Natalie Gearin
Art History and Museum
Eliana Tair Roberts
Urban and Environmental
Policy and Planning
Melissa Scott Gordon
Urban and Environmental
Policy and Planning
Gregory Marks Hanan
Urban and Environmental
Policy and Planning
Alexandra Marisol Harter
History and Museum Studies
Jacquelyn G. Hazle
Jennifer N. Henderson
Theatre and Performance
Andre Xavier Herring**
Diversity and Inclusion
Patrick J. Higgins
Urban and Environmental
Policy and Planning
Claudia Kay Louise Holen
Michaela Jeanne Hrynowski
Shao-An Hsu
Bailey Y. Hu
Urban and Environmental
Policy and Planning
Elizabeth A. Hunt
Child Study and Human
Andrew C. Hurley
Sayyara Huseynli
Museum Education
William Giovanni Jimenez
Senzano IV**
Domonique Tamesia
Diversity and Inclusion
Sidney Quinn Kabotie
Diversity and Inclusion
Polina Kasparova
Molly Kaviar
Urban and Environmental
Policy and Planning
Elisabeth A Kellam*
Urban and Environmental
Policy and Planning
Annie D Kim
Yoonhye Jackie Kong*
Art History
Matthew A. Koshak
Paul Ledoux
Museum Education
James Lee
Ginger Mia Leib
Urban and Environmental
Policy and Planning
Haley Catherine Leishman
Child Study and Human
Amanda Marie Leith
Museum Education
Yuehui Li*
Urban and Environmental
Policy and Planning
Lily M. Linke**
Urban and Environmental
Policy and Planning
Jiayi Liu*
Child Study and Human
Zeming Liu
Corey Marie Lous
Art History
Kevin Lovaincy*
Diversity and Inclusion
Max G. Luo
Abigail L. Lynn
Art History and Museum
Michael T. Mandelkorn*
Elizabeth Marsh
Urban and Environmental
Policy and Planning
Syed Kasim Masood
Julia E. Masters*
Urban and Environmental
Policy and Planning
Nicholas Maurer
Henry C. Mayer**
Child Study and Human
Lev I. McCarthy
Urban and Environmental
Policy and Planning
Allison Iyla Meyer
Urban and Environmental
Policy and Planning
Anthony Bogdan Meyers
Lauren Miano
Michael Mirer*
Cameron T. Morose
School Psychology
Grace A. Murphy
Child Study and Human
Elke R. Nordeen
School Psychology
Elizabeth A. Noyes
School Psychology
*August 2020 **February 2021
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Candidates for Graduate Degrees
Evelyn Rose Ocampo**
Diversity and Inclusion
Timea Ormai
Child Study and Human
Isabel S. Ortiz
School Psychology
Yerin Park**
Child Study and Human
Brian Z. Powers*
Stephanie Jacqueline
Child Study and Human
Margot Hallarman Rashba
History and Museum Studies
John Michael Rezes*
Theatre and Performance
Jessica Rieger
School Psychology
Isabella Maria Romance**
School Psychology
Joseph E. Rondeau
Harry Rosenberg*
Luisa Lopes de Mello de
Paula Santos
Urban and Environmental
Policy and Planning
Sarah M. Saydun
Urban and Environmental
Policy and Planning
Andrew Joseph Schloss
Urban and Environmental
Policy and Planning
Megan Katherine Schultz
Urban and Environmental
Policy and Planning
Hallie Selinger*
Museum Education
Emmaley R. Silva**
Jared M. Smith
Diversity and Inclusion
Eric E. Spargo
Twinkle B. Suthar
Child Study and Human
Meghan R. Tenho
Urban and Environmental
Policy and Planning
Jete E. Thames*
Child Study and Human
Hoai Thuong Tran
Urban and Environmental
Policy and Planning
Kanayo Uchemefuna
Diversity and Inclusion
Rebekah J. Waalkes
Allison Michelle Wainer
Urban and Environmental
Policy and Planning
Haitao Wang
Yue Wang
Urban and Environmental
Policy and Planning
Yuzhu Wang
Art History
Michelle Elizabeth
Museum Education
Julia C. Wohlforth
History and Museum Studies
Kayla Alyssa Worthey
Child Study and Human
Sophia Wright
Art History
Lina Xie*
Urban and Environmental
Policy and Planning
Carol Ann L. Young*
Urban and Environmental
Policy and Planning
Megan G. Zembower
Art History
Hanyu Jenny Zhang
Child Study and Human
Yingsa Zhang
Yumeng Zhang
Tianyi Zhao
Master of Arts in
Benjamin Z. Alford
Sarah A. Anthony*
Elizabeth R. Badamo
Kristen M. Barrett
Alice C. Caldwell
Meghan Carlyle*
Caroline E. Casey
Kimberly F. Casso
Caroline C. Colomey
Isabel S. Ellery
Kaitlin Patricia Feloney*
Alicia O. Finnorn*
Katelyn P. Forsyth
Alexander Goldberg**
Jeremy S. Goldberg
Sarah J. Goldsmith*
Madelaine A. Hamilton
Michaela Jeanne Hrynowski
Sarah G. Iler
Elaria Jacob
Rachel L. Kelly
Patricia Kuhl Mcdowell*
Timothy J. Morris*
Shannon L. Moryl*
John F. Neylan IV
Dalena Nguyen
Remy A. Nikka
Ryan E. Partridge*
Laura Patriarca
Lindsey A. Plummer
Holly E. Rizer
Jaime Serrato Marks
Jessica L. Smith
Zheng Sun
Cameron Tabatabaie*
Vinessa L. Tenaglia
James S. Walker
Kim Walker*
Matthias Wasser
Liza R. Wolf*
Justina S. Zuckerman
Master of Fine Arts
Meghan S. Cleary
Justin Anthony Guertin
Anne Harris
Nicholas H. Khan**
Sally Lee**
John Lehman*
Lindsay Dunning Mannix
Emily A. McDonald
Marla L. McLeod*
Andrew C. Perini*
Jess Pouncy
Jana M. Purington
Gabriel C. Richardson**
Ralph Robinson
*August 2020 **February 2021
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Candidates for Graduate Degrees
Bryant D. Skopek
Gilmour Spears
Yixiang Tong*
Master of Public Policy
Julia G. Beebe
Matthew B. Cannon**
Regina D. Cooper
Joceline T. Fidalgo
Abdulkadir Y. Hussein
Trina D. Jackson**
Victor V. Nascimento
Sarah Halpert Paritsky
Aliesha J. Porcena
Devin Doane Smith
Alicin Reidy Williamson
Master of Science
Osediamen Aimua
Zahera Samir Ali
Occupational Therapy
Noura Alzaidan**
Physics: Physics Education
Anca Stefana Andrei**
Kristen Quinlan Arborio**
Occupational Therapy
Tigran Aslanyan*
Environmental Economics and
Urban Planning
Margaret Mae Aube
Occupational Therapy
Ashton Forest Black
Caitlin Hope Blaine
Occupational Therapy
Amber Born
Louisa R. Bradberry
Occupational Therapy
Zihan Chai
Nilakshi Chatterji
Environmental Policy and
Hanlin Chen
Data Analytics
Mohan Chen
Xingyu Chen
Yanbin Chen
Data Analytics
Olivia Wai Cheung
Wei-Fang Chiang*
Occupational Therapy
Christine Choi**
Connie Choi*
Occupational Therapy
Volkan Cinar*
Daria Lee-Zhang Clark
Maya Rachel Cliord*
Sustainability Studies
Tiany Nana Davis**
Occupational Therapy
Megan Lenea Deacon
Occupational Therapy
Jake E. DeCaprio
Andrew Michael Delao Jr.*
Occupational Therapy
Shoshana A Dodge*
Environmental Policy and
Rachel M. Dowley*
Environmental Policy and
Christopher J. Du
Brady A. Eggleston**
Occupational Therapy
Teaghan E. Fallon
Occupational Therapy
Pi Leonard Downing
Carmiya Gale
Sustainability Studies
Mudit Garodia**
Physics: Astrophysics
Mary K. Gawron
Occupational Therapy
David Gentile
Jonathan M. Giordano**
Brikena Gjeci**
Gent Gjonbalaj
Annie K. Goldblatt
Occupational Therapy
Kathryn T. Grove
Occupational Therapy
Irene Ham Liu
Data Analytics
Henry C. Hannon
Taylor L. Harris
Occupational Therapy
Yujia He
Data Analytics
Sara J. Heath**
Occupational Therapy
Angelie A. Heredia Frías
Data Analytics
Alexandra Joan Hiple
Environmental Policy and
Seth F. Hosking
Amanda Huang
Occupational Therapy
Yen Chun Huang
Ziyao Huang
Evan R. Hunter
Occupational Therapy
Emily E. Ike
Occupational Therapy
Jeron E. Impreso
Anuja S. Jayasekara
Jasmine Jean
Occupational Therapy
Xiaoyang Ji
Sare Nur Kanari*
Stephanie R. Kearing**
Annaliese Keimel
Urban and Environmental
Policy and Planning and
Civil and Environmental
Imran H. Khan**
Khushbu Kshirsagar
Shamta Kumar**
Occupational Therapy
Kristen A. Kurihara
Occupational Therapy
Risa Kuroda
Sustainability Studies
Max M. Kurzner
Physics: Astrophysics
Katja Marie Kwaku
Jean Minh Thuy La
Occupational Therapy
Mariana C. Lacolla**
Occupational Therapy
Victor B. Leos
Xue Li
*August 2020 **February 2021
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Candidates for Graduate Degrees
Xinlei Lian*
Environmental Economics and
Urban Planning
Boheng Lin**
Data Analytics
Andong Liu
Wei Liu
Elizabeth Baker Lochhead
Environmental Economics and
Urban Planning
Daniel P. Lukason
Nianci Lyu**
Jonathan Machado Bilbraut
Meghan Elizabeth Maloney
Occupational Therapy
Maksim W. Maluko*
Gina Elizabeth Mantica**
Jeremy Adrien Henry
Joseph Marcq
Erin Rose McConnell
Occupational Therapy
Kara H. McSheehy
Occupational Therapy
Harrison Alford Miller
Karissa K. Monteiro
Peter S. Moore
Sarah Ellen Muccini*
Occupational Therapy
Alison C. Murphy**
Occupational Therapy
Patricia G. Mygas
Occupational Therapy
Hyunna J. Nam*
Anisha Nazareth
Environmental Policy and
Kelsey Nichole Nestro
Occupational Therapy
Evan A Newell
Jiawei Ni
Meaghan J. O’Connell**
Occupational Therapy
Emma Maria Ostapovich
Zachary George Papazian
Katherine A. Parker
Julia M. Parsloe
Occupational Therapy
Emily Isabel Pike**
Occupational Therapy
Varada K. Pisharody*
Occupational Therapy
Ramya B. Ramakrishna
Occupational Therapy
Elizabeth McCormack
Environmental Policy and
Spencer W. Rockwell
Natalia Sabater Anaya
Jordyn Saviet
Environmental Policy and
Ruiyang Shi
Data Analytics
Fina Short
Data Analytics
Rajat Shrestha*
Environmental Economics and
Urban Planning
Lia Elizabeth Stratton**
Occupational Therapy
Meaghan Aisling Sullivan
Occupational Therapy
Nehalee S. Surve
Xiao Tan
Andrew Charles Taylor
Environmental Policy and
Tianyu Teng**
Data Analytics
John J. Thomas
Elizabeth Legendre Tittle
Occupational Therapy
Laura K. Travis
Data Analytics
Tiany Kaye Tsang
Sukanya Upadhyaya**
Jenny Varughese*
Occupational Therapy
Jing Wang*
Peiyao Wang**
Environmental Policy and
Yi Wang
Yicheng Wang*
Michael T. Waring
Jonathan T. Warneke**
Jessica Wilson
Environmental Policy and
Kaiyi Wu
Ruichen Wu**
Data Analytics
Alexander Xie
Luyi Xu**
Sustainability Studies
Nozomi Yamasaki*
Occupational Therapy
Ting-Yao Yan
Yu Yan*
Liuyi Ye
Data Analytics
Ruth Yeh
Occupational Therapy
Miranda Margaret Zenni
Occupational Therapy
Siqing Zhang**
Yibin Zhang
Chenchen Zhao*
Data Analytics
Yijie Zhi**
Data Analytics
Xiuxuan Zhu
Data Analytics
Kimberly B. Zorokong**
Occupational Therapy
*August 2020 **February 2021
School of Arts and Sciences
Candidates for Bachelor’s Degrees
The Latin honors, recognizing
academic achievement,
(summa cum laude, magna
cum laude and cum laude),
are printed on diplomas.
Bachelor of Arts
Tess G. Abedon
Leah Ackerman**
Brycen M. Adam
Zoe A. Adamopoulos
Lucas K. Adams**
Hakeem A. Adeyemi
Nkemdilim C. Aduka
Samuel Charles Agnew**
Lillie Mae Ahearn
Shershah Ali Akbar Khan
Connor Kang-Wen Akiyama
Ryan G. Albanesi
Benjamin S. Albert Halevy**
Ana Paula O. Albuquerque
Sophia C. Alfred
Sacdio Ali
Madelyn R. Allen
Luke Nicholas Allocco**
Matthew J. Alswanger**
Abraham Alvarado
Kareal K. Amenumey
Kristen M. Andersen
Gail Catherine Anderson*
Andrew J. Anderton
Aidan D. Anthony
Sei H. Antonides
Jasmin A. Arculli
OJhonte Armstrong
Julia Asfour
Benjamin S. Auerbach
Salik Awan
Mahlet A. Ayana
Deniz A. Aygun
Mason D. Babbidge
Alejandro B. Baez
Arjun Balaraman
John R. Bales
Julian H. Balkcom
Addison Oma Zimpfer Ball
Ainsley Middleton Ball
Lauren Alyssa Ballini**
Hiya Banerjee
Bizaye T. Banjaw**
Amanda G. Bank
Nicole M. Bariahtaris
Avery R. Barnes
Rebecca H. Baron
Mikayla K. Barreiro
Brian M. Barrett
Robert T. Bartlett
Owen S. Bartok
Deeksha Bathini
Iris Ayse Becene
Madeleine Treacy Beirne
Brandon D. Bell**
Alicia T. Bellido**
Brendan J. Bennett**
Zachary T. Berman**
Kamille Marie South Bernard
Joseph P. Berrafati
Madison L. Beske-Somers
Patrick Joseph Béliard Delbrey
Devina Ann Bhalla
Deena Bhanarai
Atrey Bhargava
Sonya A. Bhatia
Nicolas Blackwell**
Caroline Bradford Blanton
Ruth E. Block
Jessica J. Blough
Lilly Rachel Stark Blumenthal
Matthew Boccardo
James Boehme
Kel Clark Boland
Lillian Ellen Bolen
Ruby Belle Booth
Charley A. Borek
Alex M. Bradley
Bram A. Brakman
Olivia A. Brandon
Ana Margarida Brasil
Brendan F. Brennan
Rachel Milstein Breslau
Emily H. Briggs
Erik A. Britt**
Olivia C. Bronzi
Renee Monica Browne**
Iyad Bugaighis*
Jeffrey Z. Bui
Michael David Burger*
William S. Burgess
Katherine M. Butler**
Samuel M. Cabot
Amanda Leigh Cadenhead
Sahana D. Callahan
Theodore C. Cape
William Shelton Capriola
Henry A. Caron
Katherine R. Carr
Jacob Davis Carroll**
Sophia G. Carroll
Jessica E. Carter
Theodosia Catsiapis
Melissa Cepeda
Emilia R. Charno**
Mary Katherine Charron
Alexis Noelle Chauvette
Elena Sofia Chavez
Stacy Chen**
Feng Cheng
Timothy R. Chiang
Michael J. Chiaradonna
Amy J. Chu
Brandon Chu
Mykhaylo Chumak
Jenna Clark
Joshua Evan Clarkson
Austin C. Clementi
Dani Coates
Sophia Hagy Coburn
Madison Shae Cochrane
Samuel Gregory Cochrane
Caroline R. Cohen
Benjamin S. Cole
Reegan E. Coleman
Gabriel Simon Coll
Elettra I. Conoly
Jack P. Cooleen**
Owen Von Copps**
Jensen M. Corabi
Jacqueline M. Crater
Sarah C. Crawford
Isabell Adams Creed
Shakeena O. Crooks*
Ayden James Crosby
Allison E. Culbert
Katherine Rose Cunningham
Noah A. DArcangelo
Emma L. Damokosh*
Nicholas E. Darell
Ryan C. Daues
Lauren Daukaus
Julia Grace Debertin
Gabriela Crestina Leitenski
Emma C. Della Volpe
Aidan J. Demsky
Amari Darlene Dennis
Sahil N. Deo
Rae Alexandra Mazan Deveney
Jackson M. Deysine
John T. DiGiacomo
Daniel J. DiGiovanni
Aminata Dieng
Brendan G. Dolan
Tucker K. Donelan
Connor H. Doyle
Wells A. Drayton
Jacob A. Dreyer
Campbell E. Drummond
Zoish Dubash
Charming M. Dube
Grace Wheeler Duisberg
Kelly A. Duroncelet
Hugo C. Dusserre
Christopher G. Duyos
Erin L. Dwyer**
Emma C. Dzwierzynski
Charlotte Kathleen Eccles*
Oghenetegha D. Egbiri
Ryan P. Eggers
Pamelyn Eva Eichelberger*
Alexander J. Eliasen
Iverson J. Eliopoulos
Liam Withington Elwood
Rhys M. Empey
Auric K. Enchill*
Caitlyn Helena Enroth
Ryan Epprecht**
Carolina Rebeca Espinal
Jerusalem Y. Estifanos
Taggart C. Eymer
Grace K. Fagan
Julia Falkow
Anita Yanxia Fang
Yasmin Mohamed Gure Farah
Michael Fares*
Daniella C. Faura
Quinn Peter Fay
Henry Duke Fernandez
Isabel N. Ferndez Laignel
Ethan P. Fidalgo
Nicholas D. Fiorita
Sabrina Esther Fleishaker
Bennett E. Fleming-Wood
Dana K. Flynn
Brendan M. Foley
Pedro C. Folkerts**
Kayleigh N. Ford
Gregory K. Forlini
Brittni S. Foster
Brooke Delaney Foster
Claire Elisabeth Fraise
Isadore P. Frankel*
John D. Fraser
Sheldon Freudenreich
Cole B. Friedman**
Masato Fukuzumi*
Malaika P. Gabra
Matthew Morrison Galbraith
Andrew E. Gally
Emily Le Boutillier Games
Jordan D. Gans
Elaine (Jiawei) Gao
Jamie A. Gareh
Grant Minh Gebetsberger
*August 2020 **February 2021
School of Arts and Sciences
Candidates for Bachelor’s Degrees
Farida Ghitany
Paula Gil-Ordoñez Gomez
Nicolas J. Gitter
Celia Linda Glastris
Niki James Glenister
Katherine M. Goldberger
Maia R. Goldfarb**
Jeremy Goldstein
Kian Golshan
Samuel Miller Golub
Raul Gomez
Michael Patrick Gordon
Zackery Luc Gould**
Samuel Graber-Hahn
Dylan W. Grant**
Benjamin Green**
Julia E. Grier
Blue Griffiths
Sonia C. Groeneveld
Catherine Coleman Gross
Jonathan Gross**
Isabel D. Grossman-Sartain
Geoffrey J. Grumbach
Olivia S. Gunthert
Sonal Gupta
Daniel A. Gur
Sophia K. Gutfreund
Chan Young Ha
Andrew L. Hadley
Hailey R. Hageman
Sharif Hamidi
Michael C. Handwerker*
Adrien R. Hanley**
William S. Harned
Liza O. Harris
Peter A. Hatton III**
Alexandra Mauro Haver**
Caroline Davis Haynes
Sophie Emma Heckelman
Kyle Mulligan Helfrich
Abigail Rose Henne
Rebecka Sofia Henrikson
Rachel E. Herman
Amelia Helen Hern
Cara L. Hernandez
Joshua C. Herring
Shaivi Herur
Alice M. Hickson
Marley Hillman
James Himberger
Nathaniel Skyler Hirsch**
Jailene Ho
Annmarie Elizabeth Hoch
Steph Hoechst
William S. Hollinger
Kristina Margaux Hopkins
Kiarah A. Hortance
Gari Horton
Peter J. Horvath
Drew J. Hotte
Henry F. Hughes
Edie Y. Huling
Sasha R. Hulkower*
Daniel R. Hutt
Febely Ibarra
Jillian B. Impastato
Carlos M. Irisarri
Ethan A. Isenman
Shaikat Z. Islam
Rachel S. Isralowitz
Isabella I. Jarosz
Liesl L. Jenkins
Subin Jeong
Khalif J. Jeter
David A. Jokinen**
Christopher Daniel Jones**
Rachel Hambrook Jones
Anna Pathikulangara Joseph
Samuel Clacken Joseph*
Matthew D. Jourlait**
Lucy E. Kain
Honor Kalkin
Maureen Wanjiku Kamanu*
Chloe R. Kantor
Alix C. Kaplan
Amy Nicole Kaplan
Kunal Kapur
Nikhil Kassum
Kyle D. Katlan
Jacqueline M. Katz
Matthew R. Keller
Daniel T. Kent
Annette Seabrook Key
Joshua A. Keys
Hasan Mansoor Mohammed
Sung-Min Kim
Vivian E. Kim
Allison A. King
Rachel A. King
Jacqueline S. Kirk
Michael Nathan Klass**
Aditi Kocherlakota
Georgia Constantina Kollias
Nicholas R. Kranjac
Thomas Paul Krush
Laura Elizabeth Kuhn*
Kuba Andrzej Kupniewski
Clara Kuramochi Shimano
Abrina La Rose
Giavana R. LaChapelle
John Steven LaLime Jr.
Charles Joseph Lainoff
Elliot Lam
Ian Lam
Kathleen M. Lanzilla
Colin Lata
Olivia W. Lazan
Arielle Catarina Lee
Benjamin Lee
Chae-Eun Dana Lee
Christine E. Lee
Kuan Lin A. Lee
Mitchell Christopher Lee
Robyn G. Lee
Siyu Lei
Mollie T. Leibowitz Rabin
Alexander James Lein
Mikaela Zoë Lessnau
Mira Mandell Levinson
Erica B. Levy
Taylor K. Lewis
Kevin Li*
Nora Li
Rachel Librett
Clark J. Lindsey
Ethan D. Lipson
Grace D. Littell
Claire J. Liu
Patrick D. Liu
Sarah Claire Loeb
Victoria Elisabeth Lonardo
Stelio M. Louka
Fernando de Carvalho
Dean Lu
Eli Lurie Sobel
Samuel G. Lynch
Alec T. MacKie
Nicholas Richard Magnani
Elizabeth J. Maguire
Eamon O. Mahoney
Kate B. Majoy
James B. Marchetti
Rachel C. Marston
Caleb A. Martin-Rosenthal
Benjamin Alexander Martinez
Mark D. Mastrog**
Issay C. Matsumoto**
Nicole Healey Mattey
Nadia V. Mayer
Will W. Mayer
Athena Elizabeth Mayor*
Chavez M. Mbeki
Jordan W. McClain**
Elizabeth J. McIntosh
Molly J. McLaughlin*
Daniel J. McMahon Jr.
Reed D. McMaster**
Noah T. McMillan
Finn P. McTernan
Matthew C. Mclaughlin**
Michael C. Mecha
Gwendolyn Lee Mecsas
Timothy LaCroix Meserve
Kaitlyn Karen Meslin
Noah Michaud
Dylan J. Miles
Eden S. Miller
Melissa Quiros Milo
Sarah B. Minster
Emily M. Mitrione
Andrew P. Mohar
Sofia Elizabeth Molina
Daniel A. Montoya
Arlo M. Moore-Bloom**
Mariangela Morales
Matthew B. Moran
Christina L. Morcos
Alessandra G. Moreno
Katherine Anna Morgan
Zahra E. Morgan
Brennan S. Morris
Michaela Rae Morse**
Julia A. Moss
Michael A. Mughetto
Mary Catherine Mullin
Mark Mulvaney
Kate Marea Mulvehill
Alexander J. Muresianu**
Alina Margarita Murphy
Rhys Lyons Murphy
Rose Murray
Indigo Naar
Malcolm Nachmanoff**
Cole I. Nagahama
Patricia M. Nagaoka Toyotoshi
Saam Namazi
Daniel Wanjohi Ndirangu
Isabel A. Neckermann
Hannah J. Nelson
Patrick R. Nero
Kyle A. Newman-Smith**
Yvane Dominique Ngassa
Vy Bao Ngetich
Alessia Margarita Noboa
Maria Isabel Nolan
Hannah B. Norowitz
Bennett O’Brien
Meghan Elizabeth O’Brien
Michael O’Donovan
Patrick J. O’Shea*
Matthew J. Oh
Tatijana Olivia Ollivierre
*August 2020 **February 2021
School of Arts and Sciences
Candidates for Bachelor’s Degrees
Ailie Lauren Orzak
Nolan M. Ostmo
Guillaume Sébastien Bernard
Christopher T. Panella
Anna Papalexopoulou
Jun Beom Park
Amelia B. Parrish
Elena R. Pastreich
Gabriel Perrin
Elon F. Perry-Stiner
Que Anh Pham
Thao L. Pham
Ander P. Pierce**
Taite R. Pierson
Lily Ryvanna Pisano
Jayson G. Pitagorsky
Benjamin R. Plotnik
Erin K. Poindexter McHan
Frederick George Popken
Douglas Henderson Poppe
William R. Porter
Sophia I. Potter**
Channah M. Powell
Lindsay Powers
Daniela Pozos Nicolau
Jacob S. Praglin
Jesse Pearl Protiva Spear
Lucas B. Pyle
Michael Quartararo
Mikel R. Quintana
Akshat Abhijit Rajan
Alexander P. Ramos
Ameenah Shireen Rashid
Brittany E. Regas
Batya A. Reich**
Katherine Williamson Reid
Madison E. Reid
Zoe Ella Reid
Ethan L. Resek
Gloria M. Revanche
Beverly R. Reyes
Mary Reynolds
Haley A. Rich
Noah Gabriel Richter
Delilah R. Righter
Evan W. Robison
Ivette Rodriguez Borja
Matthew J. Rohrbach
Elliott A. Rollins*
Kathryn A. Rooney
Jared A. Rosen
Isabel Whitfield Rosenbaum
Aviva S. Rosenberg
Sydney M. Rosh
Olivia M. Roskill
Jacob T. Rubel
Andrew J. Rubin
Alexa Rose Rudolph
Cameron Grace Rusin**
Lily G. Russell
Trevor Azmy Russo
Brendan P. Ryan
Jesse L. Ryan
Malyar Sadeq Azad*
William C. Sadler
Daanya Salmanullah
Neel Sambamurthy
Mohammed A. Sami
Wasif Sami
Garrett C. Samuelson
Elizabeth C. Sander**
Trina N. Sanyal
Phoebe A. Sargeant
Kairavi Sarup*
Uzair Sattar
Griffen Hirsch Saul
Evelyn Alejandra Sánchez
Nadia R. Sbuttoni
Sophia G. Scherlis
Alexander D. Schnur
Christian Voyagis Schoen
Evan Michael Schwartz
Jason L. Schwartz
Noah R. Schwartz
Tyler J. Scroggins
Emma S. Seymour
Ryan M. Shaffer
Jacob Hardie Share
Margot K. Shea
Gabrielle H. Sheiner
William Henry Sherwood
Gianna F. Shin
Jacob D. Shrader
Eilha C. Silveira-Charbonnier
Jeremy D. Silverman
Campbell E. Simmons**
Francis A. Simmons
Lucy N. Simon
Nadiezhda Slater
William A. Slater
Alex B. Smith
Brendan D. Smith
Hayden Smith
Kai Y. Smith
Amy N. Socha
Matthew J. Soderberg
Layan Soghaier
Diego Sivan Gelfand Soler
David L. Sollod
Sophia A. Song
Yujia Song
Skye E. Soss**
Anéya Liv Sousa*
Maxwell Spence**
Philip G. Sprague
Mitchell A. Stallman*
Rosa Stern Pait
Michael J. Suglia
Jada Rayven Morena
Mark James Sutherland
Grant C. Swanson**
Tys McGovern Sweeney
Todd C. Swenson II*
Sehel Tahir
Shaheen S. Tamir**
Delaney Blair Tantillo
Jack F. Telman
Madeira G. Thayer
Harry M. Theodore
Joseph H. Theuer
William W. Thompson
Matthew Russell Tolbert
Amy Yan Tong**
Langley Juliana Topper**
Sara Torres*
Rachael P. Totz
Abigail K. Treff
Alexandra T. Tsitsiringos
Lomax P. Turner
Esther Pauline Tzau**
Sawyer R. Uecke
Craig W. Uyeno
Sachin Vallamkonda*
Natasha S. Valrani
Grace C. van Deelen
Benjamin M. Van Lonkhuyzen
Margaret Lisle Van Scoy
Maya Velasquez
Celina M. Vidal
Alivia G. Villari
Ty A. Vinick
Joseph J. Waddell
Jack L. Waisel
Max G. Waldbaum
Jack Walton
Susan Peixuan Wang
Xiaohan Wang
Olivia F. Ward
Wyatt M. Watts
William R. Weinfield
Darius Wekwerth
Andrew Westrich
Eloise Walker White
Jasmine T. White
Sarah R. Wiener
Christopher McClellan Williams
William R. Wilson
Rachel F. Windreich
Aaron J. Wohl
Jeffrey R. Wolff
Jack R. Wolfson
Caroline R. Wolinsky
Elizabeth H. Wong*
Jacob G. Woolf*
Kayla R. Worley**
Emma C. Worple
Aiyin Xiao
Jiahe Xie
Tess B. Yancey*
Leah B. Yohannes
Seunghwi Yoon
William Robert Youman
Amanda R. Yuan
Daniel L. Zackin
Ethan J. Zaharoni
Sofia M. Zamboli
Stanislaw M. Zdziech
Spencer H. Zeff*
Dinghan Zhang
Hanzhi Zhang
Qianyu Zhang
Yicheng Zhang
David L. Zhao
Kathleen Zheng*
Shaobo Zhou
Evan B. Zigmond
Bachelor of Fine Arts
Samuel Charles Agnew**
Alexander Bauer
Rebekah A. Budd
Lauren Burkert
Alberto Checa
Amy J. Chu
Hoyjin Jean Chung
Nathaniel Coulanges
Richard Austin Covell
Rachael Dadio-Perrone**
Berceste Dindar
Maria P. Fong
Celia Linda Glastris
Yiquan Gu
Wilamina P. Heifner
Jaycie A. Henderson
Daisy Isabel Hernandez**
Olivia M. Junkin
Nayoung Kim
Calla King-Clements
Isabella Molina Kiser
Ho Shuen Kwan
Zoe C. Lober
*August 2020 **February 2021
School of Arts and Sciences
Candidates for Bachelor’s Degrees
Alegria B. Madera
Isabella Alexandra Montoya
Michaela Rae Morse**
Indigo Naar
Lily Oliver
Shruti Paladugu**
Anne Pegler*
Lily Ryvanna Pisano
Serge Rosiles**
Anne Marie Schiavone*
Ravjot K. Singh
Sarah C. Skupien
Martina L. Tan
Zahirah Nur Truth**
Bretta Walker**
Yongyi Wang
Brittany Rose Waseleski
Lara W. Williams
Holly Nicole Yates
Bachelor of Science
Eve A. Abraha
Carissa A. Adiwidjaja**
Anika Agarwal
Catherine Minh Ahola
Babur Ahsin Mir
Eylül Akman
Sana Z. Aladin
Nicole K. Albanese*
Angela Christina Alibrandi
Mairav E. Aloni
Avni Ambalam
Sidharth A. Anand**
Jessica J. Angeles
Sarah Nizam Anwar**
Jeremy A. Arbesfeld
Claudia Beatríz María
Arbona González
Victor Ioan Arsenescu
Reina N. Ashizawa
Sosina Haileselassie Assefa
Daniel Gaby Atik
Vincent Joseph Avallone
Sowntharya Ayyappan**
Omar M. Badr
Ravi K. Bajpai
Megan I. Banchik
Alexis Lee Barselau
Steven M. Barsky
Dana Leigh Baxter
Brandon J. Bay
Rebeca Eloisa Becdach
Melanie G. Becker
Nina C. Benites
Leah Madeline Benrubi
Amy F. Berger
Daniel H. Berkowitz
Nathaniel David Berman**
Zachary Crepeau Bernstein
Maya J. Best
Claire S. Bhalla
Kunaal W. Bhargava
Nikhil K. Bhatia-Lin*
Mrugank M. Bhusari
Nolan R. Bianchi
Fabrice Bigabiro Mpogazi
Peter G. Bixler
Alyssa Marie Blaise
Elizabeth Malina Bloom
Lewis J. Bobrow
Rick W. Boer
Gareth C. Bohn
Mikaela Bollag-Miller
Avigail Moriah Bond
Stephen R. Bonish
Alexa C. Bosworth*
Sophia Lily Boxerman
Donovan D. Brady
Hezekiah Joshua Branch
Paige M. Brand
Jordan Renee Bricknell
Emma C. Brown
Rachel Brown
Maria Hanna Brush
Sophia Meira Panuthos Buell**
Rachel E. Burd*
Maeve E. Byrne
Fanny Y. Cai**
Samuel Cai
Nathan R. Camerlin
Lily A. Campbell
Cassandra Nicole Cancemi
Colin E. Carroll
José Luis Casas Escribá**
Andrew J. Cavallaro**
Matthew K. Celebrado
Emma C. Cerda
Daniel Zachary Cetlin
Titapa Chaiyakiturajai
Anirban Chakraborty
Paige E. Chamberlain
Camille C. Chan
Sayak Chatterjee
Saad A. Chaudry**
Andrea J. Chavez
Yik Huen Christie Cheong*
Casey R. Chiang
Melanie Chien
Amanda Sy-Tong Chin
Mitch Choi
Ji-Yoon Chon
Amber Chong
Julie Chotivatanapong
Karishma S. Chouhan
Awele N. Chukwura
Justin John Ciccone
James W. Clark
Quinn P. Clarke-Magrab
Kate Clawson
Elizabeth M. Cohn
Samantha C. Collins**
Elizabeth A. Corn
Bayley Cornish
John F. Correll
Kyle Cortese
Cameron J. Cummings
Evan J. Cunningham
Spencer Dai
Nicholas A. Daigler
Dylan T. Daisey
Matthew P. Davidsohn**
Jarrett B. Davis**
Katie J. De Brabanter**
Gianna L. DeAngelis
Erica Madeleine DeBarge
Benjamin C. Dellaripa
Alice Christina Dempsey
Eva R. Denman
Lillian J. Dennis**
Caitlin Isabelle Deschner
Claire Megan Devaney
Gabrielle C. de Weck
Evan Ward Dietrich
Yanchen Dong**
Reagan P. Doran
William Francis Drake
Ryan F. Dreher
Eve Danielle Dubin
Bryan Dumond*
Derek R. Egolf
Isabella McIntyre Eisenhart
Eva L. Elder
Mohammed Erfhan Emun
Lindsay A. Erickson
Omercan Erol
Elizabeth S. Escalante**
Katelyn Marie Eustace
Samuel A. Fairchild*
Lucy Fan
Atef M. Fayed
Brian W. Felter
Qiyuan Feng
Leonard A. Fiannaca
Matthew F. B. Fiedler
Alexandra Fong
Gerard P. Frasca
Claire X. Freeman
Nina M. Freeman
Jacob Daniel Fried
Elijah Friedland
Carl F. Froneberger**
Sarah E. Fry
Brian B. Gaillard
Lia Gallo
Martin H. Gao**
Sadhya Garg
Juan J. Gasca Banda
Fady Antonio Gemayel
Jason E. Getzler
Emily N. Gheewalla
Mina Reda Ghobrial
Rhys R. Gilkenson
Rachel Ruth Ginsberg
Mathieu S. Girard**
Elizabeth L. Gleeson
Dalton Lyle Glenny
Connor Goggins
Zachary Goldberg
Kayla A. Gorelick
Anthony J. Goss
Ivara June Benji Goulden
Conor R. Gourley
Anjali Goyal
Ruben J. Grand
Kirsten M. Grazewski
Julia R. Greco
James A. Gregoire*
Delaney Griffiths**
Andrew L. Gross
Shahen Nathan Hagen
Kristina A. Haghdan
Wolf Nicholas Hahn
Jack Henry Hale
Katherine M. Hall
Olivia K. Halsted
Maya F. Hamberg**
Jennifer S. Han
Edward V. Hannon IV
Kenar Haratunian**
Katherine Harkness
Pauline Harrington
Petros Hatzivasiliou
Kathleen A. Hazzard
Yi Tong He
Eugene Joseph Henninger-Voss
Christopher G. Herbosa
Samuel L. Hickey
Julia Louise Hindle
Carolyn J. Hitelman
Frederick Ryan Hoff
Olivia Anna Hofheinz
Alexander William Honigford
Robert J. Hoover
*August 2020 **February 2021
School of Arts and Sciences
Candidates for Bachelor’s Degrees
Brigid Helen Horan
Lilianna Houston
William Hsu
You M. Hu
Annie D Huang
Janny Huang
Yishu Huang
Stephanie Huynh**
Zachary S. Intrater
Jordan I. Isaacs
Hasib Muhammad Ishfer
Anirudh R. Iyengar
Asha Iyer
Era Iyer
Daniel Jelcic
Eleanor L. Jenke
Joanne Jeong
Elizabeth Rose Jerome**
Yuqi Ji**
Zygimantas Jievaltas
Panru Jing
Kaya G. Jordan
Chung-Junn Arron Juang
Brooke Caroline Juhel**
Eberechukwu Justin
Mohamed Y. Kadry
Matthew S. Kam
Meenakshi G. Karamcheti
Mayu Kawahara
Syeda Anika Kawsar
Maxwell H. Kaye
Benjamin B. Keller
Colin S. Kennedy
Ahmet Armanc Keser
Ayoub M. Khadar**
Rachel Lynn Kiehne
Emily Kim
Matthew Justin Kim
Nayoung Kim
Roa Kim
Alexandra L. King*
Isabella Molina Kiser
Gloria Mekell Kitchens
Marshall J. Knight
Michael K. Kodua
Lior A. Kofman
Dylan Koh
Julia J. Koh
Yael Kohen
Anna A. Kolchinski**
Mikhail Kotlik
Lal Kökoglu
Beth Anne Krikorian
Vivek S. Krishnam
Manan Krishnamurthy
Jordan E. Kron
Sean Kumar
Jenna Olivia Zeltzer Kupa**
Lily A. Kurtz**
Maria Kyriakakos**
Lauren Labell
Sithya Lach
Anita X. Lam
Bo Lan
Jessie Lan
Julian H. Lang
Benjamin B. Larsen
Anne Cheng Gin Lau
Diana Lau**
Isabel A. Laubach
Catherine Lawliss
Maya L. Lazarus
Emily Nicole Lazorchak
Stephanie Constance Lechki
Ariel Lerner
Harris J. Lerner
Sarah F. Lessin
Alice Chukun Li**
Ou Li
Shihan Li
Isabel Jiah-Yih Liao
Lishu Liao
Isabel Marie Licata*
Varisa R. Limpijankit
Brian C. Lin
Sabrina Lin
Yingjie Ling
Samuel Elliot Lipsey**
Adam Y. Liu*
Emily Chenlu Liu**
Michelle Man Yin Liu**
Samantha Manon Livermore
Sofia Lombana Rengifo
Cole P. Lombardi
Valeria Stefania Lopez
Yang Lowe
Jan Lui
Paul A. Lutkus
Paul Ly
Jiayi Ma
Yiyun Ma
Allison M. MacKenzie**
Benjamin Joseph MacLean
Saira Madarasmi
Rafael B. Madera
Chio T. Maeda
Daniel James Mahoney
Ryan Gabriel Mahoney
Shyam Rajesh Maisuria
Arely A. Mancia
Jushin Teg Mann
Trevor Thompson Mannherz
Alexandros Markowitz
Alexander Cole Martin
David Alexandre Massart
Danes Mathew
Kristen E. Mathew
Alexandra Ruth Matson
Izuegbunam Mbanefo**
Ryan A. McCarragher
Julia Jean McDowell
Ava May McKane
Devon Tamarelli McKeon
Katherine C. McMurphy
Sydney M. Mckiernan
Jenna Marie Mello
Emily Joy Mendelson
Isabel Mendez
Oliver B. Menken
Alekya Menta
Benjamin J. Michel
Kathryn G. Miles
Lillian Miller
Zachary Cutler Mintz
Nathan Henry Mitchell**
Sara Elizabeth Mitchell
Anika Mody**
Andreas H. Moe
Amina A. Mohamed*
Amanda Isabelle Moises
Liana T. Monderer
Isabella Alexandra Montoya
August F. Moore
Anna L. Morreale**
Owen A. Morrissey
Paige Proctor Morss
Lillian Demian Grece Mousad
Camille Farid Muakkassa
Serra A. Muftu
Keisha Mukasa
Meghan L. Mulvey
Serena E. Murphy
Emily Rose Murray
Insiya R. Naim
Nikhil N. Nandagopal
Nivi Nath
Carolyn H. Nguyen
Jacqueline J. Nguyen
Khanh L. Nguyen*
Haruka Noishiki
Santiago Noriega Madrazo
Patricia Obeid
Kelechi K. Offor
Naoki Okada
Maame B. Opare-Addo
Maxwell Jan Oppenheim
Gabrielle R. Osher
Jeremy S. Ott**
Jheanelle M. Owens
Rosain C. Ozonsi
Arjun U. Padalkar
James Ross Parker
Paras P. Patnaik
Kishandra Anne E. Patron
Jason P. Payne
Mathew J. Pena
Theodore O. Pena
Irving Peña**
Giuliana Perini Villanueva
Jacqueline E. Perlmutter
Marcus J. Perry
Sydney Marie Peters
Gregory Pickart
Trilok Polavaram
Alec DLV Portelli
Vivian Leigh Potter
Troy D. Prebenda
Austin Patrick Pruitt
Pooja A. Punukollu*
Rui Qin
Samuel Rabinowitz
Joseph P. Raphael
Emanuel J. Ray
Elizabeth Reed
Allison G. Regan
Dale Junior Registre
Miriam A. Ricanati
Priscila S. Rincon Gonzalez
Ray A. Rivers III
Israel C. Robinson
Jonathan Rodríguez Figueroa
Michelle Leah Roitgarts
Lauren M. Romero
Richard Joseph Rosato II
Kiara Asha Rose
Jack H. Rosenberg
Emma Rosenblum
Eva Linda Rosini
Johanna Elisabeth Ross
Katherine H. Rowles**
Valerie Lynn Ruberto
Mauricio Ruiz Soler
Scarlet Rosa Sands Bliss
Timothy M. Sanford
Daniel F. Sawula
Cole Morgan Scheiber**
Joshua W. Schellinger**
William Alexander Schulz
McKenzie Schuyler**
William Christopher Scott
Shiv Seethepalli
Elias N. Sekkal
Le yla S¸ enoc ak
Isabel Serrano Alas
*August 2020 **February 2021
School of Arts and Sciences
Candidates for Bachelor’s Degrees
Rohan Shaiva
Joshua D. Shaked
Ashwini Shankar
Samar Shaqour
Pejmon Shariati
Dilyara Sharipova**
Taoli Shen
Marco Sheng
Meredith G. Sherman
Anna Shevzov-Zebrun
Eleanor Shi
Nicola Yiwei Shi*
Deeya Shroff
Kimberly Rose Simpson
Isabel B. Slaymaker
Carolina Isabel Soler Portilla
Boris Sorkin
Alexxandra L. Sosa Guir
Leslie Carey Spencer
Tristan J. Spratt
Kallisti G. St. John
Jed Starr
Jacob Isadore Stavis
Eliot Lawrence Frankel Stein
Mia E. Steinberg
Olivia M. Steiner
Tyler B. Stotland
Dawson N. Stout
Joseph Roman Straka
Samuel David Strohbehn
Gabrielle Christine Stryker
Nandita Samyukta Subbiah
Angela B. Sun*
Jacob P. Sunnerberg
Saherish Salim-Zehra Surani
James E. Sykes
Patrycja M. Sztachelski
Emily Sunmee Taketa
Martina L. Tan
Ryan Tannady**
Krista E. Taylor
Zachary Taylor
Juliana C. Testa
Ranjit Thomas*
Josefine Tijssen
Emma Phillips Tombaugh
Emma L. Tomlinson
Emily Tran
Victoria L. Tran**
Albert H. Tseng
Murshea Tuor
Gabriel E. Ukegbu
Simrit K. Uppal
Angeline Utomo
Sindhuja Vaidhyanathan**
Natalie M. Van Mell
Kristi Ann Van Meter
Juliana A. Vega del Castillo
Grant Douglas Versfeld
Yosbel Victores Aragón*
Gian Marco Visani
Rosanna Maria Vitiello
Jordyn Marie Voss
Juliana C. Wagner
Paige I. Walker
Conrad H. Walsh
Katherine G. Walsh
Shiyu Wang
Si Kun Wang
Xinyue Wang
Zepeng Wang
Kelila Eve Weiner
Alex T. Weinstein
Robert H. Wells
Zara Wermers
Douglas B. Whiting III
Jacob T. Whitney
Faith Mackenzie Whyte
Patrick Joseph Wild
Ashleigh M. Williams
Tara Joy Williams**
Annika Sophie Witt
Adelaide J. Wolf
Alexandra Kay Wolf
Laura J. Wolfe
Michael F. Wrede
Di Wu
Tiffany Wu
Yifan Xing
Joseph Xiong
Jefferson Xu
Kenneth J. Xue
Katey Anne Yang
Colette Boockvar Yeager
Gabriel L. Yerdon**
Julie F. Yeung
Hannah Yin
Justin Y. Yip
Erica L. Yox
Justin J. Yu
Miranda Yu**
Xiaohan Yu
Zihan Yu
Anna Yuen
Eliot Andreas Zaeder
Jonathan H. Zamsky
Ashley T. Zhang
Lily Zhang
Noah B. Zhang
Ellen Zhao
Wenlu Zheng
Bangyuan Zhong
Tara T. Zhou
Nikki Isabel Ziebelman
Emily J. Zimmerman
Shicheng “Anderson” Zuo
*August 2020 **February 2021
School of Engineering
Candidates for Graduate Degrees
Doctor of Philosophy
Alireza Alizadeh**
Electrical Engineering
Dylan Cashman*
Computer Science
Katherine E. Darveau
Mechanical Engineering
Amin Dehkharghani
Mechanical Engineering
Breanna Michelle Duy
Biomedical Engineering
Tiany R. Duhl*
Civil and Environmental
Georgios Giannakakis
Chemical Engineering
Zachary A. Glass**
Biomedical Engineering
Wenjie Han
Electrical Engineering
Osama Haq**
Computer Science
Amy E. Hunter
Civil and Environmental
Elena F. Jacobson*
Chemical Engineering
Yilang Liu
Chemical Engineering
Sudharsan Madhavan
Mechanical Engineering
Saeed Majidi**
Computer Science
Hamed Mohammadnejad
Civil and Environmental
Bruno Motta Nascimento
Biotechnology Engineering
Bradley Stauer Napier
Biomedical Engineering
Diogenes Antonio Núñez*
Computer Science
Mengyao Ouyang
Chemical Engineering
Saquib Ahmed Mohammed
Ahmed Peerzade*
Biomedical Engineering
Berney Peng*
Biomedical Engineering
Luke R. Perreault
Biomedical Engineering
Thao T. Pham
Biomedical Engineering
Marianne Andrea
Computer Science
Soa Puerto
Civil and Environmental
Deniz Ranjpour*
Civil and Environmental
Vahid Rashidian
Civil and Environmental
Terrence T. Roh**
Biomedical Engineering
Aydin Sadeqi
Electrical Engineering
Vasanth Sarathy*
Computer Science:
Cognitive Science
Margaret A Stevens*
Electrical Engineering:
Materials Science and
Jessica T. Stieglitz
Chemical Engineering
Sophia U. Szymkowiak
Biomedical Engineering
Morgan E. Taylor
Chemical Engineering
Richard N. Vo**
Biomedical Engineering
Matthew C. Watson**
Mechanical Engineering
Zhaokun Xue
Computer Science
Zengxu Yang
Electrical Engineering
Xuewei Zhao*
Biomedical Engineering
Master of Science
Jyoti Amatya
Louis J. Ambrogio
Civil and Environmental
William Frederick Jackson
Mechanical Engineering
Suresh Annavarapu
Biomedical Engineering
Gabriel Raia Appleby
Computer Science
Ana Arsovska
Computer Science
Steven Christopher
Computer Science
Colby J. Azersky*
Mechanical Engineering
Rachel Yvonne Bachelder
Human Factors Engineering
Daniel Bekai
Mechanical Engineering
Nikhil K. Bhatia-Lin
Computer Science
Shounak Bose*
Biomedical Engineering
Alexa C. Bosworth*
Computer Science
Jonathan F. F. Bragg
Computer Science
Daniel Konrad Braunegg
Mechanical Engineering
Laura E. Brown*
Human Factors Engineering
Brian D. Butts
Civil and Environmental
Robert N. Cakounes
Gregory P. Callahan
Camille Fleur F. Canlas
Human Factors Engineering
Molly E. Cantrell**
Civil and Environmental
Avis Carrero
Civil and Environmental
Hongxu Chai
Mechanical Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Romie R Chaudhari
Chemical Engineering
Hoi Ting Chan
Computer Engineering
Gina Chen*
Biomedical Engineering
Pengyuan Chen
Data Science
Xi Chen
Data Science
Xiaohui Chen
Data Science
Xuan Cheng*
Civil and Environmental
Emelyn Chiang
Civil and Environmental
Dillon Clemmer
Chemical Engineering
Eric Cohen*
Human Factors Engineering
Natalie C. Cox
Liam F. Crowley*
Electrical Engineering
Carlos Cruz**
Biomedical Engineering
*August 2020 **February 2021
School of Engineering
Candidates for Graduate Degrees
Ximu Cui**
Civil and Environmental
Yuanshuo Cui
Data Science
Silvia L. Curry
Human Factors Engineering
Mark Cameron Daley*
Biomedical Engineering
Kapil Devkota
Computer Science
Chenxi Ding**
Computer Science
Ryan M. Donaldson
Electrical Engineering
Liam Eagle
Civil and Environmental
Diana M. Eastman
Computer Science
Talha B. Ehtasham
Computer Science
Giovanni Mario Fava**
Mechanical Engineering
Michael P. Feltovic**
Human Factors Engineering
Guodong Feng
Civil and Environmental
Shi Feng
Data Science
Ramon Lemes Fernandes
Software Systems and
Jason R. Figueroa
Computer Engineering
James Morrison Finnegan*
Civil and Environmental
John R. Flanigan*
Computer Science
Huan Fu
Computer Science
Yunqi Gao
Computer Engineering
Mariamawit Gebremeskel**
Samuel Gertler*
Electrical Engineering
Roan A. Gideon**
Offshore Wind Energy
Ryan Patrick Gill
Electrical Engineering
Taissa Alexandrovna
Human Factors Engineering
Brigid A. Gliwa
Human Factors Engineering
Veronica Lima Gonsalez*
Civil and Environmental
Gregory Michael Gonzalez*
Timothy M. Gronet
Chemical Engineering
Jeremy Gross*
Biomedical Engineering
Ana Guedes
Civil and Environmental
Min Hu
Data Science
Bilal Haider*
Biomedical Engineering
Annika W. Han
Civil and Environmental
Benjamin James Hannon*
Human Factors Engineering
Junyi He
Computer Science
Jamie A. Heller
Computer Science
Jordan W. Hindes
Mechanical Engineering
Emily Holt
Computer Science
Jinyong Hu**
Computer Science
Zichen Huang**
Civil and Environmental
Darby Huye**
Data Science
Hyejin Im
Human Factors Engineering
Katsuhiro Ishii**
Data Science
Erin G. Jacob
Human Factors Engineering
Ajith Jaiganesh*
Biomedical Engineering
David J. Janowsky
Computer Engineering
Han Jiang
Computer Science
Yuye Jiang
Computer Science
Kathryn E Jordan*
Biomedical Engineering
Nabila Rashid Khandaker**
Civil and Environmental
Deborah Njilabu Kalambayi
Biomedical Engineering
Sai Hemanth Kumar
Computer Science
Mary Katherine Kelley
Human Factors Engineering
Matthew J. Kirkham**
Electrical Engineering
Max Henry Kratzok
Mechanical Engineering
Stephen P. Lambert
Civil and Environmental
Hao-Wei Lan
Computer Engineering
Dameng Lei
Electrical Engineering
Samuel L. Lenney*
Electrical Engineering
Adan Leos
Mechanical Engineering
Peixuan Li*
Biomedical Engineering
Sipei Li
Computer Science
Ziqing Li
Electrical Engineering
Xiaokai Lin
Computer Science
Xiao Liu
Yu Liu
Data Science
Yuchen Lu
Computer Science
Ziming Luo
Data Science
Data Science
Allen G. Ma**
Mechanical Engineering
Martin B. Majkut
Mechanical Engineering
Timothy V. Maninger
Computer Science
Christopher M. Markus
Computer Engineering
Oliver Westphal Marsden
Electrical Engineering
Shoaib Bin Masud
Electrical Engineering
Matthew C. McDermott
Mechanical Engineering
Kehao Mei
Electrical Engineering
Catherine Elizabeth Melsky
Mechanical Engineering
Michael J. Michaud
Electrical Engineering
Shayna Milstein*
Mechanical Engineering
Alexander Misch*
Computer Science
Maria P. Montero*
Biomedical Engineering
Young Gi Moon**
Materials Science and
*August 2020 **February 2021
School of Engineering
Candidates for Graduate Degrees
Tyler Drew Morris
Electrical Engineering
Isaac Mudge*
Civil and Environmental
Álvaro Fabián Méndez
Computer Science:
Human-Robot Interaction
Rebekah Nagy**
Offshore Wind Energy
Wenqi Niu
Computer Science
Joseph C. Nolan
Mechanical Engineering
Ryan Spencer O’Connor
Electrical Engineering
Alice Oliveira Aguiar*
Chemical Engineering
Elif Olmez**
Computer Science
Amy Owens
Data Science
Mark S. Panetta Jr.*
Electrical Engineering
Kyoungduk Park
Software Systems and
David Benjamin Pearl
Human Factors Engineering
Dylan Thomas Phelan
Computer Science
Nicholas Armando Picardo
Civil and Environmental
Yanan Qi**
Computer Science
Priyanka Ram
Biomedical Engineering
Evelyn V. Ramos*
Civil and Environmental
Prateek M. Rana
Biomedical Engineering
Ruoxi Ren
Computer Engineering
Tianyang Ren
Computer Science
Wilhad Hans Reuter
Thomas Ribeiro**
Human Factors Engineering
Emmely Veronica Zhouling
Computer Science
Michael Rogove
Computer Science
Debolina Roychoudhury**
Electrical Engineering
Logan Dihanna Rubio
Biomedical Engineering
Xuehui Rui*
Biomedical Engineering
Sebastian Daniel Sak
Civil and Environmental
Garret M. Sampel**
Mechanical Engineering
Benjamin E. Santaus
Computer Engineering
Nandita Satish Menon*
Yulong Shi**
Civil and Environmental
Runze Si**
Computer Science
Ishmal Siddiqui
Carter Silvey
Mechanical Engineering
Sophia Sklaviadis
Computer Science
Gavin H. Smith
Software Systems and
Kelly K. Smith**
Offshore Wind Energy
Ashlee E. Spoor
Human Factors Engineering
Ashton C. Stephens*
Computer Science
Morgan B. Strong
Mechanical Engineering
Ashley Amanda Suh**
Computer Science
Zhuorui Sun**
Biomedical Engineering
Taiki Tashiro
Biomedical Engineering
Tung T. Thai**
Computer Science:
Human-Robot Interaction
Christopher Thomas
Biomedical Engineering
Charles L. Threlkeld
Computer Science
Matthew Treiber
Software Systems and
Peter Anthony Tsivis III
Mechanical Engineering
Matthew S. Turner**
Computer Science
Victory C. Unigwe
Biomedical Engineering
Tania Valrani**
Computer Science
Anna Cristina Vasquez
Human Factors Engineering
Chenghao Wang**
Electrical Engineering:
Human-Robot Interaction
Jiawei Wang
Computer Science
Jun Wang
Chemical Engineering
Shang Wang**
Electrical Engineering:
Human-Robot Interaction
Siyuan Wang
Computer Science
Tiange Wang
Electrical Engineering
Tianyi Wang
Chemical Engineering
Yihan Wang
Computer Science
Zixu Wang
Samantha Christine Ward
Cybersecurity and Public Policy
April L. Weintraub**
Civil and Environmental
Matthew E. Werenski
Computer Science
Ross T. Wilhite
Mechanical Engineering
Jenna Michelle Wittich**
Human Factors Engineering
William P. Wittich*
Jin Wu
Computer Science
Wenyi Wu
Human Factors Engineering
Zehua Xia
Electrical Engineering
Xiaoyang Xiang**
Computer Engineering
Jinghan Xu
Electrical Engineering
Di Yang
Electrical Engineering
Ming Yang
Computer Science
Pandong Yang
Data Science
Yuchen Yang
Computer Science
Tiany Yang-Tran
Human Factors Engineering
Fengwu Yao**
Mechanical Engineering
*August 2020 **February 2021
School of Engineering
Candidates for Graduate Degrees
Dongjian Yin*
Civil and Environmental
Le You**
Biomedical Engineering
Wenxin Zeng*
Electrical Engineering
Ziqing Zeng**
Materials Science and
Jiaxi Zhang
Shukun Zhang
Data Science
Zhibo Zhang**
Biomedical Engineering
Mengyang Zhao**
Electrical Engineering
Yuqiao Zhao**
Computer Science
Kai Zheng
Computer Science
Chang Zhou
Electrical Engineering
Ziyu Zhou
Computer Science
Tianmou Zhu
Yunke Zhu
Computer Science
Master of Science
in Engineering
Gregory D. Abare
Parker David Abell
Emily Masha Anderson
Angela L. Beaulieu
Chelsea Bledsoe
Michael Borgenicht
Paul James Boss
Shelby H. Breen*
Justin Charles Broomall
Julia Bushell
Dean Chaput**
Hriday Chawla
Daniel T. Chen
Alberta G. Colakovic**
Sarah Connor*
Stephen Consoles**
Thomas J. Conway*
David M. Crane*
Kristen Cullity
Keith L. Davidson
Matthew Diamond-Jones
Bach-Son Dinh
Jayen Diyora*
Marianna L. Dominguez
Mark A. Ellis
Ella V. Engels
Taylor S. Feraco*
Timothy M. Gomeringer**
Anthony Guerra
Katherine H. Han
Qing Sheng Han
Michael Joe
Mitchell L. Johnson
Daniel F. King
Bradford T. Kolsky**
Kathleen Victoria
Nicole M. McColgan
Molly E. McGovern
Lauren Pallister McLaren
Alea C. Mehler*
Krystin Z. Meidell**
Abigael W. Mireault
Rajiv Mishra*
Carlos Andres Molina**
Alexander J. Murphy
Stephen O’Neill*
Anthony K. Owusu
Michelle Parziale
Isabella Passaro Montero
David W. Payne II**
Christopher C. Peritore*
Alexandros Pissios
Taylor J. Polhemus*
William Pope
Ashwini Anil Rao
Kevin E. Rose
Chandni Sanariya**
Evan J. Starr
Marcia L. Steger
Alejandro Suarez
Dylan Thorp
Connor Tower
Joshua Tre**
Matthew Richard Walter
Michael H. Wang
Brandon M. Wong
Steven E. Zacharski
Master of Science
in Innovation and
Srushti Satish Acharekar*
Lia A. Aandilian
Nawar AlQabandi
Hoi Ting Chan**
Alok K. Chand**
Nirant Chilimbi**
Lynn Dannan*
John J. Donohue
Kayla J. Fisher
Ethan M. Frisch
Nadya Ganem
Georgios Ginis*
Christina Holman*
Sujin Jung
Victor Kao
Tanyanit Khunpinit*
Ashish Kumar**
Darian A. Matini
Deepesh Moolchandani*
Megan A. Morrissey
Nathaniel Paul Niemiec
Christian North
Jennifer L. Nutter
Eric Osherow*
Mark S. Panetta Jr.
Nikhil Dinesh Patil**
Phuong Nhu Pham**
Jonas Martin Pirkl*
Priyanka Ram*
Noor Semaan
Pinar B. Seven*
Ishmal Siddiqui*
Vidhya Shree Sivakumar**
Lee Ann Song*
Ashton C. Stephens*
Naga Suvarna Chandini C.
Grant H. Tilson
Puneet Tripathi**
William A. Vinke**
Mianqiao Wang**
Sai Wang**
Xueying Wang**
Benjamin F. Webb
Yunting Yan*
*August 2020 **February 2021
School of Engineering
Candidates for Bachelor’s Degrees
The Latin honors, recognizing
academic achievement,
(summa cum laude, magna
cum laude and cum laude),
are printed on diplomas.
Bachelor of Science
Noaf Alawi Alsheikh-Ali
Mikayla J. Clark
Amelia Laine Coffey
Handy Dorceus
Isabel J. Freedman
Noah W. Hill
Timothy L. Holt III
Emai Lai
Korri Allison Lampedusa
Joel Lima
Faith LaShae Patrick**
Brooke Ann Peterson
Abigail Z. Radey
Bachelor of Science in
Biomedical Engineering
Elizabeth B. Barton
Julian J. Batt
Sara Lynn Blake
Kimberly Mae Bockley
Abigail Grace Claus
Kelsey Bradley Detels
Himay Dharani
Austen B. Freda
Michael Kennedy
Aiden Lewis
Sophie A. Lloyd
Sarah M. Mackin
Gillian Anne Mehigan
Daniel G. Pascal
Angela J. Peck
Theofani Nina Pittas
Joseph C. Poirier
Avani Ramachandra
Constantine George Razis
Thomas Frank Risoleo
Colin Joseph Seeley
Isabella Annecy Silveira
Ava Soltani
Patrick Song
Erin Laurel Soule-Albridge
Allison A. Sweeney
Bachelor of Science in
Chemical Engineering
Leah Nicole Boisvert
Thomas Fang-Hsia
John James Connolly
Marielle E. Corkum
John DeLuca
Emily Louise DeWolf
Jenna Claire Fromer
Vivian A. Gasca
Nathaniel J. Goff
Mia Raquel Goldberg
Cansu Gündem
Tyler N. Haywood
John C. Koster
Philip Risto Miljanic
Bertha P. Nguyamu
Athreya Ramesh
Max W. Ratelle
Marina Rueda Garcia
Isadora Shamah
Isaac Shure
Matthew Stout
Claire Elizabeth Tierney
Matthew Joseph Townsend
Yan Fen Zhou Chen
Bachelor of Science in
Civil Engineering
Bruce Ahirwe
Kim Khanh Dao
Fiona M. Dolan
Richard Allen Haight III
Christopher S. Hoerrner
Danielle N. Kaden
Andrew Harrison Kraunelis
Myisha S. Majumder
Bridget Moynihan
Zhamilya Nazyrbayeva
Luisa Sanoli Sano Santana
Jonah Tobin
Travis P. Van Brewer
Talisa Gabriella Watts
Claire Marie Payne Wright
Bachelor of Science in
Computer Engineering
Athokshay Ashok
Luan M. Banh
Yiwen Jiang
Melvin Lin
Adam Robert Lipson
Siegfred J. Madeghe
Trung T. Truong
Bachelor of Science in
Computer Science
Manish Aryal
Benjamin LaLonde Bodine
James A. Cameron
Andrew J. Cervantes
Matthew T. Daly*
Peter H. Gramaglia
Saurav Gyawali
Yoji Hamada Watanabe*
Kate Amanda Hanson
Zev S. Hattis*
Joshua C. Howe**
Radhika Joshi
Nicole Li Kennedy
Cameron R. King
Christina T. King
Jacob G. Kroner
Hyun Seok Lee
Daeseob Lim
Eliriana A. Lleshi
Ryan K. Megathlin
Ethan E. Oliver
Louis A. Piper Carson*
Harsh D. Prajapati
Kerem San
Ryan W. Sheehan
Ziyu Song
Ethan Tu*
Muhammad Umair
Caroline V. Vanderlee
Jonathan S. Vithoontien
Andrew Xinyu Wang
Hayden I. Wolff
Bachelor of Science in
Data Science
Sejal Dua
Sook-Hee K. Evans
Benjamin Louis London
Alyssa Sierra Rose
Ryan S. Weinstein
Jamie E. Weiss
Christian N. Zinck*
Bachelor of Science in
Electrical Engineering
Danish M. Bhatti
Sophie Bredenkamp
Kaavya Chaparala
Alejandro Colina-Valeri
Monique M. Dubois
Olive Garst
John C. Gordon
Brandon Lee Gray
Max Gudwin
Sean S. Moushegian
Isaac S. Pizarro
Melissa Christine Rowland
Joseph A. Scott
Hannah Rachel Shafferman
Varun M. Shah
Cole M. Taylor
Katya P. Thorup
Zhixuan Yu
Bachelor of Science in
Derrick Jose Sosa
Zachary Robert Visaggi**
Bachelor of Science in
Engineering Physics
Joseph M. Hyatt
Nived N. Parikh
Justin M. Steinberg*
Abigail Earin Wilson
Bachelor of Science
in Environmental
Fuengladah Aroonchote
Elana Maria Gha-Wai Chan
Jean Pierre Documet
Mateo L. Gomez
Katherine Harrison
Yarmina Tasfia Kamal
Arjun U. Mehra
Lindsay M. Naber
Mary Dorothea Nixon
Abigail Raymond
Tyler S. Tatro
Ida H. Weiss
*August 2020 **February 2021
School of Engineering
Candidates for Bachelor’s Degrees
Bachelor of Science in
Mechanical Engineering
Shreyansh S. Agarwal
Libby Lewanne Albanese
Isabelle C. Anderson
Mischael Anilus
Isobel Amy Smith Bohmer
Daniel Konrad Braunegg
Michael L. Carnavos*
Adolfo Castillo
Annie Du
Naomi L. Durand
Gabriel L. Emunah
Olaoluwa Faleye
Sophie Lara Fox
David R. Fricke**
Owen S. Gervais
Harris Howard Hardiman-
Joshua Emanuel Harvey
Lauren E. Hassi
Chia-Yun Hu
Jared Jaramillo De Leon
Jeremy Kanovsky
Richard P. Kaufman
Olivier Kigotho
Maya Simone Kurzman
Xuanjiang Liu
Scott Joseph Luckart
Ryan Maiman
Matthew A. Manteiga
Olivia Grace Martin
George L. Mathew
Maura J. McCormick
Benjamin S. McDermott
Olivia R. Nye
Madeleine G. Oliver
Tyler J. Paige*
Raúl de Jesus Pech Figueroa
Akshita A. Rao
Robert L. Reppucci Jr.*
Alyssa L Robichaud
Lorenzo Salgado Jr.
Edward Spencer Schmid
Olivia Bergen Schwern
Evan H. Slack
Jacob W. Sorscher
Luke T. Steele
Harry Steinberg
Emma Elizabeth Stevens
Katherine E. Sweetser
Dylan Wagman
Walker E. Wind
Yufeng Wu
Will A. Yorton
Courtney K. Zang
*August 2020 **February 2021
School of Medicine
Graduate School of
Biomedical Sciences
School of Medicine
Order of Events
Musical Prelude
Welcome Peter W. Bates, M.D., Dean ad interim
Presentation of Faculty Emeritus Certificates Peter W. Bates, M.D., Dean ad interim
Michael Jacob Barza, M.D., B.Sc., Professor of Medicine
In Sup Choi, M.D., Professor of Radiology
Mark S. Drapkin, M.D., Professor of Medicine
Alan S. Kopin, M.D., Professor of Medicine
Lee S. Perrin, M.D., Clinical Associate Professor of Anesthesiology
and Perioperative Medicine
Medical Class President Address S. Spencer Scott IV, M.D. Degree Candidate
Keynote Address Pritesh Gandhi, M.D., M.P.H., A04, M11, Chief Medical Officer,
Department of Homeland Security
Recognition of M.D./M.B.A. Candidates Amy B. Kuhlik, M.D., Dean of Student Affairs
Recognition of M.D./M.P.H. Candidates Amy B. Kuhlik, M.D., Dean of Student Affairs
Recognition of Maine Track Candidates Amy B. Kuhlik, M.D., Dean of Student Affairs
Recognition of M.D. Candidates Amy B. Kuhlik, M.D., Dean of Student Affairs
Recognition of M.D./Ph.D. Candidates Amy B. Kuhlik, M.D., Dean of Student Affairs
Administration of Modern Hippocratic Oath Jeffrey T. Cooper, M.D., Associate Professor of Surgery
Closing Peter W. Bates, M.D., Dean ad interim
Musical Recessional Angela Ryck M22
Elena Ryck
Stephen Ryck
School of Medicine
Candidates for Degrees/Candidates for Combined Degrees
Doctor of Medicine
and Master of Business
Sheena Desai±
Jordan K. Ellis
Alexandra Marnie
Christopher Winston
Claire Fiona Price†
Mishan Danuka
Karan Sethi
Doctor of Medicine and
Master of Public Health
Riley James Brazil
Taylor Dupre Burl†
Melanie T Chen^
Angela Frankel
Courtney Elizabeth Hibbs
Sarah Boileau Khorasani† †
LeAnn Alisha Louis^
Emily Anne Miller
Christopher Michael
Rachel Joana Reindorf
Jerey Ryan Savarino†^
Aminata Annie Soumare
Carly A. Taylor∞
Alexander James Toppo±
Doctor of Medicine and
Master of Public Health
Maine Track Program
Faiz Jaspar Abu-Jaber
Bridget Cecilia Olsen^
Doctor of Medicine—
Maine Track Program
Katherine Stearns Badger^
Louisa Jacqueline Bauer^
Andrew Richard
Campbell Rollin Belisle
Rebecca Kruger Bell^
Sarah Virginia Brockett
Adeline H. Browne
Sarah Elizabeth Bunting
Corinne Carland±
Brandon James Cushman
Elizabeth Groban
Rachel Ellen Henderson
Alex Robert Jones
Charm T. Karunasiri
Astrid Kempainen^
Rachel Lilly Krcmar
Margaret Louise Kruitho
Hannah Rose Martin^
Asha Hassan Mohamud
Grace Noel Mueller
Lindsay Palmer Newton^
William Theodore Olsen III
Jacquelyn Erin O’Sullivan^
Julian Fausto Oviedo
Catherine G. Potter
Sheila Savitha Rajan
Kent Frederick Reichel†
Calvin Chandler Robbins†
John E. Royal Jr.
S. Spencer Scott IV
Christian Antone Sleeper
Alexander Robert Yustak
Cassie Atlas Stanzler
Katelyn R. Ward
Doctor of Medicine
Aaron Amardey-Wellington
Sarah N. Anstett
Dana Jordan Apkon†
Diana Alexandra Aponte
Asha Ayub
Zachary R. Barbati^
Ioanna Barkas
Amelia Elisabeth Ann
Vincent L. Battistini
Owen Takashi Bennion
Elizabeth Ann Berggren∞
Shreya Bhatia^∞
Sotonye B. Bobojama
Ina Bodinaku
Robert Ryan Bradshaw
Jerey Michael Breton†^
Donald Royce Brown III
Austin Daniel Buchla
Colleen Alice Cassidy
Sandra Maria Cepin†
John Pierre Chahraban
Sydney Char^
Gang Chen
Justine Cheng
Naina Malti Chipalkatti
Richard H. Choe
Andrea Nicole Clapp
Elizabeth Lee Clayton
Andrew F. Cohen
William Conor Daly
Jeremy Demeter Darling
Jonathan Irvine
de Guzman^
Elizabeth Manuela
De Jesus^
Sarina Dutta^
Ista Ariane Egbeto†^
Kareem Hisham El-Tayeb
Zachary David Erlichman†
Adriana Laura Flores^
John Breen Foley
Leah Maya Fortson^
Jasmine Y. Gale
Tej V. Ganti^
Candice Noel Gard^
Gabriela I. Gaudier
Keith Mathew George
Tyler Kathryn Glaspy
Jonah S. Goldblatt
Yara Mohammed Gorashi^
Bradford D. Greaves
Samuel Kaplan Gretz
Nikhil Gupta
Robert Raymond Hall III^
Soa Halperin-Goldstein†∞
John R. Hanna
Elizabeth Haxton
Jean Sue He
Austin Yongil Hong
Gabrielle Horner∞
Haley Elizabeth Huggins^
Debra Hwang
Stephanie Soojung Hyon
Nathanaelle Onyinyechi
Jolie Jean±
Gabrielle Nicole Anuhea
Samuel Joseph Karmiy
**November 2020
±Honors in Research †Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Society ††Delta Omega Honor Society
^Honos Civicus Society ∞Sam W. Ho Health Justice Scholars
School of Medicine
Candidates for Degrees
Donel Starr Kelly
Susan J. Kim^
Saki Kitadai^
Leigh Therese Kowalski
Samantha Ruvini
Chih-Ying Lee
Grace Rana Leu
Emily S. Levine±
Emma R. Livne^∞
Jovanny Francisco Lucero
Hsiang-Wei Kevin Ma
Luba Bandanya Margai^
Lucas Ferreira Martins**
Daniel Patrick Mattimore
Donald F. McGuirl
Benjamin David Mecsas-
Laurie A. Merker
Derek Jon Metcalfe
Elena Madeleine Michaels†
Anna Keating
Gregg Daniel Miller
Nathaniel William Mizraki
Amir Mehrdad Molaie
Julia Rose Moradian†
Frank C. Morley
Esther Muradov
Joshua Michael Norris
Arome Obende
Johannes Werner Oster
Heidi Sohyun Park
Corey L. Pasakarnis
Andrea Daniela Pilotta
Robert J. Plummer
Alexander Louis Powell
William Manegold Quayle
Armin Allen Razavi
Sebastian S. Roque
Benjamin Eugene
Shayna Rose Rubenstein†
Sabhyta Sabharwal∞
Rebecca Arielle Scharf
Juliann Shih
Joshua Joseph Skydel±
Avneet Kaur Soin†
Nicholas Leo John Spittler
Richard D. Sun
Simon Hachig Tacvorian
Suzanna Marie Talento
Idy W. Tam†
Filmon Fesehaye Tekeste
Teng L. Teng
Abby Terlouw
Lara Gainey Thibodeau†∞
Alyssa Marie Tutunjian
Jonathan Volkin†
Edwin Wang
Ann Elizabeth Whalen
Julian Daniel Sunday
Emma Nichole Winslow
Anne Woolf
Ruifei Xu
Kyle Lee Yamamoto
Matthew Richard Yanus
Aaron Jay Yu
Christina N. Yuen
Anna May Zhang
Lawrence Tianhe Zhang
Helen Sarah Zitkovsky
Natasha Kathryn Ziv
**November 2020
±Honors in Research †Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Society ††Delta Omega Honor Society
^Honos Civicus Society ∞Sam W. Ho Health Justice Scholars
School of Medicine and Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
Candidates for Combined Degrees
Doctor of Medicine and
Doctor of Philosophy
David Alec Dickson†
Craig William Hanna
Jenny Bryne Koenig
Mary Elizabeth Moss
Frank Anthony Scangarello
A Modern Hippocratic Oath (modified)
By Louis Lasagna, M.D., Dean Emeritus, Graduate School of
Biomedical Sciences
I swear to fulll, to the best of my ability and judgment,
this covenant:
I will respect the hard-won scientic gains of those physicians in
whose steps I walk, and gladly share such knowledge as is mine
with those who are to follow.
I will apply, for the benet of the sick, all measures, which
are required, avoiding those twin traps of over-treatment and
therapeutic nihilism.
I will remember that there is art to medicine as well as science,
and that warmth, sympathy, and understanding may outweigh
the surgeon’s knife or the chemist’s drug.
I will not be ashamed to say, “I know not,” nor will I fail to call
in my colleagues when the skills of another are needed for a
patients recovery.
I will respect the privacy of my patients, for their problems are not
disclosed to me that the world may know. Most especially must I
tread with care in matters of life and death.
I will remember that I do not treat a fever chart, or a cancerous
growth, but a sick human being, whose illness may aect the
person’s family and economic stability. My responsibility includes
these related problems, if I am to care adequately for the sick.
I will prevent disease whenever I can, for prevention is preferable
to cure.
I will remember that I remain a member of society, with special
obligations to all my fellow human beings, those sound of mind
and body, as well as the inrm.
If I do not violate this oath, may I enjoy life and art, respected
while I live and remembered with aection thereaer.
May I always act so as to preserve the nest traditions of my
calling and may I long experience the joy of healing those who
seek my help.
**November 2020
±Honors in Research †Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Society ††Delta Omega Honor Society
^Honos Civicus Society ∞Sam W. Ho Health Justice Scholars
Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
Order of Events
Welcome Daniel Volchok, Ed.D., Associate Dean
Awards Presentation Daniel Volchok, Ed.D., Associate Dean
Congratulations to the Class of 2021 Daniel Jay, Ph.D., Dean
Student Speaker Mary Elizabeth Moss, M.D./Ph.D. Degree Candidate
Hooding of Ph.D. and M.D./Ph.D. Candidates Daniel Volchok, Ed.D., Associate Dean
Recognition of M.S. Candidates Daniel Volchok, Ed.D., Associate Dean
Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
Candidates for Degrees
Master of Science
Ambalavanan Arunachalam*
Clinical and Translational Science
Thesis: Predicting Survival in Combined Post- and Pre-capillary
Pulmonary Hypertension Associated with Heart Failure and
Preserved Ejection Fraction
Advisor: Jessica Paulus, Sc.D.
Margaret M. Byrne
Clinical and Translational Science
Thesis: Immune-Related Adverse Events in Cancer Patients Being
Treated with Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors
Advisor: Susan Parsons, M.D.
Erin Flanagin
Clinical and Translational Science
Thesis: Muscle-Related Determinants of Serum Filtration Markers
and their Association with GFR Estimating Equation Performance
in Older Adults
Advisor: Lesley Inker, M.D.
Heather Margaret Grant
Clinical and Translational Science
Thesis: Racial and Ethnic Disparities in the Surgical Management
and Outcomes of Colorectal Cancer in the Non-Elective Setting
Advisor: Angie Mae Rodday, Ph.D.
Zixuan Hao
Pharmacology and Drug Development
Thesis: Investigating RBPJ Function in LPS-Dependent
Necroptosis Pathway
Advisor: Alexei Degterev, Ph.D.
Michael Martin Jonczyk*
Clinical and Translational Science
Thesis: Predictive Model Assessing Acute Post-Operative
Complications in Breast Cancer Interventions
Advisor: Karen Freund, M.D., M.P.H.
Ian Langer
Pharmacology and Drug Development
Thesis: Maturation of scFv 8r for the Neutralization of
SARS-CoV-2 RBD Using Ribosome Display
Advisor: Andrew Bohm, Ph.D.
Siyu Li
Pharmacology and Drug Development
Thesis: The Mechanism of Remdesivir Inhibition of Propranolol
Metabolism Using an in vitro Model
Advisors: David Greenblatt, M.D. & James Baleja, Ph.D.
Weiyu Lin
Pharmacology and Drug Development
Thesis: Mixed Lineage Kinase 3 (MLK3) Modulates Blood Pressure
Through its CRIB Domain, and Exerts Cardiac Myocyte Specific,
Blood Pressure Independent Effects on Left Ventricular Structure
and Function
Advisor: Robert Blanton, M.D.
Qianni Ma
Pharmacology and Drug Development
Thesis: Identification of Babesia microti Diagnostic Antigens Using
Phage Display cDNA Library Screening
Advisor: Athar Chishti, Ph.D.
Helia Mojahed Yazdi
Pharmacology and Drug Development
Thesis: Noninvasive Intranasal GDNF Gene Therapy as a
Novel Treatment Approach for Neurodegenerative and Other
Dopamine-Associated Disorders
Advisors: Emmanuel Pothos, Ph.D. & Alexei Degterev, Ph.D.
Olukeyede Oye
Pharmacology and Drug Development
Thesis: The Role of Membrane Palmitoylated Protein (MPP1) in
Intracellular Cholesterol Trafficking and Development
Advisor: Athar Chishti, Ph.D.
Xi Qian*
Clinical and Translational Science
Thesis: Association of Stool Bile Acid Profiles with Clostridioides
difficile Infection Treatment Regimens and Related Changes in the
Gut Microbiota
Advisor: Cheleste Thorpe, M.D.
Yue Shu
Pharmacology and Drug Development
Thesis: Effects of Azithromycin and Ghrelin on Treating IL-1β
Induced Synoviocytes
Advisors: Li Zeng, Ph.D. & David Greenblatt, M.D.
Lingbo Song
Pharmacology and Drug Development
Thesis: Two Strategies for HIV-Specific Recombinase Library
Evolution Through Structure Optimizing
Advisor: Andrew Bohm, Ph.D.
Kevin Liching Su
Pharmacology and Drug Development
Thesis: The Role of Plasma Membrane V-ATPases in Breast
Cancer Metastasis
Advisors: Michael Forgac, Ph.D. & James Baleja, Ph.D.
Tianyi Tao
Pharmacology and Drug Development
Thesis: The Role of Human SLC19A3-Mediated Intestinal
Absorption in Thiamine Metabolism
Advisor: Andrew Greenberg, M.D.
Urvi Kirankumar Vani
Pharmacology and Drug Development
Thesis: Real-Time Detection of Dopamine Kinetics in Opioid-
Dependent Rats Following Treatment with Intranasal GDNF DNA
Advisors: Emmanuel Pothos, Ph.D. & Amy Yee, Ph.D.
Shiyun Wang
Pharmacology and Drug Development
Thesis: Examining the Modes of Activity of Novel
Pro-Death Molecules
Advisor: Alexei Degterev, Ph.D.
*August 2020 ***February 2021
Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Society
Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
Candidates for Degrees
Doctor of Philosophy
Abdo Abou-Slaybi***
Dissertation: Melanocortin Receptor-4 Regulates Expression of
Angiostatic Molecules in pDCs through NF-κB Signaling
Advisor: Pedram Hamrah, M.D.
Roaya Salim Alqurashi*
Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics
Dissertation: A New Molecular Mechanism Underlying
Epileptogenesis, and a Novel Therapeutic Strategy for
Treating Epilepsy
Advisor: Amy Yee, Ph.D.
Dominique Ameroso
Dissertation: BDNF-TrkB.T1 Signaling in Ventromedial
Hypothalamus Astrocytes is Critical for Energy and Glucose
Balance Control
Advisor: Maribel Rios, Ph.D.
Kelsey Anne Barrasso***
Molecular Microbiology
Dissertation: Defining the Impacts of Quorum Sensing
Interference and Gut Microbe Interaction on
Vibrio cholerae Pathogenesis
Advisor: Wai-Leung Ng, Ph.D.
Aaron Samuel Bernstein*
Cellular and Molecular Physiology
Dissertation: Non-Exosomal Soluble Extracellular
Hsp90 (S-eHsp90) Enhances Breast Cancer Cell Motility
Advisor: Daniel Jay, Ph.D.
Robert Jerey Blakemore***
Molecular Microbiology
Dissertation: Observing HIV-1 5’UTR Dimerization with
Alternating Laser Excitation Single Molecule FRET
Advisor: James Munro, Ph.D.
Michael Patrick Collins***
Cell, Molecular, and Developmental Biology
Dissertation: Regulation of V-ATPases in Amino Acid Sensing
and Function of Subunit a Isoforms in Breast Cancer Growth
and Metastasis
Advisor: Michael Forgac, Ph.D.
Bethany Ann Delcuze*
Cellular and Molecular Physiology
Dissertation: Discovering the Dynamic Interplay of Tumor
Associated Macrophages and Microglia in the Glioblastoma
Tumor Microenvironment
Advisor: Alain Charest, Ph.D.
Jaymes Robert Farrell*
Dissertation: The Impact of AKT Isoforms on Senescence
Induced by CDK4/6 Inhibition in Melanoma
Advisor: Philip Hinds, Ph.D.
Angela Rachel Howard*
Molecular Microbiology
Dissertation: Characterization of Ebola Virus Glycoprotein
Conformational Dynamics using Single-Molecule FRET
Advisor: James Munro, Ph.D.
Soyoon Hwang*
Dissertation: Development of Ultrasensitive Protein Assays
Toward Early Diagnosis of Neurological Diseases—From Mild
Traumatic Brain Injury to Alzheimer’s Disease
Advisor: David Walt, Ph.D.
Michael J. Hyde***
Cell, Molecular, and Developmental Biology
Dissertation: The Effects of Hyperlipidemia on Regulatory T Cells
Advisor: John Iacomini, Ph.D.
Andrea Noelle Wong Lim
Molecular Microbiology
Dissertation: Two ICP2 Bacteriophage Proteins Mediate
Interactions with Vibrio cholerae OmpU
Advisor: Andrew Camilli, Ph.D.
Allison Jessica Matthews***
Molecular Microbiology
Dissertation: Genetic Dissection of Desiccation Tolerance,
Carbon Catabolite Repression, and Protein Vaccine Candidates
in Streptococcus pneumoniae
Advisor: Andrew Camilli, Ph.D.
Hayley Irene Muendlein*
Dissertation: A Complex Tale: Three Stories of Cell Death and
Inflammation Downstream of TRIF
Advisor: Alexander Poltorak, Ph.D.
Kathleen Teresa Nevola***
Cell, Molecular, and Developmental Biology
Dissertation: Genetic and miRNA Associations Underlying
Beta-Blocker Effects on Bone Mineral Density
Advisor: Christine Lary, Ph.D.
Giang Thu Nguyen*
Dissertation: SKAP2 Mediates Productive Neutrophil
Antimicrobial Functions in Innate Immunity
Advisor: Joan Mecsas, Ph.D.
Njabulo Brian Ngwenyama*
Dissertation: Adaptive Immune Mechanisms Underlying
Maladaptive Cardiac Remodeling in Pressure Overload Induced
Heart Failure
Advisor: Pilar Alcaide, Ph.D.
*August 2020 ***February 2021
Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Society
Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
Candidates for Degrees/Candidates for Combined Degrees
Minagi Ozawa***
Dissertation: Amygdala-Prefrontal Oscillatory States Govern
the Retrieval of Fear and Extinction Memories
Advisor: Leon Reijmers, Ph.D.
Miriam Soa Ramliden
Molecular Microbiology
Dissertation: Identifying Targets of Cycling GMP-AMP Signaling
in Vibrio cholerae
Advisor: Wai-Leung Ng, Ph.D.
Surendra Kumar Sharma*
Dissertation: The Role of Host Cellular Long Noncoding RNAs
in Human Papillomavirus-Associated Pathogenesis
Advisor: Karl Munger, Ph.D.
Lauren M. Shull
Molecular Microbiology
Dissertation: Characterization of Transient Hyperinfectivity
and of the vieSAB Operon in Vibrio cholerae El Tor
Advisor: Andrew Camilli, Ph.D.
Rebecca J. Silver*
Dissertation: The Impact of the Tissue Microenvironment
on Neutrophil—Klebsiella pneumoniae Interactions During
Lung Infection
Advisor: Joan Mecsas, Ph.D.
Alan Tien Yeo***
Cell, Molecular, and Developmental Biology
Dissertation: Tumor Genotypes of EGFR-driven Glioblastoma
Dictate Diverse Immune Landscapes Which Confers Selective
Responses to Checkpoint Blockade Immunotherapy
Advisor: Alain Charest, Ph.D.
Doctor of Medicine and Doctor of Philosophy
David Alec Dickson†
Dissertation: Sperm miRNA as Potential Mediators
of the Transgenerational Effects of Stress
Advisor: Larry Feig, Ph.D.
Craig William Hanna
Cell, Molecular, and Developmental Biology
Dissertation: Medial and Lateral Supporting Cells Preferentially
Adopt Inner and Outer Hair Cell Fate Respectively
Advisor: David Kaplan, Ph.D.
Jenny Bryne Koenig
Dissertation: The Glycolitic Inhibitor 2-Deoxyglucose as a
Novel Therapeutic Agent to Prevent Cortical Network Dysfunction
after Traumatic Brain Injury
Advisor: Chris Dulla, Ph.D.
Mary Elizabeth Moss
Cell, Molecular, and Developmental Biology
Dissertation: The Sex- and Cell Type-Specific Roles of Vascular
Mineralocorticoid Receptors in Regulating Vascular Inflammation
in Atherosclerosis
Advisor: Iris Jaffe, M.D., Ph.D.
Frank Anthony Scangarello
Dissertation: ADAP Regulates the Formation of SLP-76
Microcluster-Associated Actomysin Filaments during
T Cell Activation
Advisor: Stephen Bunnell, Ph.D.
*August 2020 ***February 2021
Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Society
School of Medicine: Public Health and Professional Degree Programs
Order of Events
Greeting and Remarks Aviva Must, Ph.D., Dean for Public Health and Professional Degree Programs
Class Address Amanda Jung, Master of Public Health Candidate
Sahar Tirmizi, Master of Public Health Candidate
Keynote Speaker Reverend Emmanuel Daphnis, M.P.H., M.Div., Pastor, Restoration Community
Church and Community Coalition Coordinator, Brockton Gun Violence
Prevention Community
Recognition of M.S. Biomedical Sciences John Castellot, Ph.D., Director, M.S. Biomedical Sciences Program
Candidates and M.S. Biomedical Sciences/ Janice Gilkes, M.A., Assistant Dean for Student Services, Public Health and
M.P.H. Candidates Professional Degree Programs
Recognition of M.S. Health Informatics Olaf Damman, M.D., Ph.D. Professor and Vice Chair, Dept. of Public Health
and Analytics Candidates and Community Medicine
Recognition of M.S. Pain Research, Ylisabeth Bradshaw, D.O., M.S., Academic Director, Pain Research,
Education and Policy Candidates Education and Policy Program
Recognition of M.S. Medical Science Candidates Beth Buyea, D.H.Sc., P.A., Director, Physician Assistant Program
and M.S. Medical Science/M.P.H. Candidates
Recognition of M.P.H. Candidates Anthony Schlaff, M.D., M.P.H., Director, Public Health Program
Closing Remarks Aviva Must, Ph.D., Dean for Public Health and Professional Degree Programs
School of Medicine: Public Health and Professional Degree Programs
Candidates for Degrees
Master of Science in
Biomedical Sciences
Edir Soane Abid*
Chimsom D. Agbim*
Manahil Agha*
Migsal Andrugtsang***
Lindsey Taylor Bell*
Maricka E. Bennett
Najla Omniya Bernichi-
Jennifer L. Boulter
Chloe A. Castellano***
Sally Ceesay*
Kristina Maria Chang
Jennifer Guan-Jeh Chen
Jerey Chien***
HoOn Chong
Michael N. Cradeur***
Anh Le Dam*
Brianna Michelle
De Oliveira
Lorraine Claire Perez
De Velez
Thomas Ohryn Doyle***
Nikhil Dubey*
Mario Espinosa Palacios
Olivia Ann Etienne
Devon Michael Evanovich
Chen Fang*
Chad Fanti*
Anjali Ferris*
Jonathan Ferro*
Demetrius J. Flood*
Brooke M. Fortin*
Steven Joseph Frediani II*
Angel R. Fuentes***
Angus R. Fung*
Matthew Gailloud***
Emily E. Garcia
Stephen Decker Gayle
Danielle Gbekle
Margaret Barron Geisler
Kyle Steve Gillani*
Alexis Gabriel Gonzalez
Nathaly Gonzalez*
Lucy Shan Guan*
Jamie Elizabeth Gullikson
Yiou Guo*
Grace Han***
John Jungkyu Han*
David Robert Heil*
Katelyn Taline Horton*
Saw Myat Pyi Sone Htun*
Erin Marra Hurley*
Michael Hyon*
Pranjali Ichalkaranje***
Hyung Jae Jung*
Sameeullah Jung
Stephan James Kakos*
William Tetsumi Kawahara
Alice Sung Eun Kim***
Chaeeun Kim
Lorie Sun Kim
Mi Ran Kim*
Tae Youn Kim
Maximilian Alex Kinne***
Samantha M.
Francesca Elizabeth
You Min (Evelyn) Lee*^
Allison Lewis***
Megan Jean Li
Vivian Li***
Grace E. Lynch***
Colin Marchincin***
Ramsay Dickinson
Abaan Merchant*
Mahsa Moghaddam*
Payal Bipin Morari*
John Henry Moyer***
Alexandra M. Murphy***
Sahar Nakhaee***
Kayla Nicole Nodecker
Monica Susan O’Brien***
Nicole Synclaire Oglesby*
Leah Orozco***
Rebecca S. Park***
Taylor Nicole Perison
Silas Kenneth Phipps-
Samuel Ian Potash
Erin Lang Powder***
Toireasa Clare Raerty-
Sabrina Newman
Ashley Ann Root
Harleen Saini*
Brianna Jean Sammon*
Seyedehsaghi Sarmadi*
Ali Reza Sasani*
John H. Sauerland
Julia Rose Schlossman***
Maxwell Eaton Senechal***
Delia Mariah Sosa***
Stephanie M. Souza*
Cameron Boucher Speyer
Amritha Sriram
Michelle Stevens*
Hannah Stowe
Omar Husam Tarawneh*
Grace V. Tellado*
Erastus Kamunge Thuo***
Jacylin Ticatic***
Landon Tomb
Ariadne J. Tsagarakis
Rochelle Tsemekhin***
Anneliese L. Tung***
Richard Seung Woo Um
Eileen Vera
Derek J.S. Wang*
Katherine Wang
Sarah Waszyn*
Sahare Wazirali*
Mikaela Wegerho
Micaela Robinson White
Anna Witkin*
Alessandra Zaccardelli
Master of Science in
Health Informatics
and Analytics
Irina V. Angel
Meghan Elise Garcia
Shreevidya Periyasamy
Shanmugavel Gurubar
Shelby McQueston
Abigail Reilley Mokanyk
Angela Reilly
Jennifer L. Torch
Master of Science
in Pain Research,
Education and Policy
Shirley Canni
In Gyu Chang***
Ann Pham
Shiella D. Radel***
*August 2020 ***February 2021
††Delta Omega Honor Society ^Honos Civicus Society
School of Medicine: Public Health and Professional Degree Programs
Candidates for Degrees
Master of Science in
Medical Science
Sarah Burke***
Anna Canavan***
Brian Chea***
Monica Cheng
Melanie Alyssa Choi***
Adam Chow***
Kaylie Ann Cronin***
Christine David
Kerry Ann DeHimer***
Christopher William
Sawyer Jerey Fleck***
Omar Ghishairi***
Dessere Givertz***
Patricia Gore***
Patrick Daniel Hazard***
Emily F. Hunter***
Alexandra Jureller***
Madeleine Kamp***
Elizabeth Karas***
Kayla Elisabeth
Amanda G. Kelly***
Abigail Margaret
Sophie Lee***
Sarah Nicholson
Ashley Lynne Makie***
Max Joseph Mangano***
Isaac Maquet***
Sarah Mayberry***
Tyler Paul McGee***
Stephanie Anne Nasson***
Vasin Palanukorn***
Erin Pierce***
Nicolas Pytel***
Danielle Demi Rasmus***
Jaclyn Arline Rogers***
Katelyn Seaver***
Christine Alyssa
Maham Siddiqui***
Kayleigh Sullivan***
John Swinton***
Matthew William Tomm***
Rachel M. Wambach***
Master of Public Health
Maryam Q. Abdul Rahman
Nana Kwame Ampomah
Elyssa Gay Anneser
Jordan Meloon Balletto*††
Ashley Denise Benitez
Madelon Bird
Emily Marie Brodkin
Kaycie Morgan Burke
Elecia M. Cardarelli
Nicolette Renee
Gabrielle N. Casutto***††
Chloe Hou-Yee Cheung
Natalie Clark
Mia Colby*
Sara J. Couture*
Lauren S. Creeden
Krutarth Dave
Grace E. Flaherty***†
Kelly Karene Fowler*
Sara E. Galinko***
Hanujah Ganesh***
Erin Shannon Garrity*
Bethlihem Gebremedhin*
Jesse R. Greeneld*
Omar Harmouche
Sarah J. Hart
Eliza D. Hilfer††
Dana C. Hiniker*
Joanne Jaewon Hyun
Rachel Abigail Jackson^††
Amanda W. Jung
Aisha Khan***
Sora L. M. Kim
Meredith Jeanne Lawler
Katie Huaxin Lei*
Ruogu Li
Bo Liu
Tori Danielle Martel
Michaela Mazure***
Kathleen E. Menezes†
Brenna Miller
Elise Jean Mitchell*
Alison Lyengu Moky^
Morgan Renee Murray
Tra Phuong Nguyen***
Jerey D. Oakes***†
Morgan E. Orr*
Avena P. Patel
Julia R. Pearl-Schwartz*
Yaritza Pena***
Laura Paige Penkert†
David Augustus Prior***
Tee Reh
Emily E. Riseberg
Ian Richards Roy***††
Kacey A. Sabourin
Chloe A. Schwartz***
Ariella Francesca Sela***††
Sabine M. Sussman***
Sahar O. Tirmizi
Samantha Tweedie***
Alexa Isabella Vasios***††
Maeva Veillard
Dominic Voehler
Peilin Wang
Yiqiao Wang***
Ian Kornelis Weijer
Mingrui Wei
Melissa Wu††
Holly Yue
Guangze Zheng
*August 2020 ***February 2021
††Delta Omega Honor Society ^Honos Civicus Society
School of Medicine: Public Health and Professional Degree Programs
Candidates for Combined Degrees
Doctor of Veterinary
Medicine and Master
of Public Health
Sarah A. Brattain
Cameron R. Carow
Nicole Desmond
Evan F. Grith
Tatyana J. Kalani
Daniela L. Lopez
Joseph Rea
Master of Science in
Medical Science and
Master of Public Health
Katherine Andersen***
Mary Elizabeth Baragar***
Jordan Alexandra
Michael Robert Gladhill***
Ellie Marie Glasgow***†
Jillian Rose Keating***††
Claire McCarthy
Ajia L. Zimmermann***
Master of Science in
Biomedical Science and
Master of Public Health
Queentela Onyinyechi
Nicholas Farhat Homsy*
Yelei Hou***
Justin S. Pang
Maura Leigh Redmond
Amanda Margot Thurm*
Bruna S. Voldman
Helen Zarwi
Master of Science in
Biomedical Sciences
and Master of Business
Brian Khoa-anh Nguyen*
Folasade Odeniyi*
*August 2020 ***February 2021
††Delta Omega Honor Society ^Honos Civicus Society
School of Medicine and Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
The Class of 2021 Student Prizes and Awards
American Medical
Women’s Association
Glasgow-Rubin Academic
Achievement Award
Jenny Bryne Koenig
Samantha Ruvini Kumarasena
Shayna Rose Rubenstein
Lara Gainey Thibodeau
American Medical
Women’s Association
Glasgow-Rubin Academic
Achievement Certicates
Taylor Dupre Burl
Naina Malti Chipalkatti
Sofia Halperin-Goldstein
Nathanaelle Onyinyechi
Sarah Boileau Khorasani
Laurie A. Merker
Elena Madeleine Michaels
Anna Keating Michalowski
Julia Rose Moradian
Helen Sarah Zitkovsky
Dr. John T. Batal Prize
Lucas Ferreira Martins
Worth F. Bloom, M25, Prize
Luba Bandanya Margai
Jeffrey Ryan Savarino
Harry H. Brenner, M33,
Memorial Prize
LeAnn Alisha Louis
Charles Brusch, M34, and
Jane Brusch Prize
Emma R. Livne
Asha Hassan Mohamud
Committee Award
S. Spencer Scott IV
William Dameshek
Award in Undergraduate
Andrew Richard Beauchesne
Corinne Carland
Sheena Desai
Emily S. Levine
Jolie Jean
Joshua Joseph Skydel
Alexander James Toppo
William Dameshek Award
in Internal Medicine
Samantha Ruvini Kumarasena
Distinguished Student
Assistant Program
Amanda G. Kelly
Christine Alyssa Sheridan
Dublin Prize in
Jonah S. Goldblatt
Jonathan Volkin
Dr. Ruth Marguerite
Easterling Award
Elizabeth Manuela De Jesus
Tim Edgar, Ph.D. Prize
Rachel Abigail Jackson
H. Jack Geiger Public
Health Advocacy Award
Alison Lyengu Moky
Sydney S. Gellis Award in
Mary Elizabeth Moss
Professor Ernest Grable,
M.D. Award
Armin Allen Razavi
Graduate School of
Biomedical Sciences
Deans Award
Dominique Ameroso
John T. Harrington, M.D.
S. Spencer Scott IV
Dr. Marc and Diane Homer
Award in Diagnostic
Nicholas Leo John Spittler
George L. Howland Award
in Anatomy
Shayna Rose Rubenstein
Dr. Frank Inserra Prize
Zachary R. Barbati
C. William Kaiser, MD,
FACS, FRCS (C) Prize
Jeffrey Michael Breton
Nathanaelle Onyinyechi
David L. Kasdon Prize in
Amir Mehrdad Molaie
Louis Lasagna Award for
Translational Research
Hayley Muendlein
Leon Levinson Prize in
Amir Mehrdad Molaie
Martin J. Loeb Memorial
Prize in Medicine
David Alec Dickson
Martin J. Loeb Memorial
Prize in Surgery
Elizabeth Manuela De Jesus
Massachusetts Medical
Society Scholars Award
Elizabeth Manuela De Jesus
Nathanaelle Onyinyechi
Emily Anne Miller
Avneet Kaur Soin
Medical Class of 1928
Award in Anatomy
Amir Mehrdad Molaie
M.D./M.B.A. Academic
Achievement Award
Claire Fiona Price
M.D./M.P.H. and
D.V.M./M.P.H. Academic
Achievement Award
Cameron R. Carow
Evan F. Griffith
Sarah Boileau Khorasani
M.P.H. Academic
Achievement Award
Grace E. Flaherty
M.S. Biomedical Sciences
Academic Achievement
Tae Youn Kim
Ramsay Dickinson McConnell
Silas Kenneth Phipps-Costin
M.S. Biomedical Sciences
Dr. Alvar Gustafson Award
Delia Mariah Sosa
M.S. Biomedical Sciences
Student Leadership Award
Demetrius J. Flood
M.S. Health Informatics
and Analytics Academic
Achievement Award
Shreevidya Periyasamy
Shanmugavel Gurubar
Mildred Ann Myerson
Memorial Prize
Lara Gainey Thibodeau
Presidential Award for
Citizenship and Public
Jonathan Irvine de Guzman
Elizabeth Manuela De Jesus
LeAnn Alisha Louis
Ethel and Reuben
Russman, M34, Prize in
Andrea Daniela Pilotta Gois
The Saltonstall Award
for Excellence in Pain
Research, Education and
In Gyu Chang
School of Medicine and Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
The Class of 2021 Student Prizes and Awards
Marsha Semuels
Leadership Award—
Physician Assistant
Jillian Rose Keating
Philip E. Sheridan, M.D.
Courtney Elizabeth Hibbs
Norman S. Stearns M.D./
M.B.A. Leadership Award
Sheena Desai
Claire Fiona Price
Leonard Tow Humanism
in Medicine Award
Sponsored by the Arnold P.
Gold Foundation
Cassie Atlas Stanzler
Upjohn Prize in
Elizabeth Groban Fischman
Gabrielle Horner
Samuel Joseph Karmiy
Ann Elizabeth Whalen
Louis B. Weinstein Prize
Sarah Boileau Khorasani
Benjamin Eugene Rosenthal
Dr. Toby Wesselhoe
Family Medicine Award
for Clinical Excellence,
Compassion, and Service
Corey L. Pasakarnis
Zarren Family Prize
Corinne Carland
Alyssa Marie Tutunjian
A. Wells Ziegra
Compassionate Care
Patrick Daniel Hazard
School of Dental Medicine
School of Dental Medicine
Order of Events
Welcome Greetings Aruna Ramesh, B.D.S., M.S., D.M.D., Associate Dean of Academic Affairs and
Professor of Diagnostic Sciences—Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology
Remarks Nadeem Karimbux, D.M.D., M.M.Sc., Dean
Joseph F. Dudlek, D.M.D., President of the Class of D2021
Modar Qais Alroomi, D.M.D., President of the Class of DI2021
Recognition of Teaching Awards Presented by: Aruna Ramesh, B.D.S., M.S., D.M.D., Associate Dean of Academic
Affairs and Professor of Diagnostic Sciences—Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology
T P’ A  O T  S
Patrick McGarry, D.M.D., M.S., Assistant Professor and Director of Emergency
Clinic, Department of Comprehensive Care
T D’ A  E  C T
Marcelo Suzuki, D.D.S., Maxillofacial Prosthodontist Division Head,
Undergraduate Prosthodontics, and Associate Professor, Department
of Prosthodontics
T D’ A  E  P T
Francois Fisselier, D.D.S., D.M.D., Assistant Professor, Department
of Prosthodontics
T D’ A  E  B S T
Xinxin Sun, M.D., Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Medical Education,
Tufts University School of Medicine
Presentation of Faculty Emeriti Presented by: Nadeem Karimbux, D.M.D., M.M.Sc., Dean
Roger B. Galburt, D.D.S., Professor Emeritus, Department of Prosthodontics
Kanchan M. Ganda, M.D., Professor Emerita, Department of Comprehensive Care
Noshir Mehta, B.D.S., M.D.S., D.M.D., F.I.C.S., F.A.C.D., Professor Emeritus,
Department of Public Health and Community Service
Charles H. Rankin III, B.A., D.M.D., Professor Emeritus, Department of Endodontics
Huw Thomas, B.D.S., M.S., Ph.D., Dean and Professor Emeritus, Department of
Pediatric Dentistry
Recognition of Honors and Awards Aruna Ramesh, B.D.S., M.S., D.M.D., Associate Dean of Academic Affairs and
Professor of Diagnostic Sciences—Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology
A E A
In Honor of Barbara Clark Kay D71
Recognition of Degree Candidates
and Hooding
Oath for the Dental Graduate Mary Jane Hanlon, D.M.D., M.B.A., Associate Dean of Clinical Affairs
School of Dental Medicine
Candidates for Degrees
Doctor of Dental
Emily Abay
Yara M. Abdelnabi
Sameha R. Abdulbaki
Tara Aboumahboub
Jamie Elizabeth Abraham
Mariana V. Abreu
Husam A. Abu-Sneineh
Michael Accaoui
Abrar Ahmed
Bryan B. Ahn
Sumra Akhlaq
Noopoor K. Akruwala
David A. Alpert
Modar Qais Alroomi
Robert W. Anderson
Spurthi Arashinagundi
Diana O. Arias
Farnaz Asha
Maryam Aslam
Anthony A. Atalla
Sameer A. Atrash
Shehmeer M. Ayaz
Adwoa B. Baidoo
Sarita Bains
Farid Baradaran
Andre Barbisan De Souza
Gor Barseghyan
Dylan Hughes Batlle
Michael Beluch
Mirian E. Belussi
Akia D. Blackmon
Duangkamol Blankenship
Tyler A. Brown
Victoria L. Brungo
Sara C. Bustos
Tony G. Cai
Jonathan A. Candido
Kerry F. Cannon
Olivia Capotorto
Kristina M. Caravelli
Catherine A. Casey
Christopher L. Cesario
Mary Chalino
Yi Chen
Andy Cheung
Yi-Chen Chiang
Jay A. Chokshi
Min Ji Cho
Amanda C. Chuong
Nicola M. Cinquepalmi
Serban Gabriel Cismarescu
Elizabeth Colby
Lauren Oswald Cooper
Joseph Copeli
Melanie N. Cristobal
Leticia Cuellar
Mariam Ali Dakka
Alex Q. Dang
Ameen S. Dar
Luke William Devaney
Vanessa M. Diaz
Natalie Djansezian
Joseph F. Dudlek
Shannon M. Dugan
Monica Sampaio Dupim
Erin Catherine Dwyer
Shazia Farooqui
Tiara R. Felder
Francois Fisselier
Chrislyn L. Fite
Camila Costa Flach
Joyce E. Forbes
Sadaf Foroutanjazi
Tyrell O. Fridie
Adit Gadh
Evan R. Gallegos
Omar Guillermo Garcia
Michael E. Gariup
Luis F. Gervasio Flores
Christopher R. Getchell
Shawn A. Ghods
Chelsea M. Gibbs
Lauren Glynn
Lindsay K. Gorman
Samantha T. Guan
Chun Guo
Arjun Gupta
Robina Habib
Inkyu Han
Omar Harmouche
Sophia E. Heitmiller
Emerly C. Hsu
Henry Hsu
Yun Huang
Dede Hyde
Reynaldo Jackson
Shelby E. Jackson
Sheena Jain
Devonte Johnson
Morgan B. Johnson
Stephanie John
Young Bin Joo
Alex S. Joseph
Konstance C. Joseph
Andrew K. Kalil
Marina K. Kanakos
Aleesha Kapoor
Nader Karimi
Igli Kasemi
Jashandeep Kaur
Ra Edward Kazanjian
Maryanna Kerr
Ajmal A. Khalid
Alpna Khatri
Thin Sandar Khine
Hyun Joong Kim
Min W. Kim
Colton L. Knopp
Alyssa Rose Kotin
Ambika Kumaran
Hardik Jeram Kundaria
Christian D. Labonte
Alhassan A. Laith
Jean Yves Vladimir
Irene Lang
Alex Jinhyuk Lee
Sanghwan Ryan Lee
Stella Lee
Daniel Y. Leigh
Gina X. Lightner
Emily Christine Liu
Lauren Alyssa Lubowitz
Chardai N. Lyde
Michael L. Lynn
Vincenzo Magro
Ahmed Adnan Manassra
Karishma Manji
David B. Mann II
Nichole Lilliam Martin
School of Dental Medicine
Candidates for Degrees
Ratan Marwah
Haroon A. Masood
Meghan A. Mauceri
Michael F. McCabe
Amanda Mckane
Mitchell Brian McShane
Hilary J. Mello
Ahmad Aidan Moayyed
Shashwata Mogali
Mostafa Amer Mohamed
Usman Mohammed
Stefanie S. Moreno
Raluca Nasta
Ghaith Rani Nemeh
Alexander Huy Nguyen
Jacqueline Nguyen
Jimmy H. Nguyen
Dena Niknam
Anthony Nutter
Rachel C. Obeid
Kaitlyn O’Connell
Colleen McCarthy Oleynik
Adnan Q. Omran
Elsy D. Orellana
John R. Orr
Samantha Taylor Parad
Chung Whiy Park
Gloria Seo Young Park
Lyndsay Park
Samuel Park
Sang J. Park
Cristina Parsons
Keyur R. Patel
Mehran Payandeh
Maria Paz
Alexandra P. Penta
Hugh W. Phillis
Jonathan D. Pierpoline
Erika A. Pino
Osman Promket
Nathan M. Proulx
Benjamin N. Ralston
Lily Razavi
Daniela Rendon
Orestes L. Riera Pérez
Carlos Rodriguez
Jae Il Ru
Amanda R. Ryan
Daniel S. Salem
Ghanim M. Salem
Lemma M. Salem
Stephanie M. Samrin
Gabriela A. Sangiovanni
Neethu Sebastian
Valentina Serrano Hill
Nisha Shah
Paymaun Shakiba
Kameca Alana Shields
Mark Shirclie
Hadeel Zuhdi Shtawi
Maximilian J. Shumake
Meredith L. Sico
Evaneet Sidhu
Melanie R. Silvestrini
Gaganjot Singh
Harjaap Singh
Herman Singh
Lauren A. Smith
Farida J. Somba
Justin D. Stacy
Dejuanquaries L. Stephens
Ruth Y. Sun
Punam Sureka Rungta
Andrew I. Tadros
Mohammed Tafesh
Sho P. Taniguchi
Chanice J. Thomas
Gabriel E. Thomas
Alison M. Towns
Nicole Trone
Le B. Truong
Amanda N. Vaglio
Eliana Ynes Valdez
Antwon Vaughn
Konstantinos Vazouras
Kirtana Vedire
Andy D. Vu
Pranali Pankil Vyas
Shannon E. Walsh
Jonathan D. Weber
Taylor R. Welborn
Mercedes I. Wert
Bryson C. Wong
Jenny H. Wong
Brigham A. Wright
Daisy W. Wu
Alexis Yip
Katherine Ynsinare
Rachel M. Young
Shomous Eltigani Yousif
Christopher Yu
Paula Zaman
School of Dental Medicine
Candidates for Degrees
Master’s Degree Candidates and Recipients
Dr. Layal Abdeen
Thesis: Zirconia Prototype Prosthesis Fit Accuracy Assessment on
3D Printed Casts: A Comparative Study in the Anterior Maxilla
Advisor: Dr. Panagiotis Papaspyridakos
Dr. May Alaidrous
Thesis: Influence of Zirconia Crowns Artifacts on Cone Beam
Computed Tomography and Image Superimposition for Digital
Planning and Guided Surgery
Advisor: Dr. Andre Barbisan De Souza
Dr. Lorena C. Alex
Thesis: The Current State of Applications of Digital Technology
in Implant Treatment Planning and Placement in Academic
Institutions: A Questionnaire-Based Study
Advisor: Dr. Ekaterini Antonellou
Dr. Fahad AlFulaij
Thesis: Accuracy of 3D Printed Models Generated from Full-Arch
Digital Implant Impressions Versus Stone Casts generated from
Conventional Impressions: A Comparative Study
Advisor: Dr. Panagiotis Papaspyridakos
Dr. Maryam Alsaar
Thesis: Influence of Implant Titanium Base Abutment (ti-base)
Height on the Color of Different Translucent Multilayered Zirconia
Advisor: Dr. Yong Jeong Kim
Dr. Ayman Banjar
Thesis: Accuracy of 3D Printed Casts from Digital Implant Scans
versus Stone Casts from Conventional Impressions: A Comparative
Study in the Anterior Maxilla
Advisor: Dr. Panagiotis Papaspyridakos
Dr. Anshu Bathija
Thesis: Accuracy of static Computer-Aided Assisted Implant
Surgery (s-CAIS) using surgical guide fabricated from different 3D
printing technologies
Advisor: Dr. Andre Barbisan De Souza
Dr. Abdullah M. Bokhary
Thesis: Accuracy of Two Intra-Oral Scanners in Recording the
Static Inter-Occlusal Relationship
Advisor: Dr. Aikaterini Kostagianni
Dr. Lin-Hsin Chuang
Thesis: Cone-beam Computed Tomography Analysis of Peri-
implant Buccal Bone in Grafted and Native Bone: 1-year Results
from a Prospective Controlled Cohort Study
Advisor: Dr. Yumi Ogata
Dr. Michael M. Kang
Thesis: Association between site-specific factors and the accuracy
of guided implant surgery using tooth-supported surgical guide
Advisor: Dr. Andre Barbisan De Souza
Dr. Po Lee
Thesis: The indications for first molar extraction at Tufts University,
School of Dental Medicine—a 12-year retrospective study
Advisor: Dr. Yong Hur
Dr. Yu Tsung Wu
Thesis: Accuracy of Different Surgical Guide Designs for Static
Computer-Assisted Implant Surgery: An in vitro Study
Advisor: Dr. Andre Barbisan De Souza
School of Dental Medicine
Postgraduate Certificate of Achievement Candidates
Advanced Digital
Prosthodontic and
Implant Dentistry
Dr. Maryam Alsaar
Dental Sleep Medicine
Dr. Khalid A. Alamoud
Dr. Hessa S. Alrejaye
Dr. Manab M. Benten
Dr. Samaher Alotaibi
Dr. Cindy J. Castillo
Dr. Jacquelyn Chou
Dr. Jessica L. Langella
Dr. Scott T. Micallef
Dr. Anuja Chumble Panda
Dr. Jaclyn L. Rabadi
Dr. Katherine J. Shi
Esthetic and Operative
Dr. Layal F. Abdeen
Dr. Abdullah M. Bokhary
Dr. Anjana Srikuruwan
General Dentistry
Dr. Laura M. Callan
Dr. Scott Brendan M. Daigle
Dr. Edward J. Gold
Dr. Joseph Hannawi
Dr. Christopher R. Lee
Dr. Ci Yen Joanna Man
Dr. Hemali A. Patel
Dr. David W. Persky
Dr. Shannon E. Rice
Dr. Amy M. Yeh
General Practice
Dr. Ariana F. Dela Cruz
Dr. Patrick F. Gibney
Dr. Eliza J. Gowell
Dr. Julia Bokyung Kim
Dr. Jeong Teag Oh
Implant Dentistry
Dr. Nader A. Almubarak
Dr. Loukia Danaf
Dr. Faris Khalifa
Dr. Puvipat
Implant Dentistry
Dr. Zainab Ajeeb
Dr. Sultan S. Albeshri
Oral and Maxillofacial
Dr. Pasquale Petrilli Eckert
Dr. Dimitrios Fakitsas
Oral and Maxillofacial
Surgery Fellowship
Dr. Panagiotis Manetas
Orthodontics and
Dentofacial Orthopedics
Dr. Rachel Angela Boschetti
Dr. Steven D. Bunker
Dr. Elizabeth Clanaman
Dr. Ryan Depew
Dr. Amanda Erin Hayes
Dr. Susana E. Lopez
Dr. Daniel J. Regan
Dr. Melanie Ross
Oral Medicine
Dr. Ahd M. Alsaif
Dr. Waad Alsaif
Orofacial Pain
Dr. Patricia M. Guerrero
Dr. Harpreet Singh
Pediatric Dentistry
Dr. Reyouf H. Alajlan
Dr. Abdullah M. Almulhim
Dr. Kevin Hu
Dr. Rizwan Pyarali Lalani
Dr. Niloufar Moaziniya
Dr. Claire Cho Park
Dr. Dhir Patel
Dr. Rushil A. Patel
Dr. Caitlin M. Pyle
Dr. Ziad A. Alharbey
Dr. Victoria A. Blackhurst
Dr. Lin-Hsin Chuang
Dr. Mona V. Gajera
Dr. Po Lee
Dr. Yusuf Ahmed Sheikh
Dr. Fatemah Tayyib
Dr. Abdulla M. Alghfeli
Dr. Noor Al-Qabandi
Dr. Vincent S. Basha
Dr. Elena Sicilia Blanco
Dr. Jackie Chiang
Dr. Kang Hoon Ko
Dr. Tingyun Tsai
School of Dental Medicine
An Oath for the Dental Graduate
I solemnly pledge to devote my eorts to the care of my patients.
As a member of society, with special obligations, I will treat all
patients without prejudice, incorporating the knowledge and
skills instilled in me by my teachers.
I will practice dentistry in an ethical and professional manner.
I will hold in condence all matters related to them.
I will not hesitate to call upon my colleagues when their
knowledge and skills are needed.
I will make every eort to maintain, contribute to, and enhance
the quality of the dental profession.
I will constantly keep in mind that the practice of dentistry is a
true mingling of science, technology, and caring.
The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy
The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy
Order of Events
Greetings and Remarks Rachel Kyte CMG, F02, Dean, The Fletcher School
Special Presentation Robert L. Pfaltzgraff, Professor Emeritus
Jeswald W. Salacuse, Dean Emeritus and Distinguished Professor Emeritus
Remarks Lisbeth Tarlow, F84, F97, Chair, The Fletcher Board of Advisors
Alumni Greetings Linda Yeung, F91, Unified Commander for the COVID Command Center
City and County of San Francisco
Student Address Leslie Brock, Class of 2021
Student Address Neiha Lasharie, Class of 2021
Faculty Address Tom Dannenbaum, Assistant Professor of International Law, Recipient of the
James L. Paddock Teaching Award
Commencement Speaker Mr. Filippo Grandi, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Closing Remarks Rachel Kyte CMG, F02, Dean, The Fletcher School
The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy
Candidates for Degrees
Master of Global
Business Administration
Timothy Chang
Amanda Cordner
Connor Dowling
Shametria T. Durham
Kieley Filepp**
William J. Hunt III
Eric M. Johnson
Deborah Turner Kochevar
Joshua D. Kristenson
Xu Dong Liao
Tian Yang Liu**
Kennedy M. Luwisha
Magdalene R. Mbaga
Lauren J. Mears
Michael J. Natalizia
Alon Naveh**
Emma Parsons
Stephanie Pierce
Kate Shannon Poznick
Kadeem T. Pratt
Rebecca G. Santora
Eric J. Smith
William Stanton**
Taylor Stearman
Richard M. Wannall
Master of Arts in
Transatlantic Affairs
Morgane Brouri*
Stefano Cabras*
Sinan Hanioglu
Walissa Ho
Jonathan Nasrallah Misk
Maria Elena Sandalli*
Juan Schinas Alvargonzalez*
Pierre-Jean Thil
Master of Laws in
International Law
Needika Adhikari*
Shuichiro Arafune
Sophie H. Busin*
Fatema Dada**
Meryem El Amrani**
Elisabeth Marie Sophie
Mana Haraguchi
Akira Ichimiya*
Yuki Inoue
Prayank Jain*
David M. Kamanzi
Lela Kvaratskhelia*
Irina Langenegger
Miwa Okajima
Minako Tateno
Yuka Yoshihara*
Master of Arts in
Humanitarian Assistance
Elena Braghieri*
Hasangani Maheshika
Adam Salberg*
Master of Arts
Christopher W. Allsup**
Mark A. Bedner**
Jennifer Ma Belcher*
Stephanie Ann Bo*
Howarth Perry Boyle Jr.*
Jonathan D. Brandon
Michael D. Brasseur*
Timothy Edward Breen**
Anne Emily Caplin**
Kanti Sean Chakrabarti**
Koh Zhi Chao**
Donna O. Charles*
Aicha Cherif*
Salome Chokheli
Jason Scott Clarke
Mark Conway*
John Daniele**
Guillermo Luis Abel de los
Doreen S. Denice**
Faruk Fatih Deniz*
Samrat J. Dhar
Robert F. Dobek**
Sue E. Eckert**
Matthew James Feeley*
Shondell France*
Kirsten Yvette Glesne**
Vikram Gopinath*
Konstantina C. Gota*
Roberta L. Graham**
James B. Gray**
Elnur A. Guliyev*
Luke T. Harwath*
Albert Z. Haynes**
Sarah Elizabeth Holland*
William C. Horak**
Sayumi Ikeda*
Douglas James Ingham**
Rodney Jamison**
Dionysios Kaskarelis*
Kathryn Elizabeth
Oleg Khrabry*
David Corder Kovar**
Alexandra Elman Kriss
Brian J. Krupien*
Devika Lal**
Roger H. Maag**
Jerey James Marlough**
Dunya Maumoon**
William Matthew Fischer
Richard E. Merritt**
Mirgul Moldoisaeva*
Shayra Moledina
Alberto Montrond*
John Michael Moore**
Katherine S. Morison*
Alyse Nelson**
Robert Steven Nichols**
Timothy D. Otten*
Ravi K Palepu**
Andrew W. Palowitch**
Mildred Pantouw**
William J. Papp**
Keit Pentus-Rosimannus*
Jandi Potts*
Mustafa Qazi
Tamkeen Rasool
Earle Courtenay Rattray**
Laroushka Reddy**
Kimbia Aurelia Rey*
Arturs Saburovs*
Artemis Sapountzi**
Graham Clayton Scarbro*
Gal Shargil
Mustapha Shet Shehu*
Jennifer Lynn Sheridan**
Shatrughna Sinha*
Taylor Schiavitti Smith**
Ciara Smyth**
Bradley W. Snyder*
David J. Sorani*
Ryan Albro Stevens
Rebecca Anne Noel
*August 2020 **February 2021 ^Honos Civicus Society
The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy
Candidates for Degrees
Nikolaos Stratikis
Leago Stella Takalani*
Mrinal Tayal*
Benjamin J. Tedder*
Gerald John Tigner**
Ovidiu-Adrian Tudorache*
Justin C. Van Hoose**
Chisaki Watanabe*
Andre Weber**
Ayesha Sarah Wharton*
Justin Mokry Will*
Troy M. Willman*
Gregory P. Wilson**
T. Andrew Wilson**
Richard Lance Wise**
Emmanuel Wondwossen*
Michael James Young**
Alexander Zhang*
Master of International
Parv Aggarwal*
Mohammad Uzair Akram**
Lauren Marie Basler**
Divya Chandra*
Guo Chen
Joshua B. Dockser*
Ming Dongfang
Aesclinn Donohue**
Danielle Avery Ebanks*
Iyob M. Gebremariam
Emmanuel T. Gebremeskel
Shawn Singh Ghuman*
Michael Graifman
Zikai Guo
Zijun Han
Richard Thomas Hill*
Pranav Jain
Danielle R. Kaidanow
Anne Starr Kirk
Victoria Kulesza**
Rebecca Shaina Kurland
Brian M. Larson**^
Yi Liu
Raymond Joseph Marolt*
Madhuri Mukherjee*
Abisola A. Owoyemi**
Arman K. Sapargaliyev
Anne-Sophie N.
Michael A. Semeraro III*
Elizabeth Sarah Blackburn
Scott Ferguson Snyder**
Srishti Sunil
Babar Taimoor**
Siva Teja Vemuri*
Yuan Yuan
Master of Arts in Law
and Diplomacy
Lalitha Adury**
Ernesto Aguilar
Elizabeth M. Alexion
Jeremiah J. Anthony
Nicky Caroline Armstrong
Matthew Walton Arnold**
Nicole L. Atallah
Constantine Atlamazoglou
William B. Ballard**
Asgeir Barlaup*
Padmini Baruah^
Samir M. Belkacem
Morgan E. Bell
Matthew M. Bendure**
Susanna R. Berman
Dominic Marc Bertram
Tarana J. Bhatia**
Yasemin Nur Bitlis
Sameer C. Boray
Nicole M. Bray*
Lesley Smartt Brock
Matthew B. Brophy
Nicholas G. Brown**
Lukas Paul Bundonis**
Annalise N. Burnett*
Mika Bray Carlin*
Rachel Carrillo
James W. Carroll
Madison Lynn Chapman^
Kaustubh Chaturvedi
Naina Chawla
Katherine E. Cheatham
Tashi L. Chogyal
Sean L. Christensen
Bennett I. Cliord
Sophie A. Clingan-Darack
Emilio A. Contreras
Evan B. Corcoran**
Anna P. Cumming**
Jerey Alan Cummings Jr.*
Layan Damanhouri
Marie T. David
Robert Davis*
Arthur Thomas Desloges*
Ellysse V. Dick*
Vanessa C. DiDomenico**
Madeline M. Diorio
Nathaniel W. Dobbin**
Danielle J. Douglas
Nicholas A. Dudek**
Megan M. Duy**
Noor A. Dughri**
Jonathan T. Duke
Ian A. Eder
Amaia Teresa Elorza
Erin G. Engstran
Paul D. Erickson
Natalia Espinosa
Laura K. Euller
Jacqueline Faselt
Maxwell J. Fathy**
Michael Karl Fitzgerald
Caitlin M. Flynn
Ian Franckling**
Camille A. Freestone
Ally E. Friedman
Koji Fujita**
Lucy Burke Fyler
Christine B. Gargan
Sarah H. Gold**
Phillip J. Gomez
Michael Gradus
Marie A. Gray
Samuel W. Green*
Lana Grom*
Nicholas J. Guarnaccia*
Gauri Gupta*
Gabriela M. Gutierrez
Andreas L. Hahn**
Kazuhiro Hamaya
Zarifa Hamidi**
Chelsea Elizabeth Hanlon
Megan Quinn Harris
Nanor A. Hartounian
*August 2020 **February 2021 ^Honos Civicus Society
The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy
Candidates for Degrees
Adam Hassan
Christopher B. Hayes**
Mariah Anderson Verney
Alexandra Schyler Heern
Charlotte L. Henderson
Alicia Liliana Hernandez
Joel Hernàndez**
Anuradha P. Herur*
John Robert Hess*
Drew Alan Hogan*
Carolyn Jordan House**
Timothy X. Hu
Saska Icitovic*
Melanie Idler
Margaret A. Jacobs*
Joseph Walter Jamison
Morgan Lynsey Jeeries
Tracy L. Jenkins^
Benjamin H. Johnson*
Erica Johnston
Abdussalaam Kako
Thaenpaavai Kannan*
Julian Crosby Kelly
Emily A. Kennelly
Alexander D. Kersten*
Grace Elizabeth Killian
Hyun Kim
Jiyeon Kim**
Kanako Kimura
Elizabeth M. Klapheke
Benjamin S. Krueger
Morgan J. Kuhar
Jacob Alan Kuipers**
Abigail J. Kukura
Nandini Kumar
Heather C. Kunin
Miyako Kurosaki*
Adriana Lamirande
Neiha S. Lasharie^
Nathaniel Albert Leslie
Nicole I. Leaver**
Alexander W. Leblang**
Benjamin G. Levy*
Jessica E. Liodos*
Donghe Liu
Arthur Man Ki Lo
Jayashri Lokarajan
Lucia G. Lombardo
Marina D. Lorenzini
Rocío Magali Maciel*
Kenneth Wayne Malbon**
Nitin Malik*
Samira Manzur
Carla Martinez*
Stephen Towain Marvie Jr.
Elizabeth N. Mathai**
Patrick T. Maxwell
David Mbai
Kristin C. McConnell*
Kaye T. McKean
Brian H. Mehan
Andrea C. Mejia
Jacob Ari Mendales*
Richard E. Merritt**
Narges Mohammad Mahdi
Anna Mitra Morgan**
Satoru Mori
Benjamin Morse**
Daniel C. Morton
Rebecca Elizabeth
Kelsey Ann Mullen*
Subin L. Mulmi**
Murielle Munyemana
Jacob A. Muro*
Krittika Nimar
Benjamin Noelle
Bridget K. Norris
Lila C. O’Brien-Milne
Daniel J. O’Connor**
Masrura M. Oishi^
Michael C. Olesberg
Eunice Banchiri Omaita*
Thomas Patrick Oswald
Jules A. Ottino-Loer
Seth Owusu-Mante Junior
Chloe Pan
Shifa Panwala
Darshan Ashvin Patel**
Marilena Christina
Marcia Pereira de Almeida
Diana C. Perez Cordova*
Ruth Ann Philip
Samuel Phillips-Corwin
Helen Rebecca Pittam
Kendra M. Poole*
Emily E. Prey*
Soa A. Przybylek
Christopher D. Pumford^
Bilal Rahmani
Aditya M. Ramachandran
Abhiramie Ramanan*
Aishwarya Ramani*
Sujay Ravikumar*
Olivia M. Reader
Jonathan C. Regnier
Meagan F. Reid
Matthew Christian Reitz
Jade Mercedez Rhoads*
Whitney K. Richardson
Hélène Camille Ries**
Garrett Robinson
Stephanie N. Roderick*
Sabrina Catherine Rose^
Pamela G. Rosen
Stefanie Rosskopf*
Gabrielle Y. Rousseau
Kelsey J. Rowe
Matthew J. Roy
Mikalyn Jean Rush*
Saba Sadri
Mohit Saini
Tomoki Sano
Jessica Sashihara**
Andrew D. Seligson
Chanyang Seo
Devang N. Shah*
Shehryar I. Shah
Sirjana Shakya**
Zachary Alon Shapiro
Ashley Virginia Sheehy
Eliza Grace She
Ameerah Nadeem Siddiqi
Yliana Silva Meurinne*
Cori M. Simmons
Anubhav P. Singh
Chiranjeev Singh
Damini Singh*
Devyani Singh
Alison Townsend Slack**
David Andrew Slungaard**
Eric D. Smith
*August 2020 **February 2021 ^Honos Civicus Society
The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy
Candidates for Degrees
Tania Fabienne Smith*
Benjamin J. Sohl
James N. Sojourner*
Kara Sparling
Phakajira Sricharoen
Kavya Srivastava
Richard S. Starks*
Aaron Warner Steinberg
Kristin M. Strong
Ta-Chun Su
Caroline Sugg
Kristin K. Sullivan*
Weixige Sun
Natcha Suwanmalee*
Georey Tam*
Yassitoungou Jessica
Fatima Hayriye Taskomur*
Alessandra Testa
Joseph Thomas*
Margaret Elizabeth
Mary Tower
Julie My Tra
Margot Tricot
Bryan Tudor
Ravy E. Uong
Laura Hayden Van
Francois J. Venne
Charlotte M. Vincent*
Elizabeth Vincent
Vikram Vinod
Meaghan Kathleen Busby
Ruijia Rose Wang
Kate E. Weine
Caleb Weiss
Ryan James Welby*
Matthew J. Welchert
Nikolas C. Westeld
Morgan Emelia Williams**
Gregory P. Wilson**
Victoria Yu
Tasa Zaman
Mario Zampaglione
Cassandra L. Zavislak
Hexi Zhang
Gillian D. Ziegler*
Joseph A. Zorokong^
Doctor of Philosophy
Mohannad T. Al-Suwaidan*
Dissertation: Distributional Policy Choices in Rentier States
Thomas Emmet Burke*
Dissertation: Anatomy of Dissent: Senior U.S. Military Leader
Resistance to the Use of Force in the Post-Cold War Era
Jeremy T. Gwinn^
Dissertation: By, with, and through: Explaining Effectiveness in
U.S. Unconventional Warfare
Easwaran Jayaraman Narassimhan
Dissertation: Green Industrial Policy: A Delicate Dance Between
Socio-Economic and Environmental Objectives
Bretton James McEvoy**^
Dissertation: White Self-Reckonings: The Possibilities for
Transformative Justice Contributions from Anti-Racist White
Activists in the United States
Haider Ali Hussein Mullick**
Dissertation: Nuclear Prison: Why Nuclear Rivals Reject Peace
Benjamin Joseph Spatz*
Dissertation: Cash Violence: Sanctions and the Politics of Power
and Peace
*August 2020 **February 2021 ^Honos Civicus Society
Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine
Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine Master of Science Program
Order of Events
Musical Prelude
Greetings and Remarks Alastair Cribb, D.V.M., Ph.D., Dean
Anthony Monaco, M.D., Ph.D., President
Introduction of Dignitaries and Alastair Cribb, D.V.M., Ph.D., Dean
Distinguished Guests
Deans Remarks Alastair Cribb, D.V.M., Ph.D., Dean
Presentation of Awards Presented by: Alastair Cribb, D.V.M., Ph.D., Dean
Z A F V R E
Recipient: Gillian Beamer, V.M.D., Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Infectious Disease
and Global Health
M.S. Class Address Julie Nicole Arnold, Class of 2021
Presentation of Diplomas Alastair Cribb, D.V.M., Ph.D., Dean
to M.S. Candidates
M.S. Faculty Address Allen Rutberg, Ph.D., Research Associate Professor of Biomedical Sciences
Closing Remarks Alastair Cribb, D.V.M., Ph.D., Dean
Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Program
Order of Events
Musical Prelude
Greetings and Remarks Alastair Cribb, D.V.M., Ph.D., Dean
Anthony Monaco, M.D., Ph.D., President
Bonnie Smith, D.V.M., V93, President, Massachusetts Veterinary
Medical Association
Introduction of Dignitaries and Alastair Cribb, D.V.M., Ph.D., Dean
Distinguished Guests
Deans Remarks Alastair Cribb, D.V.M., Ph.D., Dean
Presentation of Awards Presented by: Alastair Cribb, D.V.M., Ph.D., Dean
H E. C, D.V.M., A
Recipient: Corinna Beale, D.V.M., V09, Assistant Director, Tufts Surgical and
Interventional Research Laboratories
A A F C E
Recipient: Jennifer Grady, D.V.M., V12, Clinical Assistant Professor of
Clinical Sciences
Z D V T A
Recipient: Christopher M. Schonhoff, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of
Biomedical Sciences
Z A F V R E
Recipient: Gillian Beamer, V.M.D., Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Infectious Disease
and Global Health
D.V.M. Class Address Tatyana Jahn Kalani, Class of 2021
D.V.M. Class Gift Harris Taylor Fitzgerel and Tiana Nika Rangchi, Class of 2021
Presentation of Diplomas to Alastair Cribb, D.V.M., Ph.D., Dean
D.V.M. and D.V.M./Dual Emily McCobb, D.V.M., V00, Clinical Associate Professor of Clinical Sciences
Degree Candidates Stefano Pizzirani, D.M.V., Ph.D., Associate Professor of Clinical Sciences
D.V.M. Faculty Address John Berg, D.V.M., Professor of Clinical Sciences
Administration of the Alastair Cribb, D.V.M., Ph.D., Dean
Veterinarian’s Oath
Closing Remarks Alastair Cribb, D.V.M., Ph.D., Dean
Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine
Candidates for Degrees
Master of Science in
Animals and Public
Casey Anne Boyer*
Katie Elizabeth Dabney
Shannon Rose Giguere***
Natalie Gutierrez***
Mikhala Kaseweter*
Alexandria Nicole Laing*
Blythe Elise Owen*
Tara Catherine Reid*
Tania Roa*
Lauren Elizabeth Trifone*
Jessica Voorhees White***
Mavis Sara Wolf*
Master of Science in
Conservation Medicine
Brianna G. Blunck*
Kellie Lee Carter***
Aleta Grace Dam*
Liana Alicia DeNino*
Madison Leigh Evans*
Tara T. Francis*
Alexia Jeanelle Goodman*
Natalia Hannah
Katelyn Corrigan Hogan**
Sarah Kinicki*
Tyler Christine Leary*
Jet’aime D. Lewis*
Gerald T. McNeil III*
Christine Elizabeth
Jacqueline Ann Sanchez*
David Ross Segal*
Whitney Emma Smith***
Aria Nicole Stewart*
Haomiao Wei***
Master of Science in
Infectious Disease and
Global Health
Kandi-Anne Ali*
Julie Nicole Arnold*
Natalia Rubí Cid
Jessica Forbes DiStefano*
Daniel Gomez*
Brooke Howland*
Mirjam Louise
Aaron Matthew Olk*
Ian Harris Pelto*
Nitika Sansgiry*
Janine Simmons*
Doctor of Veterinary
Zoe Lynn Albee^
Rachael Elisabeth
Jennifer Anderle
Riley Kathleen Raskopf
Andrea Marie Azofeifa
Anna Bentley
Samantha Beynor+
Lionel Biggemann
Olivia Bolus
Sarah Alyssa Brattain++
Abby L. Brisbois
Margarita M. Brown
William Harrison Bryer
Kendall Marie Carlin
Cameron Reid Carow
Kelly Ann Chambers+++
Katie Clark
Olivia Court
Ashley Curran+
Mariah Kimberly-Jean
Nicole Lynn Desmond
Leah Catherine DeTolla
Sasha Regina DiNitto
Delaney Nicole Douglas+
Rebecca Michelle Dreizen+
Allyson Elizabeth
Asher Feldman
Asjah R. Fezio
Rachael Elisa Figueroa
Harris Taylor Fitzgerel
Ryan M. Flannery+
Sarah Flick
Gabrielle Stevena Fontes++
Margaret Elizabeth
Jessica Kimerer Gee+
Ruth L. Gertz
Evan Fitzgerald Grith++
Elliot Grossman+++
Tatiana Nasya Henry
Erin E. Horn
Jiaming Huang+
Angela L. Italia
Amanda Johnson+
Tatyana Jahn Kalani++
Nicolas Kaminow
Gregory Kidd
Kelley Lynne Kilpatrick
Hannah Kim+
Cambrey Catherine Knapp
Elizabeth Laquidara
Daniela Lopez Goicochea+^
Saraya Loretta
Brendan August Lynch^
Katja Mae McCall^
Caitlin Frost McHugh
Lucyanne Holden Megan
Benjamin Miranda
Caileen Rose Moran
Kendra Elizabeth Nowak+
Katherine Anne Olson
Amanda Oppold
Mary-Kate Catherine
Annabella Palopoli+
Nichole M. Patten
Olivia Pea
Abbey Mary Petronzio
Kayla Denara Prentice
Rachel D. Prestigiacomo+^
Amelia Ragon
Tiana Nika Rangchi
Vishwa Rasania^
Kathryn Aisha Rasp
Sarah Michelle Ray
Joseph Richard Rea^
Taylor Hope Reale+
Rebecca Elizabeth Reusch
Curtis Gary Rheingold+
Jennifer Lynne Saja
Megan Elise Salgueiro
Sasha Lee Santiago
Lauren Ileen Scanlon
Nicole Elizabeth Scott+
Lena Marie Seegars
Jay Aaron Sheintop
Christina Bonnie Shonk
Brittain David Shorter+
Kimberly Stein
Chaya Josette Storch
Rafaella Cristina Susara
*August 2020 **November 2020 ***February 2021
+Phi Zeta Honor Society ++Thesis ^Honos Civicus Society
Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine
Candidates for Degrees/Candidates for Certificates
Courtney Cannaday Toler
Edward Jason Unay
Sarah Anne Wilson+
Sara Ann Wlodarczyk-Li+++
Samantha Yao+
Natasha Yeh+
Hayden Aubrey Zinchuk
Doctor of Veterinary
Medicine and Master of
Science in Laboratory
Animal Medicine
Rachael Elisabeth
Caileen Rose Moran
Curtis Gary Rheingold
Doctor of Veterinary
Medicine and Master of
Public Health
Sarah Alyssa Brattain
Cameron Reid Carow
Nicole Lynn Desmond
Evan Fitzgerald Grith
Tatyana Jahn Kalani
Daniela Lopez Goicochea
Joseph Richard Rea
Candidates for
International Veterinary
Medicine Postgraduate
Riley Kathleen Raskopf
Sarah Alyssa Brattain
Kendall Marie Carlin
Cameron Reid Carow
Evan Fitzgerald Grith
Elliot Grossman
Tatiana Nasya Henry
Cambrey Catherine Knapp
Annabella Palopoli
Lauren Ileen Scanlon
Veterinarian’s Oath
Being admitted to the profession of veterinary medicine,
I solemnly swear to use my scientic knowledge and skills for
the benet of society through the protection of animal health
and welfare, the prevention and relief of animal suering,
the conservation of animal resources, the promotion of public
health, and the advancement of medical knowledge.
I will practice my profession conscientiously, with dignity,
and in keeping with the principles of veterinary medical ethics.
I accept as a lifelong obligation the continual improvement of
my professional knowledge and competence.
+Phi Zeta Honor Society ++Thesis ^Honos Civicus Society
The Gerald J. and Dorothy R. Friedman
School of Nutrition Science and Policy
Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy
Order of Events
Master of Ceremony Edward Saltzman, M.D., Academic Dean
Welcome from the Board of Trustees Theodore V.H. Mayer, A07P, AG20P
Member of the Friedman School Board of Advisors
Charge to the Graduates Dariush Mozaffarian, M.D., Dr.PH., Dean
Student Class Address Melissa Scott Gordon
Commencement Address Yvonne T. Maddox, Ph.D., President and Chief Executive Officer of the
TA Thornton Foundation
Presentation of Student and Faculty Awards Edward Saltzman, M.D., Academic Dean
S N. G, S J.  A A. S P
 R E  N S  P
M L M D M F A
J G S P
J M. B S A  E 
G N
R R A  E  C N
 D
F S O F M   Y A
M F A  P I
Closing Honoring All Graduates
Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy
Candidates for Degrees
Master of Arts in
Humanitarian Assistance
Elena Braghieri*
Hasangani Maheshika
Adam Salberg*
Master of Nutrition
Science and Policy
Yuilyn A. Chang Chusan*
Shadi Davanloo**
Lily Grace Doher*
Brigid Shaughnessy
Jill Patricia Goldring**
Emily Hale*
Vanessa Danette Hamilton*
Lynn Jump**
Amy Elizabeth Staten**
Carolyn B. Van Sant**
Master of Science/
Combined Dietetic
Alexis Matia Anderson
Hannah Claudia Cai
Yijie Cheng
Ziming Dou
Leah Marie Knizner
Jessica Ruth Seltz
Kelly Nicole Siverhus
Zoe Rose Tabakin
Master of Science
Janna Rae Adkins
Trad Abdullah Alroweilly*
Ngodoo Joy Atume*
Jordan Meloon Balletto*
Aliza Lena Baskir**
Lauren Marie Basler**
Dana Bourne
Amy L Brownstein
Blanche Uwase Butera*
Tatyana Nicole Camejo
Alessandra Cancalosi
Wan Chi Chang
Hanning Cheng
Gabrielle N. Casutto**
Leah Menon Costlow
Wenyu Dai
Amanda Dell
Taylor Ann Evans*
Lukman Owolabi Fashina*
Grace E. Flaherty**
Rachel Elizabeth
Melissa Scott Gordon
Jordyn Haley Gottlieb
Carly Elizabeth
Jeremy Michael Halstead
Martha Kathryn Holland
Sahrin Jahan*
Cora Elizabeth Kerber
Sarah Laves
Katie Huaxin Lei*
Jacqueline Paige Leon
Peiyun Christl Li
Ruogu Li
Siyun Li
Zhuoheng Li
Jung-Hsuan Lin
Yu Lun Lin
Anne Scott Livingston
Lauren Elizabeth Louck
Courtney Morgan Maa
Andrew W. May
Molly Catherine McDonald
Alexandra Marie McGowan
Elise Jean Mitchell*
Marianna Elise Moore
Tra Phuong Nguyen**
Laura Paige Penkert
Tram N. Pham
Samuel S. Polzin
Yanlin Ren
Gabrielle Bella Rivera
Tali Leah Robbins**
Alexandra Gabrielle
Lauren Elizabeth Sallade
Divya S. Saravana
Simone Justine Schenkel
Kees Henry Schipper
Delaney King Schurr
Ariella Francesca Sela**
Michelle M. Severs
Sirjana Shakya**
Shruti P. Shertukde
Berit Marie Stimmler-
Zhiyi Sun
Paul Alexander
Chia-Fang Tsai
Samantha Tweedie**
Yurika Ueda
Alexa Isabella Vasios**
Natalie Volin
Allison Michelle Wainer
Xuedi Wang
Yiqiao Wang**
Ziyu Wang
Keyi Wei
Sarah Wiemert
Beth Marie Williams
Maya Zamek
Yuruo Zhang
Yutong Zhang
Chengshu Zhu
*August 2020 **February 2021
Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy
Candidates for Degrees
Doctor of Philosophy
Yan Bai**
Dissertation: Quantifying the Cost of Nutritious Diets and Dietary
Impacts on Health: Economic Approaches to Global Food Systems
and Nutrition Transition
Advisor: Dr. William Masters
Ilana Rachel Ella Rose Cohen Clier
Dissertation: Longitudinal Growth Faltering among Young
Children in Burkina Faso
Advisor: Dr. Beatrice Lorge Rogers
Jessica Lea Ellis*
Dissertation: Dietary and Gut-Derived Menaquinone Metabolism
Advisor: Dr. Sarah Booth
Gloria Guevara Alvarez
Dissertation: Adoption of Maize Seed and Storage Technology
by Low-Income Farmers in Mexico and Malawi
Advisor: Dr. William Masters
Hiya Amer Mahmassani*
Dissertation: The Role of Dietary Lutein and Zeaxanthin in
Cognitive Function in Early Life: A Prospective Study in
Project Viva
Advisor: Dr. Paul Jacques
Anastasia Marshak**
Dissertation: Preventing Child Wasting: Generating Evidence
on the Impact of Multi-Sectoral Programming and Wasting
Seasonality in Goz Beida, Chad
Advisor: Dr. Elena Naumova
Ashley Cathryn McCarthy**
Dissertation: Assessing the Biophysical Capacity and Natural
Resources Required to Increase and Geographically Diversify Fruit
and Vegetable Production in the United States
Advisor: Dr. Christian Peters
Caleigh Mae Sawicki*
Dissertation: Role of Dietary Carbohydrate Quality and the
Maintenance of Cardiometabolic Health
Advisor: Dr. Nicola McKeown
Katherine Rachel Schneider**
Dissertation: Household Consumption, Individual Requirements,
and the Affordability of Nutrient-Adequate Diets—An Application
to Malawi
Advisor: Dr. William Masters
Akriti Singh*
Dissertation: Environmental Enteric Dysfunction during Moderate
Acute Malnutrition in Sierra Leone: Examining the Burden,
Causes, and Consequences
Advisor: Dr. Beatrice Lorge Rogers
Jisun So*
Dissertation: Eicosapentaenoic Acid and Docosahexaenoic Acid
Differentially Modulate Monocytes in Chronic Inflammation:
A Randomized Clinical Trial
Advisor: Dr. Stefania Lamon-Fava
Shumao Ye*
Dissertation: Effect of Dietary Pattern and Statin Therapy on
Gene Expressions in Gastrointestinal Tract and Relation to
Atherosclerosis in the Ossabaw Pig
Advisor: Dr. Alice Lichtenstein
*August 2020 **February 2021
Jonathan M. Tisch College of Civic Life
Jonathan M. Tisch College of Civic Life
Presidential Awards/2021 Honos Civicus Inductees
The only university-wide college of its kind, the Jonathan M. Tisch College of Civic Life studies and promotes the civic and political
engagement of young people at Tus University, in our democracy, and around the world.
Tisch College supports an undergraduate major in Civic Studies and oers innovative courses, programs, and partnerships, including
the Tisch Scholars Program, the Tus First-Year Global Programs, and the Tisch Summer Fellows Program. Tisch College houses several
non-partisan, independent research organizations, including: the Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning and Engagement
(CIRCLE), the Institute for Democracy & Higher Education (IDHE), the Metric Geometry and Gerrymandering Group (MGGG), the Center
for State Policy Analysis (cSPA), and the Tisch College Community Research Center (TCRC).
Each year, Tisch College honors and publicly recognizes graduating students across the university who have excelled in civic
engagement with the Presidential Award for Civic Life and induction into the Honos Civicus Society.
School Leadership Alan D. Solomont, Pierre and Pamela Omidyar Dean of Tisch College
Peter Levine, Associate Dean
Diane M. Ryan, Associate Dean
Jonathan M. Tisch College of Civic Life
Presidential Awards/2021 Honos Civicus Inductees
Since 1999, Tufts University
has presented the Presidential
Award for Civic Life to
recognize graduate and
undergraduate students for
outstanding achievement in
civic leadership.
2021 Recipients of the
Presidential Award for
Civic Life
School of Arts & Sciences
Eve Amanuel Abraha A21
Maria Fong A21
Zachary Intrater A21
Alexander James Lein A21
Issay Matsumoto A21
Saherish Surani A21
Sawyer Uecke A21
Lidya Woldeyesus A22
School of Engineering
Hezekiah Branch E21
René LaPointe Jameson E22
Cummings School of
Veterinary Medicine
Alexandra Fielding V22
The Fletcher School
Jeremy Gwinn F21
The Gerald J. and Dorothy
R. Friedman School of
Nutrition Science and
Allison Wainer N21
Graduate School of Arts
and Sciences
Chaveso Cook AG21
Allison Wainer AG21
Graduate School of
Biomedical Sciences
Alyssa DiLeo GBS22
Sadi Quiñones GBS23
School of Engineering
Graduate Programs
Sylvia Zijing Chen EG23
School of Dental Medicine
Tyler Brown D21
Tyrell Fridie D21
Omar Harmouche D21
Chardai Lyde D21
School of Medicine
Elyssa Anneser M21
Jonathan de Guzman M21
Elizabeth De Jesus M21
Omar Harmouche M21
LeAnn Louis M21
Jonathan M. Tisch College of Civic Life
Presidential Awards/2021 Honos Civicus Inductees
The Jonathan M. Tisch College
of Civic Life inducts graduating
students into its Honos Civicus
Society to honor and publicly
recognize those who have
excelled in civic engagement
during their time at Tufts
University. There are 145
Honos Civicus inductees
this year.
Honos Civicus inductees
School of Arts & Sciences
Eve Amanuel Abraha A21
Shershah Ali Akbar Khan A21
Julia Asfour A21
Alejandro Baez A21
Rebeca Eloisa Becdach A21
Hezekiah Joshua Branch A21
Olivia Anne Brandon A21
Rachel Milstein Breslau A21
Emilia Charno A21
Andrea J. Chavez A21
Erica DeBarge A21
Isabella M. Eisenhart A21
Carolina R. Espinal A21
Paula Gil-Ordoñez Gomez A21
Julia Grier A21
Sharif Hamidi A21
Jillian Impastato A21
Zachary Intrater A21
Alexander James Lein A21
Alessandra Moreno A21
Rhys Lyons Murphy A21
Meghan O’Brien A21
Guillaume Pailhoux A21
Taite Pierson A21
Mikel Roberto Quintana A21
Evan Winslow Robison A21
Griffen Hirsch Saul A21
Saherish S. Surani A21
Matthew R. Tolbert A21
Sawyer Uecke A21
Jordyn Marie Voss A21
Katherine Walsh A21
Zara Wermers A21
Michael Thomas Wilkinson A21
Caroline Wolinsky A21
Gabriel Lucas Yerdon A21
Cummings School of
Veterinary Medicine
Zoe Albee V21
Riley Aronson V21
Daniela Lopez Goicochea V21
Brendan Lynch V21
Katja McCall V21
Rachel Prestigiacomo V21
Vishwa Rasania V21
Joseph Rea V21
The Fletcher School
Padmini Baruah F21
Alexander Betley F21
Madison Chapman F21
Jeremy Gwinn F21
Tracy Jenkins F21
Dillon Martin Sunyung Kim F21
Brian Michael Larson F21
Neiha Lasharie F21
Bretton James McEvoy F21
Rebecca Elizabeth Mullaley F21
Masrura Mariam Oishi F21
Christopher Donald Collin
Pumford F21
Sabrina Rose F21
Meaghan Waff F21
Joseph A. Zorokong F21
The Gerald J. and Dorothy
R. Friedman School of
Nutrition Science and
Lauren M. Basler N21
Hannah Claudia Cai N21
Alessandra Cancalosi N21
Grace Flaherty N21
Katie Lei N21
Elise J. Mitchell N21
Tra Phuong Nguyen N21
Graduate School of Arts
and Sciences
Jessika Brenin AG21
Aqsa Butt AG21
Mikaila Christopher AG21
Chaveso Chevy Cook AG21
Becky Eidelman AG21
Abigail Epplett AG21
Amin Fahimi Moghadam AG21
Mary K. Gawron AG21
Patrick Higgins AG21
Cecilia A. Hinojosa AG21
Bailey Hu AG21
Haley C. Leishman AG21
Gina Mantica AG21
Aliesha J. Porcena AG21
Graduate School of
Emelyn Chiang EG21
David B. Pearl EG21
School of Dental Medicine
Tyler Brown D21
Tyrell Fridie D21
Arjun Gupta D21
Omar Harmouche D21
Emerly Hsu D21
Irene Lang D21
Gina Lighter D21
Lauren Lubowitz D21
Chardai Lyde D21
Kaitlyn O’Connell D21
Colleen Oleynik D21
Alexandra Penta D21
Daniela Rendon D21
Gabriela Sangiovanni D21
Shannon Walsh D21
Alexis Yip D21
School of Medicine
Katherine Stearns Badger M21
Zachary R. Barbati M21
Louisa Jacqueline Bauer M21
Rebecca Kruger Bell M21
Shreya Bhatia M21
Jeffrey Michael Breton M21
Nicole Cassarino M21
Sydney Char M21
Melanie T. Chen M21
Jonathan Irvine de Guzman M21
Elizabeth Manuela De Jesus M21
Sarina Dutta M21
Ista Ariane Egbeto M21
Elizabeth Groban Fischman M21
Adriana Laura Flores M21
Leah Maya Fortson M21
Tej V. Ganti M21
Candice Noel Gard M21
Yara Mohammed Gorashi M21
Robert Raymond Hall III M21
Haley Elizabeth Huggins M21
Nathanaelle Onyinyechi
Ibeziako M21
Rachel Abigail Jackson M21
Astrid Kempainen M21
Susan J. Kim M21
Saki Kitadai M21
You Min Evelyn Lee M21
Emma R. Livne M21
LeAnn Alisha Louis M21
Luba Bandanya Margai M21
Hannah Rose Martin M21
Alison Lyengu Moky M21
Lindsay Palmer Newton M21
Bridget Cecilia Olsen M21
Jacquelyn Erin O’Sullivan M21
Alexander Louis Powell M21
Claire Fiona Price M21
Rachel Joana Reindorf M21
Shayna Rose Rubenstein M21
Sabhyta Sabharwal M21
Jeffrey Ryan Savarino M21
Avneet Kaur Soin M21
Idy W. Tam M21
Jonathan Volkin M21
Katelyn R. Ward M21
Ann Elizabeth Whalen M21